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Perch Rock (Larger view available)


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I have posted a series of three images taken with a Samsung P & S.


Other than a some very slight sharpening and cropping on one of

them (Lindasfarne) there has been no alterations to the images. This

is how they came out of the camera.


I can't claim any credit for these images, I just pointed this tiny

contraption in the general direction of the scenes I wanted to capture

and this is the result.


But I thought they were worth posting as I was quite impressed at the

quality of the images


Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated. Thank You.

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A remarkable shot for a point and shoot. But you still should take some credit. You still have to know where to point and when to shoot to get an image like this.

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Very impressive, both the quality from this P&S and your composition.  Dang, we sure spent a lot of money on these dSLRs, tripods, extra lens, filters, and bags! ;-)... Mike

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A superb image Alf! I never would have guessed you captured this with a P&S! Apparently they have evolved considerably from my first digital P&S. Good stuff!

All the best,

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Yes, P&S cameras have really evolved.   Sometimes I'm amazed at what they can capture.  Still, I agree with Don above.  You certainly must accept some of the credit.  This is superbly composed and exposed.    

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Hi Alf,  

Yes, you can take credit for pointing the contraption in your chosen direction.  This is a fine image as are most of yours, and that is because of the way you see and compose an image mentally and know how the camera sees it.  Then we "snap" and capture the result.  The image is in the seeing whether shooting with a P&S or a $5000 DSLR body.  Nice capture, Alf.   Larry

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Larry has taken the words right out of my mouth......... it is the "seeing" of what to take,  that sorts the men from the boys.

The additional "edge" that you have Alf,   is that ability to "see".... not everyone is blessed with the same.

Great shot here......... well done


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Whatever the technology, you have seen and captured a great shot. The quality  is great and the image beautiful. Stunning. Regards, Erik

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Of the three shots this shot I like the best. I think it shows the best color, range but of course it may just be the most picturesque shot which is causing me some bias. Great shot Alf.

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Hi Alf.

No question a beautify, and viewing it enlarged is even a real treat. However, may suggest a different crop? The drama of the clouds and their reflection on the wet sand is lost a bit on right side of the image. Naturally, we gravitate to the bright areas of the image and there is nothing on the right that adds to our "understanding" and admiration of the image, so I cropped it out.

Have you seen Podolsky's missile?  

Hope all is well, Dror.

Wow, just looked at the camera you used. Quite amazing sharpness and with a Schneider lens, I am not surprised.

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A very pleasant photograph to view. Nice reflection, color, sense of movement. Could possbly be cropped a little tighter just to make the overall image stronger. I started with a p&S and think some of those images are better than with my current camera, so it has nothing to do with the camera. You had the eye to see this shot, so don't sell yourself short. Well done.

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Fabulous shot and my initial view is that this must be the D700.14-24 combo and was shocked to see this samsung designation.

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This one turned out beautiful Alf, always shows that it is good to have some sort of camera with you at all times. Sometimes you don't want to be carrying all your gear, and this camera served you well I would say. Lovely!

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Well done Alf. There is much to like about this image, the color and details are wonderful.  I am in awe at the PS cameras out on the market today. My daughter has one that takes amazing pictures very much like this one you are sharing! I sometimes wonder why I carry all the weight of my camera gear as I am in search of photography moments :) You of course have a great eye/skills and I know that even with technology not everyone can get a great image no matter the camera....big or small.


Warmest regards, Pamela

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I agree with Don that you should take some credit. You have to see the shot in the first place and then get the comp right. I really like the colours and reflections in this one. Very nice!

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Alf,  This capture is truly beautiful, there is something about the warm brown colors that give this scene it exceptional beauty.  Well done for just out of the camera and minor PS.   Best Reagrds,  Sherry

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Alf,what a splendid moment caught,light house in that corner and waves from left to right that give dimension to this composition,and of course no doubt of this nice color and reflection,I can say only compliments to you.

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And I was thinking I needed to upgrade my body, maybe a P&S is all I need.  There is a lot of skill still in this image that raises it above the common, and that still comes from the operator.  Strong work, beautiful scene.  With best regards...


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Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words.

Yes I take your point, where and when is probably the key to most photographs success or failure.


Best Regards






You are not wrong, we spend an absolute fortune on all these lenses and associated filters etc.  And if you want a decent size print, it worth the cost of a DSLR. For those that just like to browse a photo's on line or upload small sized files, then a P & S like this will do a great job.

I can see a future where a full frame camera will fit in your pocket, and thats in the not to distant future too!

Many Thanks Mike!

