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© @ Alf Bailey Photography

Thirsty Work


1/125 sec @ F/5.6 Focal Length 70 mmISO 280Hand Held


© @ Alf Bailey Photography

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I see what you mean..the hi key background makes it very minimalistic. An unusual shot, well done!.
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Thank you so much! 


Best Regards






I like the spontaneous ones,  they are precious few though.


Many Thanks & Best Regards 






Thank you for your kind words! 


Best Regards 





I guess you could put photographs into three basic slots. 1 The photographs you plan for that don't work out. 2.  The photographs you plan for that do work out. 3. The photographs that you don't make any provision or planning for at all, like this one, they are a bonus.


Sincere Thanks & Best Regards 



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Luck is good!  Luck favours the prepared!  This serendipitous moment was your reward for being so prepared.  Only a chance for one frame & it's a winner.  To boot, the heavy overcast sky filled with bright mist is like a heavenly soft box and provides you with a high key light source.  Makes for a subject with all it's details nicely revealed.  Likely by instinct, you've framed the subject off-center with room ahead to roam.  Pretty fine result for time you were allotted.  You do great inspirational work and on top of that go the extra mile to respond to your many fans.  I'm sure I'm not alone in noting that.  Best, LM.

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Many Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback.....sometimes I think a story fills in all the gaps when you look at a photo.


Best Regards 






The world is constantly changing and sometimes we are just in the right place to capture it when it does.  Yes, you are so right, the unexpected is the seasoning on an otherwise bland dish.  

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards 






You are very kind! 

"Luck is good!" "Luck favours the prepared!"  yes I'd go along with both of them, or how about this one ......"The more I practice the luckier I get!"  : - ) 

I'm not great at hand held shots, but I do think the heavier lens helped to steady things to some degree.  I think you have a good point about instinct when framing the subject off centre. I have been shooting mainly landscapes for the short time I have been involved in photography, and so yes it does seem natural to frame everything slightly off centre. I don't know if that's always a good thing though. But I suppose in this case there wasn't time to pre-analyse it, and it worked out ok.


As for responding to the people that are kind enough to stop and take a look at my work, and who then spend some time to make a comment, .....well suffice to say that both myself and you are from the same kind of era, the era where a response to a written message was considered just being polite : - )  And of course I also think that photographic interaction / critique is also very educational, even when I don't think it is.........if that makes any sense. 


Sincere thanks for your heart warming comments Len, much appreciated! 


Best Regards 








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I love your capture of the senses of this dog -- the smelling, the hairs sticking up under his stomach, the ears high listening keenly, and a suggestion of his admiring his shadow in the water.  But, especially i love the nose.  Of course, the swirl of movement, the empty space relieving distraction yet giving him place to move about.  I love it

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So very good to hear from you and thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts on this one.

I felt very privileged that this handsome chap chose my little section of the lake to stop and drink at. 

When I first viewed this image on my monitor, I did actually think about your pencil drawings and thought hmmmm I wonder if she could use this as a subject?



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So, you're going to the dogs ;-).  I'm late again and all of the accolades above are well thought out and deserved, so I'll just add... Excellent shot... Mike

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Hi Alf,

I really, really like this! It is absolutely wonderful. I like the white background as well. I agree that it puts the focus on the beautiful subject. I cannot believe that you did no actually plan that. It worked out perfectly. What a wonderful surprise. 

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Many Thanks for your interest and kind words. 

Yes I too thought it was kind "arty" looking, but more of a pencil type drawing.


Best Regards 






What do you mean "going"  : - )  The dog house has been a permanent place of residence for me for some time! 


Many Thanks for your interest and kind words Mike! 






I really didn't expect the shot to turn out at all, so it was pleasant surprise to see the resulting image with the almost white water and stones visible on the lake bed through the shadows of the animal.  I didn't do anything intentionally "high key" as such,  but I did add a light vignette.

Many Thanks Hamid! 






Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and most encouraging feedback! 

It was indeed a great surprise to see this amongst my other very different shots of the landscape!  Sometimes I just get lucky! 

Best Regards 





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