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Island Pony. (larger view available)


1/250 sec @ F 5.6ISO 200Hand held Focal Length 24 mm

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Now you come to mention it that hairstyle and headbanging pose do look vaguely familiar : - )

But it was most definately Anglesey!


Many Thanks & Best Wishes!






Thank you so much!


Best Regards






Good to hear from you, I hope you are keeping well!


I do like the colour version also, but oen of the nice things about Nik Silver Efex is its ability to enhance or show detail, and it was that which made me decide on posting the B & W version.

The learning curve for Nik Silver Efex if not intense at all. I found it very therapeutic and creative, there is a short tutorial which was easy to follow, and I'm fairly certain you would enjoy using it.

Your observations are 100% spot on regarding the "camera shake" issue, and really echo my sentiments. Which is why I decided to find out for myself. Even the long exposure wouldn't present a problem, because one simply wouldn't attempt that with any camera without a tripod.

I think it all comes from the fact that a sensor with 36.3 MP will record very fine detail, and therefore will also record and fine movement. Of course it all becomes irrelevant when as you have prescribed above, it can all be resolved with shutter speed.

The D90 is a fine camera, and careful thought should be taken before moving to a full frame camera in terms of your current lenses.  I know when I orginally changed up to the D700, it left me short of suitable lenses, as all the ones I owned were DX format.

Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback Jerry, very much appreciated!


Best Regards






Many Thanks for your interest and most encouraging words, very much appreciated!


Best Regards









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Lovely capture and processing Alf. This horse reminded me so much of the other horses you have taken lovely images of, so I searched them out in your Landscape Folder, (before I looked at your Details) and did find that this is also Landwyn  Island. These horses are so beautiful and different. (I should say Ponies). Beautiful spot this is.


Warmest regards, Gail

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It is indeed one of those magical places. The ponies run free on the island, and they do seem to be of a very hardy breed.  I hadn't encountered this particular group (There were 4 in total the rest being situated somewhere behind me)  of ponies previously, but they were very friendly.

Many Thanks for your thoughts and invaluable feedback Gail , much appreciated!


Best Regards



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It's as if this wonderful creature is posing for you.  Your choice of black and white is perfect for this image, as it really highlights the contrasting colors in the pony's coat.  I really love the peaceful shoreline and sky in the background.

My best,


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Many Thanks for your thoughtful observations!

I had intended to take some landscape shots, but the light turned out to be dissapointing and so I turned my attention to these guys. This chap had his head down and was busy muching away, so I called and whistled and the next thing was he started towards me quite swiftly. Thats when I took the shot.  Fortunately he turned out to be quite friendly.


Cheers Michael



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I like how the gray sky presses down, adds weight to the pony's back, as if the whole world is a burden.  It heightens the pathos.

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Alf,is incredible how large view can be,excellent details every where,the subject is ten points.I like how you worked in bw with rich nice grey tones,fact you followed more than 40 minutes deserve it,my compliments for this composition.

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Alf,  This is an excellent capture, you have really made this horse the true focal point in the scene, even though there is an amazing scene in the background the horse and its beauty is the picture. Wonderful detail captured with this beautiful animal. Like the how the front leg is just moving froward with the head slighly downward as though the horse will walk right out of the picture into real life. The B&W is so perfect for this image.  Excellent work!!   Best regards,  Sherry

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Many Thanks for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated!

The island is a magical place, and not short of historical facts from which the inevitable fairy stories will emerge : - )

Best Regards






I can't take too much credit for the composition other than wlaking around tracking this guy for about 40 minutes hoping that at some point he would stand near the shoreline. His actual movement towards me came as a bit of a surprise : - )

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards






I know what yu mean Jeff.  The actual pose reminds me very much of the horses that were used to work the coal mines nick named "pit ponies" although they were very well looked after, thier work was hard and the conditions they endured were not fit for man nor beast.

Many Thanks & Best Regards






Sincere Thanks for your enthusiastic response and positive feedback.

Such is the magic and wonder of this place, I have spent countless hours wandering around the island, that seem to pass like seconds.

