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Lost (Can be viewed Larger)


Copyright: @AlfBaileyPhotography2013;
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows;
1 / 60 Second @ F 5.6 ISO 200 Focal Length 185 mmTripod

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Very, very nice.Usually, foggy images similar to this one create in me a cold dampish feeling , but this one is different & I have a warm feeling, expect it id due to the beautiful soft blues, a pleasure to view. Very nice image Alf.Best Regards-Ross PS Heh, I'm first in line,instead of pages & pages down
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definitely a photo that needs to be seend large. The small island in foreground is a very welcome visual 'anchor' helping the eye to navigate through the mysterious mountains and their reflections. Placing the island vertically in the middle suits perfect to the calm atmosphere.

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Very nicely done, Alf. The little island stands out perfectly against the misty background.
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The overall tone of this image is very appealing that gives an excellent contrast to the bit of land on the left side interest. Beautifully done, Alf. The mood is so soothing to see.

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Lost is exactly the feeling as in lost land, some forgotten place that can be re-discovered only by happy accident and the grace of God. The photograph catches that elusive sense of wonder that is so difficult to connect with in this increasingly frenetic world. You've done many wonderful pictures, but this one goes into my favorites.
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It wasn't exactly warm at 6.30 am, but it wasn't the coldest its been either.

I had photographed this scene before when its been foggy, but the last time there was more defintion in the distant hills. On this occasion there wasn't a great deal to focus on. But the resulting soft hues were pleasing.

Many Thanks for your thoughts and invaluable feedback Ross,much appreciated!


Best Regards






Sincere Thanks for your interest and kind words.

Perhaps I should have added the "In Dreams" bit to the title, it seems a fitting analogy.


Best Regards






I agree it should be viewed large, the thumbnail looks like a smudge : - )

The composition for this was a bit tricky, there were trees just to the left of that tiny strip of land that would have caused havoc with the blance of the image if included, so I had to stand in the water to ensure seperation. Just as well it was very shallow, ironic as the results appear deep : - )


Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feeback!


Best Regards






Thank you for your interest and kind words.

There fog was so thnck there wasn't much else to focus on, but it had the desired effect I think.


Best Regards






Thank you so much!


Best Regards





Many Thanks for your thoughtful feedback, much appreciated!

The combination of dawn light and foggy conditions kind of dictated the outcome. It was just a bit tricky finding a suitable foreground Item, most of the things I usually photograph here was veiled in fog.


Best Regards






Many Thanks for your interest and kind words. The dawn light always pays dividens, but I have to say on this particular day, I had great light all day.

Best Regards






I am truly honoured that you consider it a favourite, thank you!

The elements that conspire to deliver such conditions can be long awaited, and if you add to the equation the fact that I work 5 out of 7 days, then it becomes even more unlikely that I will happen upon them. But I was fortunate yet again, and had a full day of delightful fog : - )

I agree with your thoughts about the "frenetic world" that we occupy, it becomes increasingly difficult find a quiet corner.

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards





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I truly don't know how I missed this one, but I am delighted to have found it. If I ever was to be lost, I think I could be satisfied to be lost here, at least for awhile. The reflections are so lovely. Such subtle beauty, the BALANCE makes my heart feel 'still' (if that is possible'). This is one of those amazing compositions that one could sit and stare at during a long period of Meditation. I often wonder what goes through your mind Alf when you discover these places. Again, I think if I'd been there, I would have taken pause to 'weep'.


(This thought is not to Diminish this image - I wish this image could be hanging in every Dr's office I've ever been in. Especially the many offices we visited with my Mom at the 'Cancer' Hospital in Toronto, ON. There were no images to be seen, just rows of faces, some looking rahter calm, other's fearful. Some were smart enough to bring a book to read. But if you did not have any distraction, the long hours of waiting to hear the 'news' seemed endless and your eyes could only stare at the ceiling or the blank dreary, colourless walls. You daren't glance at any of the others, for fear of causing them distress, or making your own self uncomfortable. For the many hours of WAITING, this image could bring such PEACE to a Soul. It is not busy, it's BALANCE center's you, and your mind can travel within, searching out every detail that is barely visible in the fog.  Thankyou Alf.

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I quite often get lost here : - )

Lost in thoughts, and daydreams mesmerised by the peace and tranquility.

If I sit very still, relax and listen I can hear every tiny sound, feel every vibration and sense everything around me, its like I dissapear and just the elements of the natural world exist. Sadly, that trance like state doesn't last for long, either my thoughts are interrupted by the realisation that I might be missing great photo light, or a distant passing car revs its engine and the moment is "Lost"

I love your analogy of the image Gail, it comes so close to my own visualisation of peace.

But to visualize this image as something that might offer a glimmer of comfort to those people who await news in fear and trepidation as you have described, is perhaps one of the most touching comliments I have ever received.

