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© @ Alf Bailey Photography 2014

CHILLED (click for larger view)


1/15 sec @ F/8 Focal Length 27 mmISO 200Tripod


© @ Alf Bailey Photography 2014

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I didn't like the colour version of this shot and it wasn't until I came to delete it (9

months after taking it) that I decided to try a B & W version before it finally got binned

Kind of glad I did now. Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated. Thank


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Hi Alf, As always with your images the larger view affords us so much more in terms of detail and perspective. I like the choice of b&w for this. The reflection is excellent and a nice bonus to this beautifully composed landscape.

Best Always,


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As presented here, the file seems oversharpened and this takes away from the calmness of the image, leaving a jittery feel. I bet this prints up lovely though. B&W seems a good choice.

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I have not seen the color version, but black and white is beautiful. I like the composition of the image, the mirror effect in the water and the excellent range of grays. However I agree with Gordon about oversharpened, when the image is viewed at large.  Anyway, I really like this picture.

Kind Regards,


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Hi Alf,  

Yes, I really like this as a B&W and as a superb landscape period.  Your mark seems to be filling the frame with excellent compositions.  You have so many wonderful water reflection images.  I continuously marvel at and learn from  your work.  I understand that you want to define the space of the image with the black frame.  Otherwise, the image might look like it's drifting off the page because of the blank white sky.  Still, I think that the frame impedes the image - just my personal view.   It could be displayed on a mat that creates relief from the background.  How do you feel about the lack of contrast between the sky and the mountain?  Is this a positive or a flaw in your opinion?   Wonderful image, Alf.  I'd can picture myself standing on the shore of this calm lake.    Larry

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I don't know whether the light tones near the mountain tops are due to fog or postprocessihg.  Whatever the explanation, this certainly is a creative way to "highlight" these majestic peaks.  In my opinion, it works especially well when it comes to the reflections.  Also, the occasional dark tones of the trees provides a touch of contrast that counterbalances the lighter tonality.


B&W certainly was the right call for this image.  Bravo!


My best always,


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I haven't read the previous comments, but this is the epitome of a classic b/w landscape.  Subtle tones, crisp detail, and great composition.  Nothing to correct, just sit back and enjoy... Mike

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Many Thanks for your input and kind words, much appreciated!  

The colour version looked a bit washed out as the sky was filled with white / grey mist so I'm really pleased the B & W worked.

Best Regards 






Sincere Thanks for you most thoughtful feedback! 


You will find that most reflections are darker than their originator, and therefore that is where the greater perception of detail comes from. It is interesting to note some landscapes where the sky is actually darker than the reflection, and it is normally without exception that these images have been darkened with the aid of ND Grads, or PP dodge and burn methods or sometimes PP ND Grads too.  I have used all these methods when the needs have arisen, but mostly I like to leave things natural where possible.  You are quite right to point out the tight margin at the bottom, my only defence is that the original image does have sufficient space, but with the introduction of the black frame, it actually takes up space on the image (added in Nik Silver Efex Pro - 2) 


Thanks again Richard! 


Best Regards 







Many Thanks for your interest and kind words! 


Best Regards 







Many Thanks for your thoughts and feedback, much appreciated! 

As I remember, I didn't actually sharpen the image at all, however I did use software for B & W that imitates film (Nik Silver Efex pro- 2)  and maybe there was something in that process that caused the perception of over - sharpening. I shall investigate further.

Best Regards 






I am so pleased you liked this one, it was quite a consolation that the B & W version seemed to work. Please see previous answer to Gordon reference the sharpening. 

Sincere Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback.


Kind Regards 







Sincere Thanks for your most interesting and positive feedback, much appreciated! 


I think you have a good point about the frame, as you guessed it was aimed at setting a visible border and maybe if this web site had a darker background I wouldn't have bothered. The worst thing about Nik Silver efex, is that the frame (which is nice and easy to apply) actually takes up space on the image and not outside it, and this can create a problem where there isn't sufficient space.

