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Sawpit Calm


15 seconds; f/8; 17 mm

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The clouds at the horizon were dramatic and Lake Superior (at Sawpit Bay)

was dead calm; the water line was barely discernible and reflections were

minimal. I used a 10-stop ND to further smooth the water to try and

capture a bit of reflection and separation form the sky. I felt that the rocks

were a nice contrast and lead to the background. Thanks for looking.

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Great textures in the foreground and the 10 stop filter has done a good job!  I see what you mean about the horizon being barely discernible though, the angled cloud being more prominent gives the false illusion that the horizon is tilted. Nice work Jeff! 




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Hi Jeff, not sure about this. I like the sky and foreground, the detail and colour in both these areas is also great. However, the water does not tick my box.

All The Best


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Hi Gary, thanks for commenting.  I suppose one could paint the water a different color or something, but the haze is the way it was-- kind of cool and icy looking.  Jeff

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