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Horseman, trees, fog and sparrow

Pierre Dumas

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Yes, the distant tree (foreground tree flipped horizontally it seems)  does add to the composition.  Same cross-eyed bird though. :-)  And I'm not suggesting a photoshop cure for that though.  The cross-eyed bird is a major part of the charm in these two offerings, for me at least.  Best, LM.

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Dear Pierre,

I'm very happy to see one of your works... again. Fog, eaglet, horseman... all these symbols ... are yours, certainly. Expressing your identity. This leafless tree (dry or just hibernating), this uncertain path, your expectant bird of prey ... tell us about your feelings, uncertainty?... I hope and wish you a prosperous and bright future ahead.

In this work you have managed fog in the best way than in any previous work, I think. It is really thick, ... like your thoughts? I also like the way you fade the second tree at the background. I love it!. Very original and symbolic, congratulations!.

I sending you warm greetings, Laura Marco.

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Thank you, Len!


You precisely described the picture(s) and I have nothing to say! I can only say that the famous Ben Goossens liked this one on FB!


Cheers to that



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Dear Laura


I have done three or four fog pictures just to see whether it could be done by me for a change, this one is one of them!


This one you have already seen for I uploaded it in reply to your comment on the other one and you confirmed I believe that you had seen it!


Thank you for your as usually thorough exploring comment!


Best regards




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You must like this one better for the other one doesn't have the needed depth and perspective which are achieved with adding the second tree!


Thank you for your precious visit and comment!



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Thanks for your recent visit. In the hands of a master, you can create this beautiful and foggy image. The big strong bird of prey is deep in thought but unaware of that horseman who may be bringing vital messages to Resistant fighters  that will eventually snare and defeat the Eagle.

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Dear Pierre, sorry... yes, I've checked it and you've also got "Foggy Day" of March, so... one thing is clear... I haven't got the eyes of birds of prey, maybe I'm getting older :) jajajaja

Nevertheless, I love foggy images, they've got a mystical side.

Sorry and wish you luck for the resistence of this brave horseman. Small ones result to be more powerful than big ones... at the end!

Have a nice day! warm regards, Laura Marco.



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Sexy bird Pierre - I'm just joking, that is what you usually write under my photos, grrr .. : -)



I love the visual arts and I feel sometimes that there is a fine line to be drawn between painting and photography. There are relatively few examples of surreal works to be found in photography, and I think that their interest and value as collector items are undervalued. Frankly I appreciate a large number of your images and I hope that one day they receive the recognition they deserve outside of photo net, this one is no exception. 

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Dear Laura,


I also checked your two comments there and I was astonished with your so rich vocabulary, as a matter of fact you said there the same as here, but in a quite other words, bravo meine freundine!


Cheers to that!




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I apologize for the word, but not for its meaning! You expect to show a community of the best looking girls quite nude and these pictures not to make allusion of sex! Besides I don't use it usually, maybe at most five times when the sex-appeal was quite obvious!

As for my art: I spent 12 years and about 73000 comments on PN and didn't attract some special attention, how could I expect to be noticed somewhere else?!

Maybe if you buy some of my pictures I could announce it here and gain some points, a? Ha!

By the way, Ben Goossens liked this one on FB and I wasn't even that thoughtful to write it in my request for critique!


Thanks for the fun!




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Don't worry Pierre, I find your images sexy too ... : -) ... but jokes apart, it does remain about photography and our wish to show it at it's best, whatever the subject, models or the Eiffel Tower. Insisting on the wonderful engineering and steel structure somehow demeans the interest in the attempt to show it. Likewise with your works, one looks at the art work and how you have composed it, possibly the message it conveys, but not the beautiful eyes of the owl. 


Well, I don't even have my own photos on the wall, as you can see from my various postings, but that does not reduce from the wonderfully decorative style of your works. I would gladly look at these rather than some of the nonsense I encounter in five star hotels (business travel!). Your works are incomparable in presentation and good taste. 

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