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© © Alf Bailey Photography 2014


1/60 sec @ F/11ISO 140 Focal Length 32 mmTripod


© © Alf Bailey Photography 2014

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The fence plays a more dominant role in this one, my intention being that it would form

a leading line and a kind of contact point from which the viewer kind of leans on the

fence to take in the scene. All opinions, preferences and comments are very welcome.

Thank You.

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I actually think that I like this even better than your last upload. Is more geometrically balanced.

Well done once more my friend!.


Warm regards.



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Alf, con este trabajo demuestras que dominas la composición, esta es fantástica. Te felicito.


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The scene, exposure & lighting are spot on.  And this seems sharper than the other one.  I like the sky of the other one and the clean reflection of this one.  But it looks like you tried a bit too hard to place the fence at the predictable point-- the dip in the hills.  I'm wondering if a vertical could work with the fence as a lead line?  But I imagine you may need to stand on a tall ladder to achieve what I have in mind. 

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I don't think I have any more to say re previous comments.  It's bolder and works for me. As per Jeff, not too many possibilities to get higher. You could climb the fence but if you fell,  it could be calamitous and could make you a bit crotchety.

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Hi Alf,

 A stunningly beautiful image. The fences lines lead into the photo and the reflection is quite breathtaking. I like the brightness of the sky and its reflection the most. Best wishes for a Happy New Year to you and your family.

Best Always,


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Many Thanks for your interest and kind words! 


Best Regards






What! No ducks, crocodiles or low flying elephants?  lol


Sincere Thanks Mike! 






I think you are right, it is generally more appealing I think and the geometric balance could be the key.

Sincere Thanks my friend! 





Gracias Joaquín, por su interés y comentarios positivos,








Many Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback, much appreciated.

I think the "predictable point" would only be predictable by experienced landscape photographers, and as such I am not unduly perturbed.  I did try a vertical composition but to be honest it just didn't look right. And of course not too many tall ladders about in a remote field in the Lake District for me to experiment with : - ) 


Best Regards 






As you may see from the shot, the fence is covered in frost, I don't mind falling into the icy water my skin is water proof, I'm not sure about the camera though : - ) 

Many Thanks Tony! 






Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback! It can be an awkward spot to photograph with the brightness of the sky and the darker area's on the hills at each side, but the ND  Grad seemed to do the trick.


Best Wishes to you and your loved ones for 2015







Thank you so much for your interest and kind words.


Best Regards 






Thank you for your visit and positive feedback! 








My thoughts on the "predictive viewpoint" is that it would only ever be predicted by a handful of landscape photographers and in some way perhaps that in itself is an indication that it's probably in the right place. I did try the vertical shot , and rather than it looking like it had more depth, it kind of looked squat and compact, so I think your observations are spot on!

Sincere Thanks for your considerations and thoughtful feedback.


Best Regards 






Thank you so much for your positive feedback, much appreciated! 


Best Regards 






I know you have many fine images of the UK's Lake District so I am not surprised that you find this appealing.


Many Thanks! 








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Alf,  This fence is for leaning and leading.  I find that the fence leads my eye into the image and adds interest.  Without it, you'd still have a nice reflection and landscape, but the fence adds dimension and interest.  Water seems to be an important element in your images.  What do you think about this?  This image proves that it's the head that leads the eye in creating images.  My compliments on your vision and insight.  Larry

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LOL, well, there are two Geese at the extreme right shore and here in Alabama if the water has a disturbance like on the right margin we would expect an Alligator.  I decided to give you a break with the analysis on this one.  It's enough to just look and enjoy... Mike

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Merveilleux ! Had to say it in French as it sounds even better than marvelous.  And, truly it is.  The lead line of the fence and subtle colours.  Must also have a look at the image the others are talking about as am a bit out of touch.

Warm regards, Jim                              ,

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Very good analogy and linking of words "leaning and leading" I like it.

Your observation about water being important is very accurate. I would say that 90 % of my work features water in some form or other. I find I am drawn to water, the possibilities of reflections, boats, mills and old jetty's are so attractive. Also water has a life of it's own, it leaves patterns in sands, takes on different shapes and textures when it moves, and adds a whole new dimension to some scenes. 

Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and observations Larry and apologies for my late response! 


Best Regards 






Arghh you  found the Geese I was trying to disguise them as pale stones : - ) I think they could be Swans actually masquerading as Geese! 

Swans can be quite aggressive, but thankfully not in the same league as Alligators.

Glad you enjoyed it Mike! 


Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words! 

The fence is much more dominant n this one, and seems to be more popular.


Warm Regards




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Beautiful clarity with this composition Alf. I like your POV and find it very pleasing, especially when I consider the reflections in the water. The image has a lovely sense of Balance for me. Your adventures in the Lake District always deliver some spectacular results that I think you should be and are pleased with. Congrats on this one. Dynamic composition!

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Thank you so much for your thoughtful feedback, much appreciated! 


Best Regards 






It was still calm and very clear, but within 15 short minutes the sky changed to a haze over the mountains and the snow began to fall. It was just beautiful to witness.  I should post the next in the series that shows the beginning of the storm, and no fence : - )  but I think it might be getting repetitive. 

I love the Lake District, every visit is just another adventure waiting to happen! 


Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and kind words, very much appreciated! 



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