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Retreat (Click for larger view)


1/60 second @ f5.6 Focal Length 24 mmISO 200Aperture Priority Tripod

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Hi Alf,  I love Scotland, and find this image to be as perfect as one can achieve. The scene looks fully alive.  You certainly captured this still water with a perfect reflection.  The entire image fills the frame wonderfully.  It feels like a highland adventure on which I'd love to join you.   This is certainly a 7 in my book.  Thanks for posting it.  Larry

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Sincere Thanks for your most encouraging words! You know I respect your views!


Hmmm Rooney to Arsenal.......maybe or perhaps Chelsea..........no chance of him going to any of the Spanish clubs........too much family stuff in the UK


Torres to Arsenal.....I don't think so.


Wenger pulling a stunt .............every chance.......he's a shrewd guy!


Take Care my friend!






Many Thanks for your consideration and thoughtful feeback, much appreciated!


Best Regards





I too love Scotland!


If I was wearing a blindfold and pointed the camera and started clicking at random in different directions in Scotland, chances are there would be a few decent images amongst the results, the place is so scenic and wild!

If you ever get the chance to visit our tiny island it would be a great pleasure to show you round!

Many Thanks for your most valued comments!


Best Regards






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it's difficult to take an original reflection picture now, but this one is wonderful.  the shallow lake seems to have been completely undisturbed.  epd

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Relatively unspoilt place, but I think the question you once posed still remains "For how long"?

Cheers Mate!





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Lovely.  Darned hard to argue with perfection, Alf!


The comp, colors and the image itself are beautiful. 


I think that messing around with saturation, balance etc. would be time wasted. 


As for the tools used here;  most of the time it is the eye behind the camera instead of the machine itself.  There are lots of folks who accumulated huge inventories of equipment that somehow seldom produce decent images.


This looks like calendar material to me.

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Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful and encouraging feedback!

Don't know about perfection though,  I think I can see a couple of blades of grass that need straightening out : - )


I too didn't think increasing saturation etc would do this image any favours, nature is hard ot beat in its natural form.

I know what you mean about about eye behind the camera, I have heard it described as "its the photographer that takes the photograph, not the camera"

I did post a couple of shots I took with a humble P & S camera a while back, and I was quite amazed at the very positive feedback I got.


Hmmm "calendar material" you have just gave me an idea for a competition I have to enter.

Thanks again Steve, I really value your judgement.


Best Regards





Well........what can I say.......other than a very sincere


Thank You!





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I'm late, most of the best words have already been written and I have nothing to offer to improve on this marvelous presentation.  When I view this I'm struck with the concept of overwhelming loneliness surrounded by majestic beauty, the speck that is humanity versus the vastness of nature.  Now, that's not a bad feeling, I think it just puts us in our place... Excellent... Mike 

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Alf,this large view is incredible how can show so many details and all so well balance in the light,I looked at this from up to down,left to right and reverse,is very nice.All composition has a great visual impact and deserve compliments.

have a nice day

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It is amazing Alf, the detail and depth of color seen when viewed larger. A scene that would 'catch my breath', and I would proceed to deeply inhale and hold it as long as I could, as if to imprint this 'vista' before me on my soul. I don't have to imagine how you felt when you came upon this 'spot'. I think I know. I often think this talent you have is a reward that has been bestowed upon you, for a life well lived. Despite any obstacles along the way, you had the wherewithal to weave them into the fabric of your life and then transform the knowledge gleaned into a very positive and adept eye and mind for all that is beautiful in the landscapes that you search out at every opportunity. We always hear that 'there are no mistakes in life', that these things are part of the 'journey' we are taking to get us to the place where it all makes such perfect sense. Somehow, that is what I see when I view these wonderful landscapes of yours. You search out the remote, beautiful and what may appear, lonely locations, but upon closer examination, your POV translates them into places of infinite beauty that cause us to stop, and inhale. Thank you for all these adventures you take, and so willingly share with us all.

fond regards, Gail

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Hi my friend, another fantastic shot from you.  Yes, we are very small compared to the beauties of the nature even though we manage to destroy some of them...many thanks to the ones who preserve such beauties and to people like you who are bringing such delightful icons to our attention.  Bravo!

PS. Just another idea, I would try another shot, in order to centralize a bit the little house and the green surface above the water.  Cheers!

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Truly a masterpiece I'd be proud to hand prominently in my house.  This image confirms that anything built by human hands ultimately pales in comparison with nature.  How I envy the people who live in this setting.

The reflections are amazing in how they gently show off the colors and contours of the rock above.  And the small area of bright clouds contrast dramatically against the foreboding dark mountain peaks.

My best always,


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I personally love reflections and repeating curves, lines and shapes. This is my such favorite shot. Reflection is vivid and detailed, as the real counterpart. Composition , light and very natural colors are masterful. Also this is a good candidate for bw! Compliments and congratulations for this favorite shot.

My best regards,


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Many Thanks for your interest and positive feedback!


It does make our presence in the landscape look small and almost insignificant. I sometimes think about our great cities and wonder what the land looked like when the first house was built on those sites.


Kind Regards





This shot kind of combined so many of the elements I love.

Reflections, isolation, wild terrain and yes, mans tiny presence in the vastness of it all.


"Puts us in our place" .........yeah its how the proportions should always work, but our cities tell another story.

Sincere Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback, very much appreciated!






Thank you so much for your interest and kind words.

