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Pierre Dumas

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows;

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Almost "3D" effect with great layers, magical light & shadows, and nice mood, amazing rendering, Pierre!         Best regards

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I could say, . . . "Ah, now I see," but, . . . I'm going to have to sleep on this one a bit! After all, it does appear as something one would "dream" about as your image title indicates!


I do like how this has progressed to the other image that I have already commented on with the addition of the silhouetted Horseman!


Many mystical moods and thoughts can be taken from here! I'm still pondering, . . . and probably will for the rest of the day!


Regards always dear friend,

Jim j.

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Dear Jim,


You said something about the intent, the meaning implicating...there is no way to analyze and rationally explain the meaning of some pictures, this one for example! It's a matter of impression and feeling, if you feel impressed with this picture and you have some feeling when you are looking at it, that's it, you got it all! To tell you the truth, I didn't make up a story in my head and then realized visually, no, I was just led by my aesthetic and other feelings!


Thank you for your visit and comments, again!





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Yes, it is also my feeling, Electronic! That's why rounded it and gave it a shadow in the next picture!


Thank you for your keen eyes remark, my friend!



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the shadow shows the balls are springing! also interesting, like the other photo, it has more dynamics

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Hi, Maria,


The balls are hovering, but it is nice to hear that they may look also as springing! Thank you for your valuable information and for your visit!



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Welcome Kostaki,


Long time no see, file mou! I haven't been to Greece a long, long time and my daughter and her husband go there twice a year at least!


Thank you for your precious visit and your supportive comment, hope to see more f you in the future!





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This image may be simplistic but is multi layered for all those who visit. It is always so interesting to read others' takes on your compositions. I feel a 'tension' with the floating balls that is tangible.

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Well said, Gail!


Tension which is tangible! I like that! Thank you!


There was a series with these balls and the tree because of the critiques around the positioning of them and especially of the tree on this one!








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Kreativno, kao i uvek. Ravnoteža između drveta i kugli izbija u prvi plan. Tehnički elementi, besprekorni. Čestitam, Pero. Inače, nadam se da si dobro jer, kako vidim a mislim da se slažeš sa mnom, dolaze teška vremena na naše prostore. Svako dobro ti želim.

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Ha, nikad nisu bila laka vremena na nashim prostorima, Sretene!


Hvala ti na poseti i nezasluzhenom komplimentu!



Veliki pozdrav!




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Guest Guest


Is this a compositon about the only axis mundi(represented by the dead tree) which stands as the simbol of  the Blue Planet s death , surrounded by others spheareas (planets) ?

It seems to me there is a cosmology perspective about the end and revival of our planet;

good tehnique in reveal the colours for "past", and hope for 'renew" in the originar order of the sphears

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I'm afraid there was no meaning meant for this picture since I was preoccupied with the aesthetics rather than the message!



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Guest Guest


maybe ,

but it nice to know that it can transmits such a powerfull message ;

this is what I was telling you about polisemia of an art work which returns new senses

actually , I was no doubt about the message , even if you don t have any intention on it ;you say you were interested only about the estetique and not the theme ;

sometimes we don t realize ,that an artist eye , can capture meanings beyond  oneself imagination 

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Yes, Raluca


It reads in my "about" on several sites where I am exposing my works! IE, I interpret it as if my subconsciousness was lead by my aesthetic feelings, attitudes to make me make a meaningful abstract or surreal picture!


Thank you for explaining me the meaning of this one!



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This is the tree Jupiter with three of his moons.

Like this sqare Format. Reminds me of old Hasselblads.

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