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© @ Alf Bailey Photography

Thirsty Work


1/125 sec @ F/5.6 Focal Length 70 mmISO 280Hand Held


© @ Alf Bailey Photography

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"Pets" didn't seem to be the right category for this guy, but I didn't know

where else to put it.


I was standing in the shallows taking photo's of the lake (see previous

image "Drizzle") when I heard a splash.............I looked around to see

this beautiful dog had joined me for a drink : - )


I took the camera off the tripod and swung it around to take the shot, I

only managed to get this one shot and then he was gone again. I didn't

expect it would turn out, but I was pleasantly surprised when I viewed it

during processing. I like the way the lake bed is visible where the ripples

make the water darker. Your thoughts and comments are always

appreciated. Thank You.

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I really like this image Alf. What a surprise this dog was for you. Sure is a beautiful one. I like the very light colors that surround the dog and the water reflections. It reminds me very much of a few of the prints we had in our Gallery. This one wound frame up beautifully Alf. The detail is excellent, right down to the stones. I do like the negative space on the right, very effective.

Warmest regards, Gail

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Alf, I viewed this larger and took it in for a couple of minutes and really started to appreciate the fine detail. You also see the reflection better and its quite interesting to see the dog in the wavy lines. A different and unusual photo Alf, which I enjoyed. Take care.



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Great detail, and I love the random abstractness of the dog's reflection in the water, with the stones showing through.  Quick thinking on your part!  :-)

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I would only give it a tiny black stroke cause the background is very bright and it needs some limitation, some border! Matter of personal attitude maybe! I would give any picture a black stroke!


Best regards, Alf!



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Hi Alf,

I like the high key approach to this. It brings all the focus to the beautiful subject and her reflection. The water has a unique quality to it also...mercurial. Very nice!


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A great image and lovely story.

I enjoy the larger image more, because I can crop out your logo which I find rather intrusive to the image as a whole.

The detail through the capture is superb and yes, the pebbled lake bed is a great enhancement to the overall ambiance........


A lovely capture and presentation........... well done.


Best regards

(got your new truck yet?)


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Remarkable capture, Alf.   The white background really sets off your subject.  Very effective.  Compliments!  ~~~~~~L

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Alf... What a wonderful high key exposure technique?. You are lucky that the camera did not miss the correct focusing point in this many reflecting points.

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Perfect as is!  I like the empty, infinite space above and right.  The detail is incredible.  Is that a shock collar?  I keep them on my shepherds....

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i luv the rippled shadow, reflecting the brownish in the fur and this dog's natural mightiness; the perspective is spot on; so much detail of this animal's beauty :-} dp

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An excellent high key image Alf! This looks just like my dog Frodo. He escapes on occasion but I didn't think he went that far ;-)

All the best,

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Hi, Alf!

I love this overexposed background - it increases the contrast. Amazing clarity, shadow and the stones seen on the bottom of the lake. Great picture. Warm regards, Tamara


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It's good you were ready for the serendipitous moment. You captured it beautifully. I'm afraid mine would've been blurry trying to work so quickly. Kudos!


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Hi Alf,

A nice spur of the moment capture my friend.

As you know, I would have shot this at F/2.8 because of the orientation and range of this nice looking dog. However, the lens is still in its above average performance range at F/5.6, too.

Best Regards, Mike

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This is a beautiful shot...I'd never have gotten it, myself.  And yes, being able to see the stones in the lake bed is a major plus.  I have to agree with John, though...the copyright imprint does draw the viewer's attention away from the subject.  My suggestion would be to make it a lot smaller and reduce the opacity so that it's just barely visible.

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I really like this image and the marvellous detail, including bubbles.  Like the watermark/signature which I don't think detracts - however we all see things differently, thank goodness !

Warm regards


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He was certainly a surprise and as you say, a really nice one too! 


The surrounding very light colour was a result of the fog, the original shot had the very tops of the distant mountains vaguely reflected in the lake, but it didn't add anything to the shot and I thought it looked better in this minimalistic way.  I have now sorted out how apply frames to an image, so my sincere thanks for all the information you provided. 

I sometimes wish I could find the owners of these subjects, so they could share the image.

Many Thanks for your thoughtful feedback Gail.


Warm Regards 






Good question reference the watermark! "Do you find it necessary"?  I don't know if I do, but it has become habitual. And if I'm honest I really don't care too much if it ends up on a different web site.  In this case I tend to agree with you that due to the minimalistic surroundings, the logo does tend to stand out like a sore thumb and perhaps to the point of distraction.  On reflection I think it could have been applied with a bit more subtlety.

