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Garden Meditations - (plse enlarge)

Img_5967 - ABSTRACT - Canon Digital Rebel T3i - Lens: Canon EF 100 mm USM Macro - Shutter Speed: 1/200 sec. - F Stop: F/3.5 - Aperture: F/3.5 - Focal Length: 100 mm - ISO Speed Ratings: 100 - Exposure Program: Normal - Metering Mode: Evaluative - Flash Did Not FireOriginal Image has been Digitally Altered, Blending Modes Applied to Numerous Layers and Merged with other Images.

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It was very Humid and Hot here today, the Humidity robbed you of all

energy. Yet you try to do as many chores as you are able in the

Garden. For a moment I rested, closed my eyes, and felt the brilliant

sunshine on my face. My mind was a swirl of flowers, their vibrant

colours and fragrance was just 'heady'. Little stars danced among

them, as if in a 'dream'. I said to myself, 'What a beautiful dream.' It

was 'glorious for a moment', I whispered 'PEACE' and then suddenly

I awoke from my 'dream', realizing I'd better head indoors before

I 'really was seeing STARS' ! (a song has been echoing in my head

since then, and a strong urge to find my old Platform Shoes, Bell

bottoms and Beads.....must be a bit of 'heat stroke' ! ;-) thankyou for

any visits, have a great weekend, Gail)

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Hello Gail,

....I whish I could have this kind of creative heat strokes. Superb processing and colors.

Kind regards

Bela Dick 

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definitely a winning creation Gail. This has your signature style written all over it but added to that there's a wonderfully 'fresh' creative appeal to this shot. Vibrant colours matched with good editing and composition. Great stuff!!

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A truly wonderful interpretation of what 'garden meditation' means. The outlined  face of a woman, the different colors of flowers as probably imagined when one closes her eyes and the geometrical lines and framing all come together to this very original excellent display of photographic art.

Top marks for this one, Gail (but won't allow me). Your trademark that only you can create.

Warm regards!  -  Lester

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Dear Gail, As always your work is very creative and original, in this case I think Lester Garcia said it best in his post and I totally agree. The face is obvious yet subtle and the greens of the garden surround her. Very tranquil and peaceful. Take care my friend.

Best Always,


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What a great image for meditation with infinite possibilities for imagination my friend. The face tells me that I am able to create my reality according to my choices. I select peace and love in all I do. Thank you for sharing your super creative work.

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Superb processing and colours as all ways my friend, I see a mummy here so very clearly, I very much like this image Gail, best regards Grant...

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Your creativity always inspires me Anabela, and while I am not quite as artistic as you just yet (painting) it is something I am truly aspiring to. Many thanks for your input on this image. Kind regards, Gail

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Lovely to hear from you jorge. I am glad you found some Positive 'vibes' in this composition. So good of you to take the time to share your feelings with me. Only 'good' thoughts, seems like a very intelligent way to live!

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So nice to hear from you Mark, I know that this is not everyone's 'thing' but I enjoy being creative even with my Photos. I am amazed by the infinite possibilities. I hope you are enjoying your macro lens - I'm still working hard at it!

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So very nice to have you visit and give me your input on this image. I am always pleased when you enjoy my work Maurizio. Your encouragement is very appreciated.

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A very apt title , the image lives up to it so well . The more I look , the more fascinating I find it ! Excellent processing and presentation ! Bill

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Many thanks for your visit and kind critique. Your ventures into Digital Alterations are fueling your imagination Bill. I am enjoying your recent works so much!

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