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© Laura Marco (c) 2014

Sleeping Garden



© Laura Marco (c) 2014

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Fine Art

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Before being born, warmth, security, sweetness and our union being

in the womb are unique. The most basic thing to start living. When

we are born to some extent we lose everything, in favor of other

experiences in life, such as independence and personal

accomplishments. However, we never stop from bringing back our

memories of that time and the need to depend on where we come

from. Even sometimes we surprise ourselves happy and without

realizing huddled in position "supine", the most essential.

Since we can not return to the womb, the only thing left is the heat of

the Earth where we will all return, one by one ... slowly but surely.

She welcomes us like in the womb. The hanging vines can be

umbilical cords, there is the same peace and the same harmony, do

you not perceive it ?, loneliness, only we lack the low sound of

maternal heart that will not return. Now, leaves crunch under some

bird footprints, wind sounds, our breathing ... nothing else. There

coming back, hunched, supine, ... or not.


Comments are welcome! Thank you!.

Please click on the work to see colours in the original size!

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I always thought that music, literature, photography ... everything is intertwined, one thing helps to understand the other, to be able to feel Art. So, I'd like to accompany this work with the tune "Fresh Air" © JCS, very short but intense and beautiful. Recording is made at home. These days I have had one of my works in the Forum Photo.net Elves, "Different Point of View", I feel really happy and I have learned a lot, I have more ideas in clear and I think I have defended myself like a lioness! :)

Aire-fresco recording © JCS

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this is a very beautiful picture and it has given me inspiration for this weekend!

I find the thing she's holding in her left hand a bit distracting?

nicely done

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Hi Laura, your picture cought my eye, and took me some time to comment.  I like it very much, the color range, poser and composition talk.  Congrats.  could be a painting!

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Dear Ralton,

One of the nicest things that you can tell me when looking at one of my works is: "it has given me inspiration", the best for me..., so thank you for the compliment and your pleasant visit and positive comment as well.

Have a nice weekend! Kindest regards, Laura Marco.

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Dear B. Bernardo,

I appreciate your comment on this work and it's very worthy for me. Especially your compliment: "it could be a painting". You leave a smile on my face.

Thank you very much for your so good comment and pleasant visit.

Kindest regards, Laura Marco.

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Dear Andrey,

Thank you for your pleasant visit and your so positive comment on this work. Your good rating as well, all is much appreciated.

I'm very glad you like this work. Kindest regards, Laura Marco.

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I will pretend as I had not read your novel in the request for critique, dear Laura!

As a matter of fact I didn't remember nothing of what I've read!

The embryo position you successfully used here is a well known to all of us as such and for me it points to a kind of a psychological state in which all of us find feeling of comfortable security and warmth, pleasant by all means!

The darkness all around adds to that notion for sure! I like to be bend that way in the secure darkness of my room covered with my quilt!


Thank you for sharing as they usually say!


Best regards




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Dear Dani,

Thank you very much!, much appreciated. I've got still in mind your wonderful depth of field... I'm thinking about playing again with this theme. Your last image of the gondola is amazing to the eyes of the observer.

Have a nice weekend! Thanks for your always pleasant visit.

Kindest regards, Laura Marco.

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Dear Ruud,

It's really nice that you've liked the lighting in this work. Thank you for your pleasant visit and for all!

Kindest regards, Laura Marco.

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Dear Pierre,

I'm not a writer, I wish I was a writer. I always have the need to say what prompted me to give shape to my work. I have the same need for writing than for taking photos or playing guitar, everything is intertwined in a nicely way.


It's wonderful that you enjoyed this work and I hope you found peace under your quilt being in supine, most basic posture for being in relaxation, both physical and in mind.


Thank you for your pleasant visit and for all!, always much appreciated!

Kindest regards, Laura Marco.

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Dear Wayne,

You've left me thinking thanks to your interesting comment. I did not realized I was making a p.o.v... but you tell me and that's true, because when looking at it, we still keep the objective angle of the camera but contemplate the garden cheek-to-cheek with the woman in the most subjective possible way, the most subjective angle.


Thank you very much for your witty comment, always pleasant visit and so good rating!

Kindest regards, Laura Marco

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Your biography says; "I'm always searching for new ways of conceiving life"  and you have most certainly done that creatively here with this image.


The human form in a fetal position is a key element and while the light gives this image a spark, I frivolously wonder about it's source if I imagine that this is all taking place in the womb. (*_*). Maybe it is the mid-wife wondering if you are ready to make a small trip.


keep up the excellent work,




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Dear Tony,

Thank you for this very curious interpretation, it's really nice and it made me smile. I do not know if I would be reborn again if I could, life is long and full of ups and downs. In adult life, uterus at this age for us could be only nature, i.e a quiet garden, lying in warm earth, not being able to reborn, but returned to the source of life.


I imagine that children should see a "light" at the end of the tunnel. It's a pity we cannot remember, neither our children can tell us. It's the Ω and the Ѡ, nature will be our Ѡ


Remember... we cannot return there, at least as children.


Thanks Tony for your nice comment, pleasant visit and rating! You're very kind, heartfelt thanks, Laura Marco.

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You are one creative soul with an amazing sensitive heart! Your photos are wonderful in every way mainly providing food for thought and spiritual awakening growth. Every time you comment on my images I get a lesson in seen deeper on my creative process for that I thank you very much! I am looking forward for your critique on my next image tittle WOMEN SHOULD WALK TWO FEET BEHIND THEIR MAN, just to bring the subject of gender equality. warm regards.
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Dear Jorge! thank you very much!. These are kind words and they go straight to my heart!, It's a pleasure for me that my comments can help you and be useful for you. Your comments do help me as well and they encourage me to go on.

Warm regards, Laura Marco.

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