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Street Musician ©SB DSC3450 copy copy


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My first ever foray into the world of street photography.I really enjoyed it.

Converted this photo to BW to eliminate distracting red taillights, etc in the

background and make the musician really stand out. Does it work? What

could I do better?

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I love street photography although I get few chances to practice it as landscapes always come first.  

I think you have done exceptionally well here though! The focus and sharpness is perfect, the B & W conversion is well balanced. The only thing I might have done differently would be to include the guys feet.  That's not saying I'm right ......it's just something I think I would have included.





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Alf -

Thank you for the comments and suggestions. I think I was so intrigued by the face I wasn't thinking of the feet. They were near his instrument case, and I remember thinking I didn't want to add that to the photo - too much going on.

Next time I'll remember to do one from a distance for a full profile and one close-up for a more of a portrait effect. Thanks for the"heads up."  : )

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