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© © Alf Bailey Photography 2014

Murky-Morning-at-Mill-Wood (Click for larger view)


Copyright: @AlfBaileyPhotography20141/1000 @ F/5.6 Focal Length 45mmISO 560 Hand Held


© © Alf Bailey Photography 2014

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I think everything has been said about this marvelous photo. I will just add my compliment. Thank you for commenting on my photo.


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This one definitely MUST be viewed 'Larger' for it's then revealed full details to be fully appreciated.  Not much else to add that hasn't already been said but I'll echo the opinions that the decision to present in B&W was a good one.  Love the morning mist which adds a moody atmosphere.   Kudos for getting up early enough to capture that.   The human element, while going largely unnoticed, provides another element of mystery.  Suspect in the murder mystery or simply strolling down the lane to fetch the mail?  I also agree that the tree branches, while also acting to frame the subject add a spooky element, like they are reaching out to seize anyone daring to approach.  And sharpness throughout does no harm to this offering.  Do you find that your heart beats faster when a scene like this is presented to you.  :-) Mine would.  Best, Len. 

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Thank you so much, this location has a lot of historical significance and some great buildings!


Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback, I was fortunate to catch it right with the morning light.


Best Regards 






Dunham Massey is a great National Trust park and free for members to enter. There are beautiful old buildings, spooky woods, a magnificent House and Deer roaming the many acres , I could spend a whole day here and often have, but winter is my favourite time.

I have to admit when considering the composition I saw the large tree as a problem at first, until it dawned on me it could part of the solution : - ) 

Sincere Thanks and Warm Regards 






Your interest and kind words are truly appreciated. Thank You! 






Always good to read your well considered views!

The colour version was nice, but then "nice" wasn't really what I wanted to achieve and I think the B & W better conveyed the mood I wanted to portray. 

One of the reasons I love winter is because I don't have to leave the house at 3.00 am to get decent light, and on really misty days I can shoot all day. Unfortunately this wasn't one of them, but I was grateful to get a couple of shots first thing. 

Yes, I agree that the dark branches do enhance the spooky atmosphere. There is another image somewhere in my portfolio "The Bane of Bogle Wood" which I think is even more spooky and that shot was taken in the same park about half a mile away. 

Good question about the heart racing by the prospect of a good capture, and the answer is yes it does usually, in fact sometimes I can't even hold the camera steady, another reason I carry a tripod everywhere! But on this occasion I didn't really get over excited, in fact I didn't even consider it would be worthy of posting until I converted it to B & W and even then I was doubtful about it. In all honesty I am amazed by the amount of interest and positive feedback this one has generated, but nonetheless thankful! 

Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and most generous comments! 


Best Regards 




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What a beautiful image Alf! I love the mood and how you composed it. I imagine myself sitting under the trees reading a great book, hearing the birds singing and giving me a concert, and a peaceful breeze that brings the odors of earth. You truly made my day with this excellent photo. :)

Warmest regards,


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Thank you so much! 


It is a beautiful country park and the old mill is very photogenic.  It is very peaceful early morning, but get very popular towards mid day.  Winter is my favourite time of the year, less crowds and better light for longer : - ) 

Warm Regards 



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Hi Alf, a wonderful capture. You have managed to combine everything perfectly (IMO) to create a mysterious mood to this old Mill and the trees around it. Great B/W processing. With best wishes. Sarah

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Back for another visit.  After reading the comment by Dimitris above, I wonder if you can elaborate on how you created the mist.  It does look very natural.  Amazingly so!  

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Thank you so much, it's really very gratifying to read that mysterious nature if the Mill was communicated successfully. 

Best Wishes






Of course if I tell you I'll have to kill you! : - ) 

But seriously it's very simple.  I chose a day that has en element of mist albeit in the background for the photo. When Processing I then match the colour and density in photoshop (before converting to B & W)  by choosing a soft brush with something like 25% opacity and 15% flow.  Then it's just a case of brushing in the mist applying layers. To make it look authentic graduate the density of the mist by applying more layers in the distance than the foreground.  Use the erasor tool to remove any excess,  but again do it gradually with similar settings for opacity and flow. 

Hope this explains it, but if there is anything you still need to know, you only have to ask. 


Best Regards 




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Well Alf as usual I'm late to the party. This is simply wonderful, especially viewed larger as then so much detail comes forth. This is one of my favorites of yours. I especially think b&w makes it that much more effective in its mood setting. Just great my friend.

Best Always,


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Thank you so much for your input and encouraging feedback, much appreciated!

It's a wonderful location for these moody spooky images, and it was first choice for my "Grim Reaper" shoot, but alas that will have to wait for another day.

Best Regards 



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Well, I think this is a record.  I don't think I've ever left 3 comments on an image before!  :-)  Thanks for your explanation above.  Even after attending photo school, I'm still not great at Photoshop.  I'm marking this as a favorite, and I'll use your tutorial with my own experimentation once I learn more about Photoshop and can utilize your information.  What's remarkable is how natural this looks!  Thanks for being so generous with your knowledge, Alf!  

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I deliberated about cloning out that solitary figure, but I am now glad I left it in, it  seems to have added another little element of mystery to the scene.


Sincere Thanks






Definitely a record for one of my images to get a third visit! : - ) 


Photoshop is a huge complex piece of software, and I think it's important to concentrate on just the bits that you need to know to achieve your goals and learn in bite size pieces, one action at a time. 

Always a great pleasure to help Christal.




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Just thought I would tell you that I have just gone through your singles folder and this and the Awakening are my two top choices. I think that part of the reason is that I like a bit of mist. 


Keep up the fine work,

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Thank you for taking the time to look and let me know what appeals to you, it really is very helpful. 

I have to admit I have a weakness for misty scenes myself. I re-visited the location where "The Awakening" was taken last Sunday, and although I haven't processed any of the shots I am hopeful that I have one or two decent ones.

Thanks again Tony! 




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Hi Alf-Well, I,m back again,hopefully,this time for good. If a person is looking for something different than this is the site to visit . Am really impressed with your B&W images & this one is really good don,t believe you could pick a better viewpoint . Love the heavy black tree with it,s branches extending to the roof, a perfect frame. I envy you with all your old buildings, over here they are quick to demolish older buildings.Best Regards-Ross
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Good to hear from you I hope you are keeping well.

We are most fortunate in the UK. We have an organisation called "The National Trust" of which I am a member. They do a lot of conservation work and spend millions each year ensuring that our heritage is preserved. 

Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words Ross



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Hi, Alf! I lost my breath, really! I wish I had those writing abilities to describe my feelings...Such a pleasure to look at it! My best regards, Tamara
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Thank you so much for your interest and kind words.  

This is one of my favourite winter locations, and always better when it's foggy. 

Warm Regards 



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