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© Dimirtis G Vasiliou

Shingle and Rust. (Please view larger).


f11 200th sec @17mm ISO200 hand held.


© Dimirtis G Vasiliou

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All along the beach in Dungeness there are are witnesses to a bygone

era... Thank you for viewing and commenting.

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Hi Dimitri

Excellent POV ,the detail is outstanding,somehow the scenery (I dont't know why ) looks familiar.

My best regards

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Thank you very much,my friend !. But strictly speaking this is not really a landscape but never mind...-:) .






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Now I see what you mean about the "Landscape" criteria.  I took a few similar images of an abandoned slate mine with machinery in the foreground and I would have still categorised them as landscapes. 

Sometimes the inclusion of a man made item like this winch can accentuate the wild beauty of the surroundings. 

This has your usual great sharpness and detail and I love the textures. And I also like the way you have chosen a low angle to take the shot, thus allowing the rust colour to contrast directly with the sky.  The shed in the distance adds depth and some mystery as to it's purpose,  though I am guessing it was a fisherman's hut. 

Now I am being very picky, but I wonder if it was possible to take this shot from the right hand side of the winch thus eliminating the wooden structure that seems to intrude and maybe cause imbalance. Of course the photographer is always in the best position to judge these things, but I am just curious and offer this consideration with the greatest of respect to your work!

Quality Image! 


Best Regards my friend! 



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Very well composed theme Dimitri with great perspective....amazing DOF and beautiful natural colors...!!!... successfully captured find....!!!


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Your guess is right..It was a fisherman's hut draped with some old nets. You are not being 'very picky',your advice is always valuable to me. There were other objects that I did not want to include in the composition and I agree with you that the boat wreck to the right of the picture is producing an imbalance. The composition is not cropped and I chose it as the wreck to the right points towards the center of the picture so do the clouds on the top right, the grass on the extreme left, the sky on the top left and the shingle in the foreground left. It sort of works for me...-:).

I want to thank you, Alf, for taking the time to write such an extensive and constructive comment!


Best regards !.

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There are too many interesting finds on that beach and generally in that area...a journey into the past or a marine 'antique shop'...Thank you very much for your visit and comment my friend!.


Warmest regards.

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I'm glad to see you back on PN, Dimitraki!


This picture is very strong especially the right use of the ultra wide lens! Great composition and colors among other!




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Thank you for your visit and your warm welcome my friend. Your opinion is always valuable.


Warm regards.



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