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Listen To Reason


1/250 sec @ F4ISO: 200Focal Length 26 mmAperture PriorityTripod

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The fog helps to create somewhat of a surreal effect on the mountains in the background.  It's as if they are pointing to something behind them.  The vegetation in the foreground provides a nice textural contrast.

My best,


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Sincere Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback!

I wasn't at all sure about the white balance but it seems like I got it right from your response and others.

I used the bottom of the tree as a focus point and used minimal PP sharpening to enhance the effect.

I'm really pleased you liked this one.


Best Regards






Many Thanks my friend!


Best Regards






I have now used lenses at much wider apertures after reading the information that you have kindly provided.  Though there ocassions as you have cited that require a smaller aperture to achive certain effects.  There is no one simple generic F stop solution for all applications. Every situation should be assesed individually.

Many Thanks for your interest and kind owrds Mike.

Take care my friend!






Many thanks for your thoughts and kind words!  Much appreciated!

I actually included that little bit of land on the left in ordr to try and allow a some guage of depth to the scene. The scene as it was seemed a bit two dimensional so the intermediate spit of land provided a solution of sorts. Of course it could also be seen as bloody nuisance too I suppose : - )

Ahhh yes the green cast of errrm envy I too suffered that previously, but it miraculously dissapeared only to be replaced by an acute pain in my wallet : - )

Cheers Mike!






Many Thanks for your observations and positive feedback, much appreciated!

The mountains are mostly lost in the fog, probably about 2/3 invisible, but probably just enough left to make this work.

Best Regards






Thank you for your kind consideration and posiitve feedback!

I resisted the temptation to place the tree in the centre of the V and it seems to have worked.

Best Regards






Thank you so much!  Your feedback is very well recieved!

I love the new camera, though dare I say, it doesn't suffer sloppiness in any way, it is a precision tool and disciplines its user to be equally precise.

There wasn't a great deal of processing and most of it was done to the RAW file (graduated filter with cooler white balance adjustment) and a tweak to saturation and sharpness in CS3.

I'm very pleased you liked this one Wolfgang! 


Best Regards






Many thanks for your interest and positive feedback!

I too have read a lot about optimal f-stops, and the one conclusion that I have drawn is that there is no single generic f stop that would cover every situation and required effect.  Though in landscape terms I have probably read the same articles that you have that arrive at the same conclusions ref F8.

From further infomation recieved and in order to satisfy my own curiosity I have taken landscape shots with wide open apertures at f2.8 and the results have been surprisingly good (depending on the composition) Hyper focal distance also plays a crucial part in determining the correct aperture, but I am sure you already know that.

Cheers Jeff!






Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and contemplative reflections much appreciated!

The tree up until a couple of years ago had a few more limbs, and I'm not sure if the amputations were man made or come by way of the harsh winters these parts of the world endure. 

I kind of viewed the profile of the tree as a person, its two outstretched limbs imploring it audience to "Listen to reason"  but then my imagination is a weird and sometimes wonderful thing : - )

Cheers Donna!






Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback, much appreciated!

There was little or no point in trying to get the background in sharp focus as the visibilty was very poor.  So as you correctly observed the F 4 was a logical choice, It is interesting to note at this point that my previous post "Later that day"  was in fact taken with an aperture of  f2.8 albeit with a different lens and compositon, focal point etc.

"SOLITUDE" I like that analogy, it kind of sums up in one word my feelings at the time.

Best Regards







Many Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback, much appreciated!

The tree did until a couple of years ago, have a few more lower branches, and they followed the profile of the slopes even better.  But time takes its toll on us all : - )

Cheers Jim!






Sincere Thanks for your interest and positive feedback.

Its gratifying to read that this little symphony didn't hit a bum note : - )

Best Regards






Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback!

Thats the great thing about photography we all see things differently yet we are able to appreciate what others see.

Best Regards






Thank you for your thoughts and kind words, much appreciated!


Best Regards






Thank You!  I am a fan of your work, your very natural landscapes are inspirational, so it it most gratifying to read your words.

Best Regards





Yeah, it is indeed the contrast of sharp and soft that seems to make this work.  The scene without that tree would be a bit bleak and mundane, moody yes but lacking any focus point it would as you say look "ordinary"

Check out the camera I think you will be impressed : - ) ..Suffice to say I was. 

I'm doing ok thanks Christal, but sadly no where near retirement yet <sigh>  

Now I wonder if you will miss it.. in fact your parting words "Stay Tuned" may prove to be a prediction : - )

Sincere Thanks  & Best Regards






Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words much appreciated!


Best Regards







Sincere thanks for your consideration and positive feedback!