As for the sky and lack of contrast with the mountain, well it was a winter morning and I have the benefit of knowing that the white sky is mist (typical Scotland) drifting over the mountain. The consequent reflection is darker (as always) and therefore a little bit more detail can be seen. 

It would have been very easy for me to use a PP ND grad to give more definition to the sky and mountain, but for me that would have ruined the mood. But then of course I was there, so I can understand your curiosity.

Thanks again Larry I really value your input! 


Best Regards 






Thank you so much, it was a still, freezing cold morning, but it felt good to be alive amongst all that I could see! 


Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated! 


Best Regards 







Right first time, it was mist drifting across the mountains, and so typical of a Scottish morning.  I didn't want to darken the sky as the "high key" look seemed to emphasise the cold look that I waned to communicate, and it's really pleasing to read that you think it works.

There were so many different species of tree's within a relatively small portion of land and the contrasts that you mention are the result.

Sincere Thanks for your well considered and positive feedback! 


Best Regards 






Good to hear from you, and thank you for your generous rating! 


Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your positive feedback, it came close ........I was in one of those "bin everything" moods! : - ) 


Best Regards 






I was thinking the same myself, (classic look) but with some reservation that it might come across as boring, however I have had some really great feedback and as always your contribution is very welcome, Thank you so much! 

Best Regards 



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Nice shot Alf. I usually try and come to a decision before reading the comments.  After going through all of the comments, my one 'nit' has been addressed multiple times. There is nothing more that I can add that has not already been said except to say that I wished I was there.

All the very best, 

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It doesn't appear over-sharpened to me, but I'm looking at it on a small monitor.  I love the sharpness and clarity, and it works spectacularly in B&W.  I think what makes it work so well for me is how the top just fades into the sky because of the fog.  I might have left a touch more breathing room at the bottom of the image, but nevertheless it's a very successful image!

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I kinda of wished you was there too, I'm sure we would have mutually beneficial notes to exchange : - ) 

My Sincere thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback! 


Best Regards 






Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it really is appreciated! 

The exact thing that makes it work as a B & W image (the mountain tops disappearing in the mist as you mentioned) was also the the element that made it fail (at least in my eyes) as a colour image. 

You are quite right about the "breathing room" at the bottom of the image, the original did have a bit more, but when applying the frame in Nik Silver Efex Pro - 2, it seems that the frame actually takes up space on the image itself, something I'll have to be cautious about in the future


Cheers Christal



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Where would we be without the huge diversification of personal taste! 


Thank you so much for your feedback!


Best Regards 



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Yes, it is a bit annoying, but in all honesty I only used the frame in this software because it's quick and easy, if space was crucial and I was preparing the shot for printing I would add the border in CS6 which wouldn't intrude on the image.

Nik silver efex is a great bit of software though, and I think you would love using it.


Best Regards 



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This reminds me of a pen and ink drawing, for some reason and you certainly chose the right moment to take the picture, when there was no wind to get that wonderful reflection. Well done !!.
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Sincere Thanks for your thoughtful feedback, much appreciated. 

Yes, I agree it does resemble a pen and ink drawing though it wasn't my intention, it just came out that way after some experimenting with the "Nik" software.

Like a lot of my images, it was taken shortly after dawn, and it seems that more often than not, the dawn not only provides the best light, but also seems to be the best time of day for minimal wind conditions. 

Cheers Dimitris! 






Scotland is a wonderful place and the area around Glencoe has scenery that must rank amongst the best in the world, I miss it already! 


Many Thanks & Best Regards 



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I think the final is very beautiful Alf. It is only through many of your images that I see the beauty of Scotland where my Mother's ancestors came from. I have always had a love of the History of Scotland. I may never be able to visit, but you have become my 'eye' into the beautiful scenic vistas that are Scotland. I can understand your love of Scottish terrain. Keep them coming :) Gail

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