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Car exhibition

Pierre Dumas

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Bellissimo..."Pierre Motor Show"! Queste erano macchine di un tempo lontano che ci riportano ai nostri...bei tempi, tempi più calmi, meno veloci, dove un viaggio era un vero piacere anche se sicuramente più scomodo!

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Ho una con diverse vetture vecchie sulla stessa scala! Sì, quelli erano i tempi di pace e migliori! Sto anche cercando per la tranquillità del passato!
Grazie mille per la Tua Visita preziosa!


Pietro il l'amante dei bei vecchi tempi!

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Excellent art work. Colourful and imaginative, a thoroughly original idea.


We just had the Annual Motor Show here in Paris where it would have had significant impact, though it might be suitable also for an E.N.T. Clinic ? .... : -)

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Welcome and thank you for your compliment to my picture, John!


I didn't understand for what kind of clinic my picture could be useful, though!


Cheers to that!



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I am reminded of  the Forrest Gump movie where life is described as a box of chocolates - you never quite know what you will get when you open it.  And so it is with your portfolio when I visit, you are always pleasantly surprised.  3 'herbies" - a wonderful car in it's day and even the reincarnated ones we see today.

nebojsa tasic: I see the hostesses all over the image and one exotic south American lama. (*_*).


Pierre all the best and keep up the fine work



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They are miniature cars as you may well know, but if you thought are day only models of the famous bug, they are not, they are real, only the stairs are very big, ha!


Cheers to that


Thank you for your two visits!



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Thank you Tony,


What you said made me proud and happy! By the way I have one in a garage of deserted house on the south of my country! It was my father's and now it's nobody's! 


Best regards




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Vaguely reminiscent of the "Love Bug" and the many "Herbie" films that followed, your VW Beetles seem to be in a race to ascend / descend the crazy paved Alps! I like the diagonal arrangement and change of direction. 

Very well done! 


Best Regards 



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Welcome and thank you, Alf!


Of course, your keen photographic eye noticed the main values of the composition!


Cheers to that



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