Minimal processing but what I did seems to have worked.

Best Regards






Many Thanks, I appreciate your enthusiastic feedback!


Best Regards






Now that would be a labour of love.  Somewhere out there is a person that needs the entire landscape of Cumbria to be photographed....they just haven't found me yet : - )

Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and most encouraging feedback!


Best Regards






Many thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback, very much appreciated!

Best Regards






I find another pint of Stella has that same effect : - )


There wasn't a great deal of sharpening applied, but it is a very sharp lens and care has to be taken.


Cheers Jamie!






Many Thanks for enthusiatis response and generous comments!

The calm water is always a very tranquil looking element on this area of Buttermere. But its a rare sight, the wind usually prevails.

Best Regards






Many Thanks for your thoughts and considerations

The greyish colour cast before the white balance adjustment did look a bit bland, so its gratifying to read you agree with the decision to change it to the cooler tones. "Silently slumbering"  Yeah it was really was, I'm not sure if it was the thick fog, but the silence was deafening.

Cheers Stephen!






Yeah I see what you mean, the tree reaches out and is like a link between the surreal background and the real foreground.

Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and posiitve feedback, much appreciated!


Kind Regards








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What can I say more after I saw the  photo and read all this opinions here.Is really a splendid location and you chosen so well this position with single tree and I bet there are many other point of view to have same excellent images in this area.Ten time compliments from me.

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Alf, a mesmerically beautiful image. I love your subtle landscapes, such a light touch. I used to live in Keswick, and spent all my free time hiking these hills, buttermere and its associated fells being some of my favourites. This was before I was as passionate about photography as I am now. I hope to get back there later this year. Can't wait!

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If this is just a test shot, you should do more tests. It's a superb piece of work with great detail in the foreground and just enough softness in the background to support the solitary tree without detracting from its impact in any way. The picture has a lyric quality; a deft bit of photographic choreography.
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Alf, such a graceful capture, very nice atmosphere which really give a deep feeling as great as pure poetry...!    Best regards  7!

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Many Thanks for your thoughts and very flattering comparison!

I only wish my tree had such a leafy canopy : - )


Glad you liked this one Tibi


Best Regards






There have indeed been many images taken from this perspective, though none I remember seeing with this kind of foggy background.  But the whole area is a haven for photographers.

Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and very encouraging feedback


Best Regards






I bet you miss Keswick and the surrounding area, it is such an outstanding area of natural beauty. I get withdrawal symptoms if I don't visit ay least once every couple of months. : - )

Buttermere though has to be amongst my favourite locations, though I do also love Derwent Water too, particularly those old wooden rowing boats.

I can fully understand why you can't wait to get back there !

Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback, much appreciated!


Best Regards






I intend to carry on doing a whole lot more "testing" that way when it all goes horribly wrong I can always say "I was just testing it"  : - )


"Photographic Choreography" I think I might have to steal that little phrase Jack, it sounds so much more eloquent and interesting than my over utilised "well balanced composition" 

Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback Jack!


Best Regards






Thank you for your interest and most encouraging words!


Best Regards






Ahhh yes!  For this is indeed the land that inspired many of our great poets!

The most famous of which must be William Wordsworth

"I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high oer Vales and Hills

When all at once I saw a crowd

A host, of golden daffodils"


Of course like most people I only remember the opening lines of that most famous poem : - )

I'm really pleased you liked this one Richard and it was most gratifying to read your analogy with poetry.


Many Thanks & Best Regards






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This landscape has everything. Excellent mood, stunning impact, beautiful foreground in the tree and the background is just magnificent. Congratulations, Alf

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One of your bests! Composition and artful change of the white created a very strong landscape shot. I suggest give a try for b/w and also slight sharpening for the web final image. 

My best regards,


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A gorgeous scene, splendidly photographed, Alf! Love the mood and that beautiful tree. I'd echo Mike's opinion regarding the protruding spit of land on the left side. It either needs to be gone, or have more shown, - as it is it looks like a compositional oversight to me. A minor point in this brilliant shot though Alf!

All the best,

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Yes, I got here eventually............ Wow, what a lovely following this image has........ but No, I have not read the whole thread, else I'd have nothing to say.

Yet another awesome shot, for which you can be duly proud. Whilst you may credit some to the new camera, for me it is the workmanship that shines through, irrespective of the equipment...... you'd capture the same with a Bownie.

I always marvel at your Landscapes, because I have nothing to contribute but accolades........... as I offer here.