Kind Regards






They just keep getting better and better, it won' be long before DSLR's become redundant. But personally I like the DSLRs for more practical reasons. That is the size and weight feels right in my hands, I can access and adjust just about anything by pressing a button or turning a dial, and the range of lenses far exceeds anything that could be incorporated in a P & S ........but who knows, technology changes so fast these days.

Many Thanks  & Best Regards






The beauty of these P & S cameras is the mobility.  I was taking the dog to the beach for a walk and whereas I would normally go without my camera, I took this one along just in case anything worth shooting presented itself, As it happened the last of the sun was making the clouds look warm and the reflection on the sand looked good too, so I fired off a few shots hand held. Its even easy to compose the shot, as there are little grid lines on the viewing screen to help alighn the photo.

Many Thanks Christal!


Best Regards






It was viewing the quality of your images that first made me consider a P & S, I seem to remember asking you about details regarding your camera. As it transpired I just happened to win this little Samsung in a competition, and it has proved to be a useful little tool.

You are right of course, you do have to see the picture first no matter what camera you are using, the big advantage with the P & S being the speed it can be used, out of the pocket and click.  The DSLR needs a tripod, spare lenses. filters and settings must be checked and rechecked all before a photo can be taken.  I just wish this one had a RAW file ability.

Many Thanks & Best Regards






You are quite right Grayham, I guess I take them kind of things for granted some times, and I really shouldn't. At the same time though I never want to sound conceited.

Many Thanks & Best Regards






Light is good in one way, but no so good in another. Light weight is great for transportation, but I find small light weight camera's more suspceptable to movement and putting my big fingers in front of the lens :- )

 Many Thanks & Best Regards






Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, much appreciated!

Best Regards







Many Thanks for your interest and kind words.

 I think the timing had the most influence on the look of the shot. The sun was just starting to dip below the horizon , allowing that warm light.


Best Regards






Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words. much appreciated!


Best Regards






It certainly seems to be the most popular, and it is from one of my favourite locations.  The light was good and the wet sand were all contributary factors to the colour range. Glad you liked it Joe


Many Thanks & Best Regards






The wet sand seemed to relflect the clouds making them look warm and inviting.  Last light is always a good bet for some decent colours.

Many Thanks & Best Regards






I didn't think that word existed in the photographers vocabulary : - ) But thank you most sincerely!


Best Regards





Many Thanks for your thoughts and invaluable feedback!

I took a portrait orientated shot almost exactly the same, but whilst your reasoning is flawless, I still like the landscape version better : - ) Just a taste thing I guess.

Yes, I saw that goal, it near took out the back of the net. Excellent volley!

The camera is great but it has it limitations.  I think the future will see camera's of a similar size that have no such limitations.


Cheers Dror!


Best Regards






Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words, much appreciated!

The zoom lens on this camera is another great feature, so I guess the tighter crop was possible too.  I have played around with the image since, and yes theer is definately a possible tighter crop there.

Best Regards






Many Thanks for your thoughts and invaluable feedback.  It is a great little piece of equipment Tony, but it does have its limitations, the smalll sensor woudn't allow a huge print for instance and there is the issue of no RAW file shooting mode available, but then its a fraction of the cost and it does a fair job, so I'm not complaining...too much : - )

Cheers Tony!






Yes , I agree Gail, and thats the main reason I take this everywhere, its not only light and very portable, but its also very inconspicuous and discreet, very useful for those sneaky street shots : - )


Sincere Thanks & Best Regards






Many Thanks for your interest an thoughtful feedback, much appreciated!

Coincidentally this is the location and almost the same scene as the very first photograph that I posted on PN.  I used a Nikon D 40 with the standard 18 - 55 mm kit lens, which cost about the same as this P & S today.  These little P & S cameras are great, but fall down when you want a big print. But then not everyone does so it suits some people perfectly.

I like my DSLR because my big clumsy hands can hold it steady, and I don't need fingers like knitting needles to access the menu : - ) And of course I can appreciate what you are saying about the weight, but its worth the pain when you see the quality of your images.

Warm Regards





Many Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Dawn and dusk are most often the times when I get lucky with a shot like this.

Best Regards






I don't know what these little P & S cameras do in processing inside the camera, but they do appear to be optimised to some degree.  Saying that though the colours were quite vivid because the sun was just dissappearing below the horizon.

Many Thanks for stopping by Sherry, I appreciate your comments!

Best Regards






Many Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback, much appreciated!


Best Regards






Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and invaluable ffeedback, much appreciated!

It was a fortunate encounter with the light. I just happened to be taking the dog for a walk, and the sun was about to set, this in turn allowed those nicely reflected colours in the wet sand.


Best Regards






Don't be too hasty in buying a P & S, I think the next 12 months will see huge strides forward in terms of the quality that can be expected from future P & S cameras

Sincere Thanks for your very encouraging words!


Best Regards















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