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© Laura Marco (c)

A Prayer for Peace



© Laura Marco (c)

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Fine Art

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This is "A Prayer for Peace", It's a hopeful desire for we never to

forget ... I hope you like it because it's been designed taking into

account every single nuance and having always in mind to show the

theme carefully and tactfully.

A duality is shown, full of symbolism:

On the right side: unreasoning. The time of human irrationality is

frozen at 8:15 am in the clock on the woman's hand that is begging

to stop. The sky is full of fire.

On the left side: hope. It's represented by origami cranes and

freedom is shown just when the crane flies away. The other woman's

hand offers peace for all.

I don't want this composition to remember any tragedy, not even

present it like any reproach because history cannot be changed,

that's why we call it that way, meaning a time in the past. But it's

possible to learn from mistakes.

On the contrary, it's necessary to remember from time to time in

what we can end without any reason and any empathy with the pain

of others, without any love and respect for human life.

For a world where peace reigns forever and can move freely with

wings of freedom.

For a beautiful and promising world for our children. A well preserved

and healthy Earth, full of values and opportunities for them all.

It's a prayer for humanity and its future. Just to see clear in front of


It's a desire for empathy, love and respect, a desire to know where

our limits are.

Thus I have felt this work. Kindest regards. LM.

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Hi Dani, thanks for your comment!, I'm very glad to read what you've written me and you certainly encourage me to keep going on. Thanks again and best regards.

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Image I mean! Laura, you said it all and didn't leave place for our comments! But I read the request for critique after I noticed that she is holding the clock which meant for me that the time is clicking and the rest represents the distractions war brings! Only I don't see cranes and don't know what it means Origami, it doesn't exist in my English dictionary!


Best regards



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Dear Pierre,

Thank you very much for your comment and rating :)

The image is full of symbolism. The clock you've mentioned before is stopped right at the time when the bomb exploded . All clocks stopped at the same time. It's quite strange to see them all broken and stopped the same way. Nowadays there are many remains of burned skin , broken watches etc. from the war in glass cases in a museum , so that no one will ever forget the horror of all struggles. And fortunately (or unfortunately) I could see these remains and they impressed me very much. Everything destroyed at that time.

In this case, a "crane " is not a machine, instead it's a large bird with a long neck and long legs that eats fish . The woman (me) has got in her right hand a crane (bird ) made in paper sculpture ( origami ) . There was a girl, after the explosion that turned very sick , she thought she might be cured by making 1000 paper cranes, it was her wish, she did made only 600 cranes , so once a year come from all over the world tons of paper cranes, the ones that she didn't manage to do in time to accomplish the wish of getting well. In the end she died.

I've done this composition not to focus only in one particular war but above all I 'd like to emphasize the beauty of peace throughout the world. Mostly thinking about the children and their future . It's just to say that any war is really harmful. I'm glad you have enjoyed it .

Thanks for your comment and ...and... and... yes .... I like to talk a lot, I talk through my elbows! and write as well. Sorry ... for not letting others to say, but in fact you really can do it, if you like :) Thanks Pierre for your pleasant visit and your interest in what you're seeing in this picture.

Kindest regards. LM

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A skilfully put together image full of symbolism and hidden messages . You make an excellent model and even the outfit you have chosen to wear gives a biblical look . The cumberband tones in nicely and the rope is a nice touch . The colours and finish are very reminicent of the paintings that adorn the walls of some churches . Origami !  Is that another one of your talents ? All in all an excellent image , one to be proud of ! Bill

P.S. I like your new Bio. pic . !

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Dear Bill,

First of all, thanks for your comment and your rating!. I'm very grateful and glad that you've liked this composition. It's really witty when you mention that the colors seem the same colors as those that appear on the walls of churches, a very interesting appreciation!.

By the way, "Origami" is the same as "papiroflexia", the art of folding paper and making sculptures, but I can't do origami, though I'm willing to learn, it must be funny!. I'm also very delighted by the fact that you've liked my new Bio. Pic.... I change it every now and then, thank you very much!  :) Best wishes. LM.

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I join you in your prayer for peace. It would seem that we have been praying for such for a very long time on this planet and it makes me wonder if anyone is listening. A marvelous montage you have created Laura! The intensity of your models gaze is quite striking too.


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Dear Raymond, sadly war is an evil that never ends, or a much needed business as we choose to consider it, that gives sense to the manufacture of munitions, creation of armies ... who does not desire "understanding" in the World? but it seems impossible.

All claim, all are engaged in struggles ... the different religions or economic interests even separate people. Nothing justifies pain and death of a human being, ending of a life.

I think the only solution is dialogue, dialogue and dialogue, create agreements, yield everyone a little. Some time ago, I was fortunate to visit the Memorial Museum in Hiroshima, watches are all stopped at the same time, pieces of burned flesh, I was very impressed! ...


And the history of origami cranes, a child who just wanted to live ... His only desire was to live, and he was sick unto death by war.


Not only in Hiroshima, in many parts of the world people have suffered and continue to suffer.


I thought about the woman divided into two halves, at right destruction, at left life symbolized by the crane.

Everyone must consider and choose their half :)


I pretended that this was viewed as food for thought.


At first I was very interested in the montages, because I enjoyed a lot, complex ideas can be put together... but now I have realized that with a single shot and some details, the same result come be achieve.


Thank you very much for your visit to this image, greatly appreciated.


Kindest regards, Laura.

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