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Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows;

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Thanks for sharing!  There are several things that work in this image.  First, the dramatic and contrasty lighting is spot on (no pun intended) for the subjects expression.  I like her wardrobe as it adds to the vulnerability of the subject and enhances the emotional impact.  Though a portrait, this is not a vanity portrait and looks to find an inner truth rather than compliment the beauty of the poser.  Though i like the natural vignette created by the spot lighting, i'm not sure i like the way her feet fall into darkness so that you can't see them. Also, i think you're using a barn door and that creates a harsh shadow line on the background in front of her body, it takes away (but not critically) from the natural style and makes it look a bit manufactured.  The one thing, however, that's really killing this image is the blue cloth she's sitting on.  going white or black would have been too harsh a contrast so i agree that you needed something mid-tone, but it kinda makes it look like a tablecloth thrown over a box...this breaks the illusion.  Normally i tell people to crop a lot out, but you made a good decision to surround the subject with darkness (enhanced as well by the square cropping) that creates a beautiful mood.  


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