Best Regards







I actually thought he was going to walk right into me, he moved with surprising speed and agility from a standing start.  He was perhaps only 3 feet away when I took the shot.  Fortunately he stopped right in front of me and proceeded to nibble everything, my jacket, my rucksack and my fingers etc. My camera was kept well away from that inquisitive mouth : - )

Sincere Thanks for your observations and thoughtful feedback.


Best Regards





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Many Thanks!  Coming from a well respected B & W photographer that means a lot to me.

Best Regards



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Hi Alf

Firstly, I would like to offer my sincere congratulations for winning the "Earth" competition on PN.  Although I didn't critique the image initially, I did vote for this image so I feel compelled to now as I am astonished and quite frankly disgusted at the above posts from those few members who have clearly been sucking on sour grapes!!  I  take umbrage at being called blind by, ironically, "Blind ta" who is clearly blind or he would have seen all the previous very complimentary critiques on this image!  It appears that the above "sour grapes" comments have been made by members who haven't even entered the competition....so...why these members cannot accept defeat graciously instead of writing such negative and false comments is a mystery to me.....and did they write similar comments to the runner up?.... Alf, it is very apparent that you are a very well liked, respected and extremely talented member of PN.  Once again Alf my compliments on a beautiful image and a well deserved win... Well done!!

Warm regards 


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.. on winning the Earth Day contest.

I like the composition, the b/w treatment and the clouds at the top. You caught the horse at a particularly striking pose. The only small thing that detracts is the white patch on the hind leg which is distracting - that is ofcourse part of the animal, but could maybe darkened a tiny bit.

As can be seen from some of the comments above, contests seem to bring the worst types out in the open. The people posting the negative comments may have joined PN just to vote to a particular entry as several of them have joined on the same day / very recently.

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Thank you for your comments and kind words.


I had not realised that this image had won anything (and I still remain unsure if it has) I only looked at the image when I checked the comments section of my home page then consequently looked at the votes.

I entered this competition because it seemed a light hearted and friendly kind of way of putting my photo out there amongst other genuine photographers. I really didn't expect it to win, and I repeat I don't even know that I have.  (There has been no official notification from PN)


I also didn't expect unsolicited emails, malicious accusations and veiled threats, this is not what I joined PN for and quite frankly I'm disgusted at this response.


It is a relief to find discover that the detrimental comments and accusations that appear to be aimed at myself, other genuine PN members and the PN management in general, come from a "recently joined" minority who seem to have a common theme, and even a common joining date, and even (in the case of two of them) common serial numbers that accompany thier images, I will leave it to the readers of the above to reach their own conclusions.

I will not quantify the above malicious accusations with a direct reply, but suffice to say, I have never imparted abuse or even unkind words to anyones work on PN. If I have any reservations about an image where I think improvements can be made, I make positive suggestions as to how it can be achieved.  I also very much welcome anyone else to make constructive criticism about my work, and have recieved a wealth of great ideas in the past that I have put to good use.

Enough said I think!




Many Thanks for your support, very much appreciated!

Best Regards






Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words. Suffice to say, I share your astonishment at the response this competition entry has stimulated.

Firstly I'm astonished in a good way, as it recieved the amount of votes it did, secondly I'm even more astonished (not in a good way) at the bitter and twisted comments that have come forth.

Of course, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes, to work out why I have recieved them, and I will refrain from responding further. I think most PN genuine members can make thier own mind up.

I'm not at all sure if my photo is a winner or not, there has been no official PN notification of this. But clearly the errm "minority" seem to think so, otherwise I wouldn't be getting the malicious comments and emails.

Ahh well "you can't please al the people all the time" as they say.

Thanks again Jacqueline!


Warm Regards






Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and kind words, much appreciated!


The shot was initially taken as kind of an experiment relating to the D800 and "hand held" images.

It was after a comment by PN member Jack McRitchie, that I entered the image in the competition, more as an after thought really.

I agree with your analogy regarding the white patch, if I was going to get this printed I would definately follow your suggestion and attempt to selectively darken the offending foot : - )

From reading your observations relating to the "negative comments", it would seem that you have reached the same conclusions that I have, and indeed others have too.


