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The end

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Avital. It is telling a story without showing much. Please consider a tighter crop and provoke the imagination of the viewer as what she is looking at.

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I'm back, and you can send me what we have decided about before I left.


I think this is  very well composed,telling a story with minimal details. I do agree with the previous comment about cropping a bit from the RHS, (changing it to a square). It will enhance the story.

If you wish you can find my home  phone number ( 144...)and ask me what  ever you want.

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I like the space to the right and would not suggest cropping this at all. For me, this works beautifully as it stands.


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A very emotional image that tells a universal story. Great gestion of DOF and very nicely composed. Well worth a 6!

Best regards,


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Pnina- I hope you had a great trip! Thanks so much, I will email you later this evening :)

Jatinder and Pnina- I see what you mean and I have tried it with a tighter crop, but I like it less like that. I feel the door adds something to the scene, it gives a sense of the space they are sitting in. It may work better on some level with the crop you suggested, but for me it just seems more complete like it is.

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Of course your opinion is worth a lot to me! I'm glad you think so. It's very nice to have someone else tell me so and not just have my feeling about it. Sometimes one needs an objective outlook on something one takes himself. I don't always have the confidence in what I think about an image I take regarding cropping or other things, So I really like getting different perspectives and thoughts and then deciding myself, so thanks for that.  

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I have just gone through all of your images and I find that this one is the strongest and most appealing. i can draw some drama and emotion from this one. In fact I feel some tension.

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Guest Guest


Lovely and suggestive work. Cropping would take away the space needed for wonder. To suggest a crop is to suggest making it more simple and clear and that's not what it's supposed to be. It is obviously meant to be inquisitive and open-ended. Beware of most crop suggestions. Generally (and, of course, there are exceptions) they tend to take mood and mystery out of the equation in a quest for ease of digestion and simplicity of subject . . . often a very bad idea.

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I think the person who suggested the crop, meant for it to be on the left side.  The man's ear and left shoulder really don't add much necessary information.  What do you think?


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Guest Guest


A very good idea. Brava! Pnina did mention cropping from the RHS so we know that's what she meant, as she also proposed a square prop. I do have a feeling Jatinder also meant from the RHS but, regardless, I took a look at it with your suggested crop of the ear and shoulder and this, to me, added to the mood already established.

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Very good capture! I like the crop just as it is - including the man's ear because it gives us more of a picture of who she is looking at from across the table. I think your instincts were right on how you composed this image - you have good instincts and a good eye; your images tell stories with feeling which is why they are so appealing. Very well done. Thank you for sharing. :)

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Joscelyn, thank you for viewing my portfolio and I'm glad you liked this shot. I agree, I also feel a lot of tension here and this is why I named it "the end'. Like many moments captured in a mere photograph, a moment later they were all happy and chatty and there was no memory of the saddness and tension from before. 

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Tony- Thank you so much.  

Fred, I suppose it's a very individual thing and a matter of taste, I think in this photo it can work either way, but I do prefer it much more like it is -nice to see others do too.  

Lynn , thanks for your suggestions. I can see what you mean and I tried viewing it with the crop you suggested and think it def can work. I didn't even consider that before so thanks for pointing this out. I'm not sure what I like better (with ear or without)

 Trisha, thanks for the kind words. I'm very glad you like the image as it is, and that you liked my other photos as well. 

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Wonderfully captured and wonderfully titled !! An image with a story behind ... lovely done !! Kind regards ... 

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This is a way to tell a story that I love indeed.  

Here you've created an atmosphere with a smell of anguish with the collaboration of the title (very aproppriated, pointing something that isn't obvious at first sight) and the BW rendering.

The selective focus, the language of her gaze, her head resting on her fist, and the dark background texture are subtle clues leading us to "The End".

Just one question remains in the mind of the observer, ¿who is being abandoned?¿He?¿She? ...mistery still, like in every good story.

Nice work you done, I like to much this photograph.

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Dear Carlos, Thank you so much for your nice comment. it's such a great complement coming from you- as I told you before I really love your work! I appriciate it and so glad you liked it 

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..No more love in her eyes, I think. Very good capture. Well composed, I see no need for cropping, it would disturb a balance of the image. I like your portrait on a front page better though. Best regards, vf

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