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Mikolaj II


This picture was taken in an old cafe in a Jewish District if Cracow, Poland, where I used to live. The man in the picture is homeless, yet very well known to the community there and doing quite well! He is a happy positive man.The lighting conditions there were extreme. Literally there was this candle and a little more light coming from another candle placed on a bar counter to the left (invisible here). I used 50mm lens on f1.4 and, I think it was 4000 ISO and 1/4s... So quite extreme!:) And there is almost no PP - no structures added, just a little vintage colour.

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Seven all the way! Ambiance, lighting, interesting character, pose, subdued brownish colors...everything is perfectly done, that's why seven, Roza! Congratulations!


Best regards



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Niestety nie potrafię zapomnieć wszystkich przykrych chwil spędzonych w zbyt bliskiej obecności Mikołaja :/

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I agree with everything that's been said.  This is wonderful.  Fantastic use of light.  Great subject, lots of texture and mood.  Very nicely done.

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View larger & see how nicely done this is. There's detail in the deep shadows. He has a great craggy face for a subject. One would think he would be reading something on the table. Instead, he's lost in deep contemplation. The square format works well

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I ditto the above appreciation of the photo. It evokes some questions in my mind.

  1.  His left hand index finger is pointing into the dark space. What is the relevance of it?
  2. The lighting brings focus directly onto his face, right hand and the illuminated wall. The chair in front and the furniture behind give some ambiance of the place. Why the crop is so loose to include the uninteresting dark space on the lower left. This is practically a half body portrait unlike ‘Mikolaj I’ in in Roza’a portfolio.
  3. What is the bright object down below his right hand to the left of the table leg?
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The finger pointing is likely an innocent, and compelling, gesture . . . the way he happens to be holding his hand. I don't get the sense he's pointing to something but it still is evocative. The dark space is dark space. It offsets the light and has some intrigue. The bright spot is something metallic that is reflecting the light. It's nice because it suggests depth and detail even to the darkness.


The heavy stylization reads a bit like an illustrated cartoon to me.

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I take such discussions as a means to learn from each other and suggest what the photographer could have done or avoided to make the photograph better.

This is not a candid but a posed photograph. If the pointing finger is not intentional to give some metaphorical meaning but just a relaxed posture of the hand, then I feel photographer should have taken note of it while guiding the subject into the pose. The shining object is out of place. The photographer should have taken care of it during post processing. If the photographer intended it to be full body portrait, then lower part of the body and the lower left of the photograph should have been a bit better lit like the rear wall. If it was intended to be a half body portrait then my subjective liking would be a tighter crop. The brighter part in the frame would still be balanced by the darker part on the left.

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