Best Regards






It would seem I have never been so popular, I can almost hear your roars of laughter from here!  LOL

Thank You Mike!


Best Regards









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What the heck is going on with the voting?!  The totals change daily and the contest is over!!  Mike

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Why some are angry ??


There are at least four images before it that have got higher rating .

this image got 12 votes,and the first one got 22 votes , so may some one tell us what is going on.

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Well I have  been through several different states of mood in the last few days

1. Surprise: - Seemingly overnight my image gets lots of votes, in fact more than anyone else.

2. Delight: - I think "Hey I might have actually won something here"


3. Disgust and anger: -  After recieving the consequential angry comments and unbelievable emails!


4. Confused: - Like yourself I want to know what the hell happened!


Conclusion:  Either my photo has been undermined by person or persons unknown. (all the clues are there)

Or: Someone with misplaced loyalty has been voting for my image inappropriatley and the votes have been disallowed.

PN have not seen fit to provide me with an explantion.

However, one thing is for certain, it is the last time I will enter a competition on PN.  I think for a start PN admin should at least limit voting to fully paid up members, in order to curtail misuse.

One last thing is, if this is the way that the site is run, then I might just find another. I really don't like the way that this has made me look!

I feel embarassed and humiliated!

When I think, there are members of my family that are long standing members of PN who joined before me, and I didn't even ask them to vote, in fact they didn't even know I had entered the contest

Very glad you asked the question though so I could get it out of my system!

Cheers Mike





The "angry people" thankfully do not represent the spirit of the PN community, and it is no surprise they are very recent members.

Initially this image had more votes, but the reality is I'm as perplexed as you are.


Best Regards






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Yeah, I think you, through no fault of your own and for whatever reasons pass through the pea-brains of a nefarious few, have been submarined.  And while I like the idea of photo contests, the administration really needs to tighten the programming around how the votes are cast and by whom.  As it's set up now the contests seem to be trying to be all things to all members, "liking" for the facebookers, "voting" for others, and "judging" for some.  As we've witnessed in all of the early contests, two of the methods are suspect for abuse.


I think I'm going to refrain from entering future contests until they're better organized and administrated.  While the "liking" and "voting" work for some, they're really just popularity contests.  What would be preferred would be contests with a panel of independent judges who will insure that each image is judged subject specific and, since this is a photo site, as photographs and not graphic art (a line that I admit gets more and more blurry).  Let me explain that my comment is not directed at any of the current finalist, but at one of the early "leaders" that was deposed.


Regardless, I encourage you to stick with PNet.  We've lost a lot of talented members the last year or so and that's a shame since this is such an enjoyable site.  Believe me, you have no reason to be embarrassed, your reputation on PNet is sacrosanct.


Have a great weekend... Mike

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You are so narrow minded I think you could look through a keyhole with BOTH eyes.

"someone" else didn't win.

Perhaps you would like to direct your questions to PN directly, in whichever name you think will work best for you. : - )



I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments, and I too think the essence of a good photograph is lost in all the hype and as you quite rightly put it "popularity contest" aspect of the whole affair.

Whilst the idiotic dysfunctional mumblings, vague accusations and utter gibberish of a few mutant nincompoops are mildy amusing, it is starting to get tedious. And where initially I had thoughts of votng with my feet and moving on to pastures new, I think I'll stick around, just to piss them off! It seems to be working already : - )

 My sincere thanks for your words of encouragement Mike, they really do mean a lot to me. I do hope no other "genuine" paid up member has to suffer the same kind of fate.

Best Regards



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Congratulations on winning with this extraordinary image!!!

I think that I'm the first one who voted for this photo and along the process was wondering how people can be so blind(ta!) not to see that this one is really the best - but, in the end the real quality wins. Of course, there were many extraordinary photos, but this one (for me) shows the real essence of the contest.

All the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have raised the contest problems in a forum post after I got some silly comments posted to my image page. If any of you think its worth your time, you can add to that forum post or wait to hear from PN admins in case they respond.

Forum post:


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