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© Pnina Evental copyrights

The Marriage Ceremony Priest



© Pnina Evental copyrights

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Performing Arts

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a fine detail - the tilted camera angle and the fact that he's caught from the back provide a sense of a casual glance that suddenly discovers a visual jewel.

This is a remarkable cloth - it's amazing how the white changes with purple.

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I really like how you presented this, Pnina, allowing the priest in his white and gold cassock to fill the frame. Despite the fact that he is facing away, the patterns on the cassock and the tight composition gives this a dynamic feeling. I seem to be coming out of my prolonged slump at last so you should see more of the old Jack in the days ahead (at least I hope so). More activity lately from the likes of Gordon, David Meyers and Jeff, too, I notice, so maybe Spring has finally come even though we're now well into summer.
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An interesting presentation.  A special robe, not so much focusing on that cross but really fancy  I like the diagonal making three lines and the was his head just sort of vanishes into the clouds of sorts. I think you had a nice time there

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I too like the diagonal lines, and the soft, natural light you captured here, which enhances the rich patterns and textures of the robe.

You seem to have had a nice and fruitful time in Venice - Good for you, Pnina :-)  

Best to you, M

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Guest Guest


The nice outfit is related to the presence, not to the ceremony.

The nice outfit is related to the place: outfits are better here and other are weaker there.

In my Christian culture, you are supposed to meet the priest 3 times.

2 of the 3, you are not "there" (birth, marriage, death).

Thanks for choosing the "there" one.


And, as we are in the mood, I'll tell you a joke Pnina:

"-Do you know why unmarried men live longer ?!

-They don't have a wife !"


Kidding ! I cherish my wife and my kids !!!

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