The light was fairly flat and consequently it was easy to control. I find that dawn light is particularly good and really at this time of year is critical.  The bright sunny days don't do landscape photographers any favours.


Best Regards






Thank You so much!








You describe the momemt so well!


It is a similar thing I sometimes do when I'm overwhelmed by the beauty that surrounds me. I stay very still with my eyes wide open and my ears sensitive to every sound, and try to become invisible, and just become a part of the scene........there is nothing quite like it.

Ever since I can remember I have loved the nature and the countryside though living in a city I didn't even get a glimpse of it until I was about 9 years old.

Until comparatively recently I never realised it could be photographed in such a way that it could capture that special moment until my son in law showed me his work, and from that moment I was determined to try and take a decent photograph of the places that I love.

Thank you so much for your empathy and most encouraging feedback.


Warm Regards







Sincere Thanks for your interest and kind words!

You are quite right, the unsung heroes are the volunteers and nature conservation organisations that do so much to preserve the wildlife and wonderful landscapes.  I would pay particular compliments to The Scottish Wildlife trust and like minded organisations that do so much to retain the habitats of wildlife.

I like your Idea too, I might try that next time I am in the area.


Best Regards






I know just what you mean Michael, imagine walking out of that house on a summers day and taking a shower in the waterfall ........well yes, it could be a bit cold, but what a wonderful back garden to enjoy!


The landscape is wild and ever changing with the clouds and mists that prevail in this area, but even on the most wet drizzly dark day, the beauty of the place remains!

Sincer Thanks for your considerations and thoughtful feedback, much appreciated!


Best Regards






Ahhh yes, reflections are my thing too, particulalry when there is a calm water surface and a dwelling or boat house.

I did try the B & W from the same location with the bridge, but yes I agree I think this would convert successfully as well.

I am really pleased you like this one Hamid and thank you sincerely for your thoughtful review.


Best Regards













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Hi Alf, Wow, viewed larger this is amazing. The mountains are majestic, the great detail left me wanting to climb them, mind you that is something I have never done, inspiring. The way the image leads you from top to bottom is something I like about this. It definitely has a sort of path it follows. The colors are subtle and accurate. Great landscape shot Alf. Take care.

Best Regards,


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What a gorgeous spot Alf! Reflections just don't get any better than this. Love the frosting of snow on the peaks and the way you lined up the streambed leading the eye right to the house. Nicely done guy!

All the best,

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Thank you so much!


"Majestic" is a great way of describing these huge peaks, they are so imposing and have such character and mood about them.

I know what you mean about wanting to climb them too, but that effect tends to wear off when you walk for an hour and don't appear to get any closer to them : - )

I am very pleased you find this appealing Holger!


Best Regards





So very good to hear from you I hope you are keeping well!


It is one of those locations, each turn of the head brings into view another epic shot for the camera, you kind of get dizzy with it all, but in a good way!

I tend to stay away from there this time of year though, as the local insects (midges) get very hungry!


Sincere Thanks & Best Regards










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Hi!..... Well what can I say to add to what's already been said!?.....

I could reiterate what others have said about the composition, the colours, the sheer depth of beauty of the scene......

However, what I will do is give you my own "take" on this absolutely breathtaking image....

I clicked on (click for larger view) and was immediately blown away by the immense depth of clarity and allurement of the scenery, my eyes taking in every millimetre of this striking landscape!  

I have recently purchased a Nikon D90 and have been severely bitten by the photography bug, and you my friend are an inspiration to all photographers out there!  

You create such visually stunning images and this one is no exception.  

I've yet to learn all the "techy" stuff but I dont need to know anything to appreciate this image.....from the moment I viewed large I was drawn into the scene....taking long rambling walks up the mountain side..... (with my trusty D90 of course lol) breathing in the fresh clean mountain air....hearing nothing but the sound of nature, the water and my heart beat....then a slow pleasurable walk back to my house nestled perfectly amongst those trees...simply idyllic....ahhhhh....back to reality <sigh>...

Excellent work Alf and thank you so much for sharing and fueling my thirst for photography :)


warmest regards



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Sincere Thanks for your thoughtful feedback and most encouraging comments!

I'm very pleased that you find my images inspiring.

Congratulations on your recent purchase of a Nikon D90, they are a great piece of kit and I'm sure it will serve you well.

You don't need to know every technical detail about photography to enjoy it. But the fact is, that you will inevitabley accrue more and more knowledge about the subject the more you read about the subject and of course the more you practice!

Like most subjects, there is a lot of "jargon" that makes the subject of photography sound complex and quite scary, the reality is that the basics are quite easy to understand once you get someone to interpret the jargon.

But the single most important aspect of photography for me, is the simple enjoyment the persuit of the next photograph.

So keep on enjoying it Jacqueline, and be prepared to get even more thirsty as the photography bug takes hold : - )


Warm Regards





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I know just what you mean.......you won't get too much noise from the neighbours either : - )

Many Thanks for your interest and kind words!


Best Regards



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Hi Alf,


Epic always comes to mind when I view your landscapes! Really like how the little cottage is reflected in the water and is on a diagonal with the snow capped mountains. It's just so beautifully seen and captured! Hope your keeping well. Best wishes. Sarah. 

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Always good to hear from you, I hope you are keeping well also.

"Epic" is a good word to describe the scenery of Scotland, in fact a couple of miles down the road they were actually filming something.......though I don't what it was.  The guys on security were not giving anything away.

Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful comments Sarah.


Best Regards



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