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© © Alf Bailey Photography 2014

Melt Down (Click for larger view)


1/8 second @ F/8 Focal Length 24 mmTripod


© © Alf Bailey Photography 2014

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I love the title!!!  At first glance, (in my exhausted state), I thought -- wow!  power and movement in this water that I don't have.  But the title puts a humorous spin on it that just made me laugh.  I think you captured this beautifully.  What I particularly enjoy is the snow  the far off mountain tops -- alluring and beckoning me to want to hike there.  Two different pulls in this

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It's always very gratifying to know you have viewed my photo's and enjoyed them but even better to know that the title raised a chuckle : - ) 

Your warmth and humour is like a tonic! 


Thank you so much! 



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Hi Alf.

What wonderful composition, details and light! Perfect timing on the shutter speed for the waterfall. This would have been a good contender for the April Earth competition! Will be back to see what else you have been up to!

Best wishes. Sarah.

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Thank you so much for your very encouraging comments! 

My photography time has been severely curtailed these past couple of months due to unforeseen changes at work, but hopefully I will get back to some semblance of normality within the next couple of months. 

I wasn't even aware of the Earth Day contest, but maybe I'll enter it next time. 

Cheers Sarah! 



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It's a marvelous and kind of wild scenery ( for my taste), which drives me back in time where man still was wandering around, not being the dominant specie, yet...I just love it Alf!!!  Cheers!

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Good to hear from you and thank you so much! 

It is indeed a very wild place with origins that go right back to the last ice age. The semi circle of mountains up top housed a glacier that moved down and formed the valley below.

Best Regards 



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Very impressive shot of water cascade. Composition, light and colors are on top. One critique: I can see a small area of halo around top mountain at right and areas of fringing at left ( minor things though ).

Two suggestions: Vertical format would be great also, and taking this spot at sunrise/sunset, if possible. 

Please do not mind my humble opinion and without those small critiques, this shot is excellent already.

My best wishes,


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Absolute magic !  Have viewed quite a few images recently where I think the slow moving water is "de rigueur" and not in keeping.  However, I certainly would not say the same here, it has just the right quality.

Kindest regards


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Humble Apologies for my very late response! 

Thank you for taking the time to analyse the image in fine detail and pointing out the small faults. 

I have taken a portrait orientated shot of this scene, but it didn't seem to capture the grandeur of the surroundings in quite the same way. 

Sunset would be a good time to take a shot of this scene, but as the mountains are very high, true sunset occurs a lot later than when the sun is last visible before it disappears behind the mountains.  However it would still be worth a try as the sky colours may still remain vivid at this time of day.

Many Thanks & Best Regards 





I agree it is very difficult to match the shutter speed with that of the water to obtain optimum sense of movement and without it looking like mush. I find the easiest way to achieve my goal is to attach a 6 stop filter and adjust the aperture until I get the desired effect. 


Sincere Thanks & Best Regards 




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Hi Alf-Feel like I am sitting right here in front of the stream, your image is so real realistic.Most of the image is taken up with the close by boulders & flowing stream giving the viewer a feeling of closeness.Expect it was a bit of a chore to reach this spot, but well worth the effort in obtaining this fine image.I should not say chore,I always feel a sense of satisfaction in overcoming obstacles, whats a little tiredness.As Always, Very Best Wishes-Ross
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Thank you so much for your interest and thoughtful review! 

It wasn't such a bad hike to this location, but the ground was soaked and I had to wear Wellington boots to cross the marshy ground.  The stream just to my right was about three foot deep, but I managed to stand on a couple of rocks to take the shot, then just leaned over so it looks like I'm in the middle of the stream.

Thanks again Ross have a good weekend my friend! 



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