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Cradle Mountain BW


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After watching "The Hunter", a film set in the Tasmanian wilderness, I felt

compelled to go through my photos from the region, including this one a 4

minute exposure predawn. Unfiltered.

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Very  impressive black and white editing! I have yet to learn how to do black and white, but with all the B & W images I see here on PN, this is just beautiful. The tonality is exceptional. The terrain is amazing, excellent reflections in the water, and the way you processed the sky works very well. (forgive me if I am wrong, I do not know if it is possible for the sky to look like this naturally, but it looks lovely for this image) Best! Gail

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Gail, it certainly is possible to get skies that look like this naturally, provided you get lucky with the windblown cloud formations. On this occasion its the 4 minute exposure that creates effect.

The other photo you commented on also has apparent cloud movement, however that was exactly how the sky looked at the time and was not due to a long exposure.

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Interesting landscape and for sure an attractive bw with nice grey tones,looks unusual the line reflection in the water that seems to be double,but I think the water was just a bit moving in central area that time and this is the effect result,nice texture of rocks in foreground,not to be forgotten the sky with this clouds,compliments.

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Gorgeous black and white. Good detail. Beautiful sky. I love the effect the sky has. It really makes the picture.

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