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My Country,The Huge Graveyard.


Nikon D300S 1/250F 1/18iso 400Flength 400

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Ten years ago,in this very same day ,the united state ,Britain ,and

their alleys occupied my country Iraq,on the basis of forged causes.

first,they said Iraq,is two steps from constructing a nuclear bomb,and

when one year search by themselves on every square meter of Iraq

proved to be a false accusation,they said a proposed connection of

Saddam Husein to Al Qaeda ,and that cause is proved false by their own

Pentagon and Parliament, then they said they have invaded Iraq to free

their people and importing democracy to the wealthy country .

As a citizen of Iraq and still living in Iraq ,I will tell you few

points from our newly imported democracy religion we are blessed from

the new modern God ,the USA and its tail ,the Britain.

Yesterday ,in the country that will produce the last barrel of oil ,I

have to wait in the queue for two hours ,their is some one thousand

car waiting their turn with me .

Today,when I returned home from my work I spent 90 minutes to cross 6

KM ,there are some 6 check points that search the cars for IDs and


In the past week there are four candidates for local election whom

were assassinated ,among them are one women.


A ten year war and occupation ,Iraq have returned to the middle

ages,with one and half million killed person,400,000 orphan ,250,000

widow,10% to 25% destruction of every city,lack and efficient medical

care ,immigration of the skilled and efficient minds outside Iraq,

they are estimated 5 million immigrants outside and inside

Iraq,division of the country on ethnic,religious basis ,and division

of the living quarters on the same basis too.

UN have defined Iraq as the most dangerous place in the world for its

citizens and forefingers as equal .


Yesterday ,In Baghdad alone ,twenty car bombs have exploded ,with a

more than 60 innocent people have been killed.


Damn all the tyrants ,all the occupiers,and all the armies .


Long live Iraqi democracy ,and Iraqi people.

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Thank you for your photo and your comments - the two together make a powerful statement.  Please keep in mind that in the U.S., there are many people who agree with the feelings you expressed in your comment - we only wish we could have done more to stop the horrible tragedy of the war against your country.

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Let’s hope that sometime, even if only up there, the ultimate perpetrators will receive their just deserves. Best regards.

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I feel the frustration in your preamble.  I hope things improve for you.  The seeds of troubles in most parts of the world today originated many decades (centuries?) ago by the then 'powers that be' and we today seem powerless to correct them.  Our own Canadian native peoples have issues which pre-date anyone living today and all attempts to correct these issues only seem to complicate the situation.  I truly don't have any ideas which would help your situation or theirs.  One can only hope that someday decent people's wishes will prevail and put things in proper order.   I suspect the spotlight effect on this graveyard was no accident and it compliments your preamble well.  Best wishes, LM.

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