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A Stroll (Please click for larger view)

Artist: Christal Steele;
Copyright: © Christal Steele;

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I loved how the colored shirts matched the environment. This appears

perfectly sharp on my computer, but when I load it to PN it is no longer

sharp. It it because it's so busy? I darkened it a bit, which helped, but it's

still pretty soft with not nearly as much detail as was captured in the


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The two individuals strolling here in this beautiful Fall scene make a big difference for me in terms of aesthetics. Well done.  There is a part of me that wants to increase the black level (PS Levels) just a tad but the way you have it still looks great.

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The site does some compressing, you can check by downloading it large size and see is it with same size as the one you posted! However, this scene doesn't need details and sharpness, it's wonderful as it is!


Best regards, Christal!



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A perfect way to spend a Fall afternoon and this looks absolutely real, like we're there.  As for sharpness, I think it's fine as is but I usually over sharpen my image during resizing to overcome the posting issue (not to the point of looking crunchy, but a small adjustment)... Mike

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A lovely combination of light shadow and autumnal colour.  The colours look realistic to me, particularly as noticed when the sun strikes the vegetation. The scattered leaves, horizontal shadows and placement of the strolling couple make the composition ideal! 

The sharpness looks ok to me, however if you notice a distinct difference in sharpness, try the following: - when re-sizing the image, resize to double the intended final size, then go to "sharpen" in photoshop, then resize to final size. Finally when saving click "save for web".......see if that process makes a difference.

Compliments & Best Regards 



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You know, you're worth having around sometimes.  I tried a few quick examples with your method and I don't see that it's any more sharp, but the pixels seem smoother.  More testing to follow ;-)... Mike

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I agree with you about the blacks.  It doesn't actually make the image any sharper, but it does give the illusion of sharpness because there is more contrast.  Thanks!

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Pierre.....thanks so much!  Good to hear from you!  I've been away from PN for about 5 months, so I'll get over and see your new work soon.


Bill.....come on over any time if you need your deciduous tree 'fix'.  :-)  Thanks!


Mike....yeah, I kept going back to sharpen it more, but I still wasn't getting what I wanted.  I almost gave up, but the image does kind of have a nice fall feel to it, so I decided to include it.  Thanks!


Patsy....thanks!  And I'm jealous that you live so close to the Smokies!


Alf....thanks for taking the time to explain your process.  I'll definitely try it when I get a chance!   I'm afraid I've been remiss by not checking on your new work!  Oh....also everyone above as well.  I'm just getting my life back together after being gone for 5 months.  But I'll get back in the swing of things again soon!  Good to hear from you!


Mike....please let me know your verdict on Alf's process.  Although you have such tack sharp images.....can't imagine they could get much better.   :-)



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On my last posting of Pigeon River I used my method of reduction/sharpening, Alf's method (as I understand it) and then my method and saving to web.  The differences were minute for that particular image but there is no (IMO) one method that can apply to every image.  Each seems to need a custom tweak here or there... Mike

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I can't pretend to be the founder of that particular method of re-sizing / sharpening, it was I believe  Marc Adamus  that came up with that one, but it works for me.  But as you rightly say, there is no one recipe for success that fits all, and indeed there is no one way of achieving it with software like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop the processes are seemingly infinite! 




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Mike and Alf, right you both are.  Still, some day when I have some time on my hands I'll experiment with your method, Alf......and I also have some sharpening tips you sent me a long time ago, Mike.  I'm finally getting pretty good at sharpening for printing....it's just when reducing the file size and posting here that I sometimes have trouble.  I'll keep working at it.  Thanks, fellas!

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