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards






Many Thanks for your interest and kind words.

"These dreams go on when I close my eyes!

Lyrics by "Heart"

Best Regards





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I am interested in first impressions (when viewed larger) is there

enough detail to hold your attention?


Many Thanks

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 This is one of those fun images that can inspire a post production hour of fun.  Just playing with your image I made 24 different varieties with it.  Here is one for you to see.  I put it in Adobe Bridge and increased the clarity and then put it in Topaz Adjust and used the "detailed" filter.




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Of the three images you loaded I like this one the best and do consider it to be very aesthetically pleasing.  Because it is beautiful it has inspired Jerry to play with it (the image) and produce a multitudinous number of variations. While I can appreciate what he has done, his gives off a very different feeling.  My personal preference is the original which retains that soft characteristic of fog.    

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Alf....Well done on another misty scene. To me the small dark islet seems to just about mirror the background mountains, giving this an almost 3d effect. Regards, Bob.

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Alf, I like the image pretty much as is. Perhaps everything except the peninsula a tiny bit lighter but the same contrast and hue. The scene is peaceful and mysterious. Good Work.

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First impression?  Wish I could have claimed this photo -- 

This photo grabbed my attention by its simplicity, but when I looked at it closer (and larger), I found much to like:

1. Contrasts - The sharp focus of the island vs. everything else.  The overall "blue" feel vs. hints of other colors along the shore as well as the near-silhouette of the island.

2. Gradations of color and tone

3. Reflections in the water 

4. Visual "tickle" of the ripples 

In short, Alf, I love the feel, the subtleties, and the visual treasure hunt that your photo invited.  ~ Richard

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I'm so stunned and speechless!!!!!

Will come back later when my thoughts come to an order.

What a picture!!!!!!

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Like Gail, I have no idea how I missed this one........ what a whizzer!

The accolades have been and gone.............. for my 2pennethworth........

Magical.................. well done my friend.

Best regards

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Wow! 24 different varieties! I feel inadequate now, I only come up with three and one of them was B & W : - )

I know what you mean though,it is a kind of blank canvas in as much as, different moods could be applied with different colours and finishes.

I like the version you have offered as an alternative, its brighter yet more watered down, a paler water colour version perhaps.

Many Thanks for your interest and alternative interpretation Jerry.


Best Regards






Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and invaluable feedback.

I think that because the fog was the primary element within the scene, I would also err on the side of the original, it is interesting to see different PP applied though, and particularly when applied by another photographer.

One of the wonders of being human is that we all see the same thing differently.

Cheers Tony!






I was most fortunate to have a full day of foggy conditions, during which I travelled a total of some 250 or so miles to three different lakes. This was the first one at 6.30 am

The little island was about the only thing not completely shrouded in fog.

I see what you mean about that mirror effect, I hadn't actually noticed it before.

Sincere Thanks for your observations and positive feedback, much appreciated.

Best Regards






You have a good point about the darkness of the peninsular, I will look at the RAW file, I think its something easilly tweaked in Lightroom.

Many Thanks for your observations and positive feedback.


Best Regards






Sincere Thanks for your invaluable feedback, very much appreciated.


It is really very useful to know if an image appeals to viewers, but I think it's more important to know just why it appeals, or indeed equally if it doesn't.

Your listing of impressions and observations is not only very complimentry, but a really useful reference to the exact ingredients that the photograph presented to you.

I paricularly liked your phraseology of 4. Visual "tickle" of the ripples.  Something poetic about that : - )


Best Regards






Thank you so much!


It is very gratifying to read that the photo inspired such feeling.


Best Regards





Many Thanks for your thoughtful and most positive feedback! I am very pleased you like this one.

You have been very neglectful of your "updates" so get typing or I shall be forced to send you abusive emails until I get your latest news!  : - )


Cheers Mate!









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Another astonishing image, Alf. There is so much calm and beauty, and all of it out of the blue!

Regards, Tibi

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Wonderful insight on your part to see this scene and capture it. The tiny land mass in clear focus, dark and alone surrounded by a wonderful soft blue of fog which give the scene a dreamy look with peace and silence and yet reality because of the time land mass that is in focus. Wonderful image!   Best Regards,   Sherry


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Alf, another quite beautiful image. Your restraint, especially in this digital world of excess, is truly admirable. The temptation to endlessly tweak is here very well resisted! The mood is perfectly expressed by the subtlety of this image; its muted tones and small palette, as well as its simple aesthetic beauty, join to produce an image that succeeds in perfectly representing the idea of calm. You titled this image lost, which literally means to not be found, to be unaware of your place or position, but your image makes one think more of lost in thought or lost in time. This is not a cerebral image, instead this image is felt, and felt gently. Just lovely. Scott

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