Many Thanks & Best Regards 






It is unusual and the visibility of the lake bed that can be seen through the broken water made it for me. It's one of those shots you just get as a bonus when concentrating on a subject that is totally different : - )

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards






The pale water that only reflected the fog was a great bonus as indeed was the presence of the dog, the third bit of luck was that I had a camera to hand! 

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards 






I misread your comments for a minute and thought it said "back stroke"  I was then wondering if you were suggesting I jumped in for a swim or scratched the dogs back : - ) 

But I agree a border was required, and now I know how to do borders I will apply one! 

Many Thanks  Pierre! 






I love words, and I haven't read that one before "mercurial"  that's a great word, I shall retain that one for future use : - ) 

Sincere Thanks for your thoughtful feedback! 


Best Regards 






Ahh yes the logo, I take on board your comments and will make amends in any future representations.

But I am glad you enjoyed the image overall! 


Oh yes I got my new Van!  I just haven't had time to play with it yet! 

I will take a photo of it when I get a chance too! But at the moment I go to work in the dark and return home in the dark........I may as well be back down the coal mines : - ) 

Take Care and write soon! 


Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback!  I spend a lot of time finding nice reflections and photographing them, so it's kind of ironic that this image works because of a total lack of them! 


Best Regards 






I think it was more good luck than good judgement, it was a very spontaneous moment.  The thick fog helped to produce the high key effect, the processing was minimal just involving a crop to the top and left.

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards 







I'm not sure what function the collar performs, but it did look like a chunky little box attached to it. 

Many Thanks for your interest and positive feedback! 


Best Regards 






I was most fortunate that he graced me with his presence. I was just sorry he didn't stay a bit longer, a lovely looking animal.

Many Thanks for your interest and kind words, much appreciated! 


Best Regards 





Many Thanks!

I actually did think about this being Frodo when I looked at this handsome fellow! 

But I ruled it out when I saw he didn't have a passport : - ) 


Cheers Neil! 






I agree, it does kind of look like a pencil sketch, though I hasten to add that wasn't intentional. But I like the effect too.


Many Thanks Patsy! 


Best Regards 






Thank you so much! 


The thick fog, (which really isn't apparent in this shot) helped enormously with the high key effect.  I will post other images in due course that shows just how much the fog increased from the first shot (DRIZZLE) 


Warm Regards 






I was fortunate that I was holding a heavier lens (Sigma 70 - 200 F/ 2.8) 

Normally I'm not very good at hand held shots, but with a heavy lens I find it becomes easier to hold steady. 

Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and kind words Amy.


Best Regards 






It was indeed spontaneous, and even if I had the desire to change aperture, I really wouldn't have had time, but I hear what you are saying.

I did continue to use several different apertures throughout the shoot and yes some of them at F / 2.8.

I will try and find one to post........I haven't even got through the whole CF card yet to view them all .........time slips by at a seemingly ever accelerating pace.


Many Thanks for your thoughts and observations my friend! 


Best Regards 






I don't think he was lonely for too long : - ) 


Many Thanks & Best Regards 






Sincere thanks for your thoughts and useful suggestions! 


I tend to agree with John and your suggestions make good sense too, something a bit more subtle would be more in keeping with the style of the image. 


Warm Regards 






You are quite right, we all see things in a different context, and photography in it's entirety across all genres is so very subjective.

In this case though I think John, Grayham and Jim Adams do make a valid point. 


I am so pleased to read that you like this one! 


Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words!


Best Regards 






Thank You! 
















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Alone with his nose and his thoughts.  There is no world apart from him ad his reflection.  I wish I could live in the moment and be as zen as my dog.

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Great shot, I love the minimalist approach. The focus on the dog in his immediate surrounding, the ripples, the  pebbles. Must really view it larger to appreciate that work of art. Excellent  Alf !

Happy with your D800?

Very best regards.


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"A dogs life"  How often have we heard that .......yeah I wish too, If our dog is anything to go by.


Cheers Jeff! 






I have to admit the minimalistic element was more by accident than design, due mostly to the foggy conditions, but I did take advantage of it when processing. 

I  am very pleased with the performance of the D800, but it doesn't tolerate error, which isn't a bad thing, it keeps me disciplined with my settings.


Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback.


Best Regards 






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