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HIGHLANDER (Larger View Available)


Copyright: ALF BAILEY;
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows;
Silver Efex Pro 21/4000 sec @ F5.6ISO 200Focal Length 190 mm Hand Held VC on

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These creatures have always fascinated me, they look quite

formidable but in actual fact are very unagitated and composed



What do you think of the treatment?


May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas &

a Peaceful & Prosperous 2013

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The subject is great.  The grass vs animal hair is captured in a lovely way.  Framing The animal with the cloud grabs interest.   Nicely presented.  Reminds me I need a hair appointment.  I would hate to turn up on PN framed by a cloud next to Brillo pad or straw broom!   Hope the holidays are warm     

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I've always found these guys quite "cuddly", although he looks like he would take offense to a hug :-). Beautifully presented with the toning giving this image a vintage or timeless quality.  


A very Merry Christmas to you and your family...  Mike

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The original "Heelun Coo".......... you are really getting to grips with your new B&W software... this is looking good.

I like your presentation here.... these guys have always given me a slightly scary feeling and your "take" here just strengthens this resolve.

Great definition throughout the grasses and hair.... the larger view is impressive.

Well done my young friend...........

Have a great day tomorrow..............


Best regards

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Wow!  Impressive work!  No doubt with your new program?  The lighting is extraordinary with the cloud perfectly positioned as a backdrop.  It's almost as if a spotlight is on him.  Thanks for the greetings, and I hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful holiday as well.

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Hi Alf,

Well shot and presented as a B&W image.

The use of F/5.6 provides a crispness to this image, as this specific lens performs at its peak at this set point. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family my friend.

Best Regards, Mike

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Hi Alf, this is excellent.  I've never seen one of these, but your image brings it to life.  Excellent detail!  Merry Christmas.

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Alf.....Where I grew up in the late 60's early 70's , the farms around raised mainly herfords. Also around that time there was quite a movement in to the district of many of the "Free love" generation. So when one of the locals decided to try his hand at highland cattle, the cattle were branded with the name "hippy cows". Thanks for this great capture.You touched my memory. Regards, Bob.

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An Excellent shot! Apart from my preference to show it simply black and white, or even color, the capture and process are eye-catching and artful. Happy new year to you and yours, and also wish you a happy and healthy year with more and more great captures.

My sincere compliments,


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Hi, Alf!

Beautiful shot! Amazing pp! It deserves to be in that BOOK! :) Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family! Warm regards, Tamara

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Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful comments. It was a nice bonus to see the cloud behind the cow in such a way when processed in B & W, it didn't really look quite so pronounced in colour.

This poor guy or is it female...............either way they have a "Bad Hair Day" every day!  I don't think they would appreciate a shampoo and set : - )

The holidays are warm over here, or at lkeast comparatively milder than usual. But this year the rain just hasn't stopped! It will be recorded as one if not THE wettest year on record. Hope you enjoy your holidays Donna!


Best Regards






You have all the makings of a new campaign there "Hug A Cow Day" : - )


I used the Silver Efex once again to process..........I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon :- )

Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful comments Mike

Best Wishes for 2013!






Yes I'm enjoying using the software, its a whole new pallette of effects to play with, and great fun!

They are quite sedate and don't show any signs of aggressive behaviour, but then they would only have to be mildly annoyed to cause some serious damage.

The tamron lens can produce some very sharp results, but i'm now thinking about puchasing a Nikkor 80 - 200 mm F2.8

I'm very pleased you enoyed viewing this one Grayham and thank you so much for your invauable feedback!

Sincere Best Wishes for 2013!








Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and very positive feedback!

I got lucky with the cloud although it didn't look like anything much until I converted it to B & W.

Yes, you guesses I'm still playing wiith the New Software : - )

 Have a great holiday and my best wishes for 2013.





You might find a few clean ones after this rain!

Best Wishes to you Terry , hope you have a wonderful Hogmanay!






Good alternative to Turkey eh! : - )

Many Thanks & Best Wishes!





For a relatively inexpensive lens I have found the Tamron performs quite well.  And the focal length seemed to be within its high end performance arc.

Best Wishes for Chrismas & New Year!






These are lovely creatures, the heavy coat and horns give a rugged harsh impression, but in reality they are very contented and undemanding animals.  I wouldn't like to try and comb one though : - )

Best Wishes Dominick!





Sincere Thanks for your interest and kind words, much appreciated!


Best Wishes for 2013






"Hippy Cows" ......."Make Milk Not War" : - )

I'm really glad this one touched on your memories Bob and that you enjopyed viewing it.

Best Wishes






Many Thanks for your thoughtful and expert feedback, much appreciated!

I am still experimenting with the variety of tones and finishes that are available on the new software but no doubt the novely will soon wear off :

- )


Sincere Best Wishes for 2013 & Kind Regards






Ahh yes "That Book" you keep reminding me, and I'm glad that you do because one day I'll make a serious attempt to get it rolling!

Many Thanks Tamara!


Sincere Best Wishes for 2013


Warm Regards






Many Thanks for your interest and kind words.

All the very best to you for 2013







Many Thanks for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated.

Its a fact that these guys are very well looked after by thier owners.

Best Wishes!






Thanks for stopping by Tony!


All the very best to you for 2013!






Many Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback


Best Wishes to you and yours for 2013












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Excellent and creative.  Love it.  Thanks for your Christmas greeting.  Merry Christmas and Happy new year to you.  Best Regards,

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The larger view definitely is the way to go with this image.  The detail and lighting are considerably more impressive.  Whether or not you applied any vignetting tool, I like the effect.

My best,


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A very nice animal indeed. I like the tones you achieved and the bluish tint is interesting. Did you try sepia too?

Wish you a happy and creative 2013,


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but he'll be happy to know, i still prefer turkey for the holidays.  Have a happy new year!  best, jamie

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Great shoot and excellent sharpness in the details. this shoot should defiantly be enlarged to see its full glory.

Great work.

Best regards Tore

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Many Thanks for your interest and kind words!


My Sincere Best Wishes for 2013






Thank you for your thoughts and invaluable feedback!


I did apply some vigenetting in process and another little gizmo called "burn edges" in Silver Efex software.  The configurations of the settings with this software seem endless, and I am just at the beginning stage of experimentation.  So lots more to play with yet : - )


Best Regards






Many Thanks for your interest and kind words, much appreciated!

I did try Sepia, but the one I opted for in the end was the split tone with the bluish tint that you see here.  Silver Efex is a box of toys I haven't quite finished playing with yet. : - )


Sincere Best Wishes for 2013






You'd need a hell of a sized BBQ for this guy, plus you'd have to catch him first : - )

All the very best to you and yours Jamie!






Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback, much appreciated!


Best Wishes for 2013






Many Thanks I'm really pleased you liked it!


Best Wishes to you for 2013!




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