Well done my friend........... sorry for the late arrival

Best regards

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I love the subtle setting and the slightly lyrical mood this photo conveys. Very nicely composed & the natural, muted color-tones are just perfect too, imo. I was initially of two minds regarding that little piece of land at the middle left, but ultimately decided that it really adds to a circular movement of sorts.... it seems to connect the foreground to the hazy beyond... Lovely work!

I see that you got yourself a new camera too, Alf -- Good for you! :-) Gr, M

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I like the atmosphere captured with the firm silhouette of the tree against the misty background. The reeds in the f/g give a lovely touch of texture and colour.


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Many Thanks for your thoughtful imput and kind words.

I remember taking photo's of this tree on a late evening perhaps 3 years ago, and whilst I liked the results, the scene didn't really do anything for me. The presence of the fog seems to have made a huge difference.


Cheers Lester!






Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback. 

I quite like the idea of a B & W or maybe even a version with selective colour. As for sharpening, the process I use does encompass a small degree of sharpening for the web.

Cheers Hamid!


Best Regards






Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback, much appreciated!

I can see why both yourself and Mike would thnk its a compositional oversight and for that reason, maybe it should be gone. But in reality I actually went to great pains to make sure it was included : - )  Only to provide an intermediate link between the foreground and background. I don't think I could have included any more of it, as a pan further to the left would have encountered more trees, which in turn would have upset the balance of the image..........I think : - )

I'm very pleased you like the overall image though Neil.








Always great to hear from you and thank you your thoughtful feedback!

I was quite surprised at the response this image generated and yes of course delighted too.

I'm not sure I'd know how to work a Brownie though Grayham, I believe you had to do all kinds of complicated stuff, like putting rolls of film inside, and winding little handles : - )  You film guys leave me in awe, specially when you describe how you processed your own images with chemicals and darkrooms..........now thats what I call dedication!



Cheers Grayham!






Thanks for stopping by, I'm really pleased you like this one.


Best Regards






I have photographed this scene a few times previously, but never with such atmosphere and mood. Such are the delights of the changeable British weather systems.  This place is always beautiful, and one of my favourite locations, but I was fortunate to have a whole day when the fog refused to budge.

Ahhh yes that debateable bit of land, actually you have indentified the exact reason that I chose to include it.  The composition as it was seemed a little 2 demensional and the bit of land was intended as a connection as you described.

Oh Yes the new camera, a wonderful piece of engineering and technical brilliance. I shall really look forward to reading  the 447 page users manual .........or not : - )  The 51 page "Quick Guide"  might have to suffice for now.

Sincere Thanks Marjolein!






Many Thanks for your interest and positive feedback.

I like them reeds too, Marc Dilleys comment somewhere above kind of nailed it, something like "without a single element the whole composition would fall apart" ....or words to that effect.

Cheers John!






Many Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts, much appreciated!

It was one of those days when the fog just didn't lift, and the peace and silence was mesmerising.


Cheers David!




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HEH- Do you take the new camera to bed with you, I know, just displaying a little envy..It is very simple Alf,a person of high technical & artistic skills should have the best equipment available..- There is nothing more depressing than knowing you could do better with better equipment,so you made the right choice.besides it's only money, actually if you spread the cost over the many years you will be using it, it's peanuts.Spent my time examining the grasses in the foreground & you have a full range of tones which speaks highly of your new camera.Enjoyed your nice reply to my critique.Very Best Regards -Ross
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Yes, of course I take it to bed, I made it special pyjama's and a night cap too for its lens in case it gets  too cold : - )

Yeah it is only money, and I am fortunate to be in a position to buy one, but also took the decision because I wanted to ensure I made the change whilst my D700 was worth trading.

I am glad you enjoyed this one Ross, I think the foreground is a key factor, its the springboard that launches the rest of the image.

Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words I am just going to tuck "Dinky" the D800 up in bed and read it a story : - )

Take Care Ross


Best Regards





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You miss a letter every so often, so I thought the pint was a print.  I thought you meant Joeseph Stella.


Stella??  You drink Stella?  I like English bitter so much.  best, j

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I can't make it too easy for you by typing comprehensible legible decipherable English, so I'd best stick to my usual dysfuntional spontaneous gobbledy gook, in order that I don't confuse matters further : - )

Yes, I too was an avid British Best Bitter fan for many many years, until a chance holiday in Holland persuaded me to consume large quantities of the amber nectar called lager. I now drink whatever is available, but in moderation,and only at the weekends.  I like to experiment and try new ones.

I should have photgraphed some for the current contest : - )


Take care Jamie






I was surprised at the amount of positive feedback this one received, but its very gratifying to read all the same.

Many Thanks & Best Regards



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So very well done Alf, The tree is just stunning and the mountains with a beautiful reflections in the background, love it mate...... regards Grant
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