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High Line HDR 9 stops


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Despite never having been a big fan of HDR photography, I do

experiment with it from time to time. However, I'm generally never

satisfied with the results, as I feel that HDR images usually look fake.


This particular shot I took on April 21, 2013 and after combining the nine

exposures that I'd taken, I was pleasantly surprised with how this shot

turned out.


I'd be curious to see what others think and if there are any tips for

producing HDR images that look more real.

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The usual give-away with HDR is the sky, but this one does indeed look natural.  Although I usually only find it necessary to use 5 shots 1 stop apart. There are several different ways to produce natural looking HDR images (although these days I don't tend to bother preferring instead to use a single exposure) A lot depends on the software you are using but personally I prefer to use Photomatix. There is a facility within CS6 but I've never found it satisfactory.  Photomatix has pre-set buttons for "Surreal" and "Natural" and of course there is a great number of fine tuning sliders that can be employed too.

One of the best ways to achieve a more natural looking HDR is to combine the processed HDR with a naturally processed Jpeg.

Use the Jeg as a layer in photoshop, and then use the eraser tool to reveal the parts of the HDR that you want to retain, it works particularly well if you get things like Halo's and want to eliminate them.

A couple of suggestions for this image, lighten the foreground slightly and crop the building on the left.

Very well done! 


Best Regards 




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