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© @ Alf Bailey Photography 2014

The Gathering ( Click for larger view)


1/ 250 sec @ f / 8ISO 100 Focal Length 15 mm


© @ Alf Bailey Photography 2014

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The previous loch (Lake) I visited at dawn (Loch Sheil) had a slight breeze blowing

that rippled the surface, but on the way back to the cottage I spotted this one through

the tree's with a hardly a ripple on the surface. I won't bore you too much with the

stories of the journey to get through the tree's and over the fence, but suffice to say

after 30 minutes I arrived at the loch side with torn trousers, a smelly foot covered in

black boggy stuff, but with a smile on my face because of the sight that greeted me.

Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated. Thank You

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Alf it was worth the struggle. A prime example of an excellent wide angle. From the rocks in the foreground to the mountainous background and a very nice reflection. A beauty Alf.

Best Always,


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your trek paid off.  This image is stunning (especially the larger view).  Love the rocks in the foreground, and the colors  and reflections are excellent.  This should be hanging on someone's wall.  

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Love your art, Alf.  That camera and lens combo in your hands yields incredibly crisp images.  And, great title!

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I love the rocks in the foreground, they give a fantastic balance to the composition. Beautiful colours, nice tone, fresh air, everything is lovely presented. Amazing image.

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Great shot! Perfect symmetry in the water and endless depth of field. This is wonderful. And I love the cloud patterns too.

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Hi Alf!

Beautiful landscape photography... harmonious composition and color palette creates a serene atmosphere in this image.

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Hi Alf, wow! This is so crisp and clear. The composition and lighting is superb and has to go into my favourites. Beautiful work! All the Best. Sarah.

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A glorious shot Alf, great composition and clarity. Worth the labours of hercules you went through to get it.


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Pristine air, clouds, mountains, rocks, reflections and perfect composition. Your usual superb image.  But about that "black boggy" stuff... alligator poop (I think I see one out there!) ;-)... Mike

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Many Thanks for your interest and kind words.  

I think that's quite an accurate statement, invariably the best landscapes and perspectives seem to be in the most inaccessible places : - ) 


Best Regards 






Good to hear from you I hope you are keeping well! 

The early morning light is the best conductor of colour.


Sincere Thanks 






This time it was worth the struggle, but of course you don't get to see the ones that were not : - ) 

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards Always 






Many Thanks for your thoughts and encouraging feedback, I think I might have a couple of orders for this one already.

Best Regards 






Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback!

I have to admit, the lens/camera combo are quite consistently very good! 


Best Regards 






You are quite right, the rocks do help to balance the image. I took a few shots about 200 meters away where there were no rocks and the images lacked some impact by comparison.

 Many Thanks & Best Regards 




DJ May 


Many Thanks for your interest and kind words! 


Best Regards 






Thank you so much for your positive feedback! 


Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your positive feedback! 


Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your thoughtful feedback, much appreciated! 


One of the advantages of using a wide angle lens is that it tends to accentuate dynamics and cloud patterns.


Best Regards 






It was a beautiful morning, my only regret about finding this lovely place, was having to leave it! 

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards 






Thank you so much for your unwavering support and kind words, much appreciated! 


Best Regards 






Many Thanks my friend! 








I am very honoured that you consider this a favourite Thank  you! 


Best Regards 






It was worse than the mud at Meols Beach : - )  but yes ultimately worth it.


Sincere Thanks & Best Regards 






As is usually the case, the right place at the right time, but then in Scotland it's nearly always the right place and the right time : - ) 

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards 






Thankfully no Aligators in these parts, but it might be a baby Loch Ness Monster on vacation! .......hate to think of the size of it's poops though : - ) 

Many Thanks Mike, you never fail to bring a smile along with a very keen eye! 


Best Regards 






Sincere Thanks for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated! 


Best Regards 







Many Thanks! 



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Sorry Alf about the "weird stuff" on your feet but I guess nothing comes easy in this life.  Also, once more patience and persistence reward those who dare and are after their goal.  You got what you deserved my friend.  A stunning landscape, full of clarity and detail with amazing reflections on the water.  Once again bravo for your efforts!  Cheers!

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Foreground interest, clarity, breaking light on the mountain, reflection,  all add up to a superb image. Congrats!

I think I see a 2nd image. That would require moving to the right and moving the foreground rocks to the left side of the image and including a bit more of that richly colored grass on the right.

You making me salivate with the thought of 5 or 6 more shots here. Perhaps even a panoramic image! Perhaps a portrait shot with those rocks and the delicately lit mountain. 

I know how fast lighting and wind conditions can change so you probably did the wise thing by concentrating on this shot - a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush is still good advice.

All the very best,




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Thank you so much for your interest and positive feedback, very much appreciated! 

Sometimes you have to go the "extra mile" to get what you want and sometimes it comes to you, but in this case I definitely had to make it happen!  The soggy foot was a tiny price to pay.

Best Regards 






Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and considerations.

Your invaluable advice from previous interchanges has paid off here, as every aspect you described I carried out. In all I must have taken about 12 shots from various heights and angles, including 3 portrait orientated shots. I am pleased with all of them and could have posted any one, but this one captured the dynamics of the clouds a bit more and so I chose this.  I was also very fortunate on this occasion as the loch stayed completely still without a ripple for the whole session.

Cheers Tony all the best to you! 



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Another superb composition. Nicely balanced and the blue of the water and sky has a very calming effect...My eye goes first at the subtly lit mountain top, then I examine the beautifully sharp foreground... What impresses me is the calmness of the water that reflects that sky beautifully. I almost wish that that bit if land on the right wasn't there. Never the less a wonderful composition Alf and well worth all the troubles you had to get there. Very well done my friend.
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