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I don't know what kind of bird this is. She/he looked so beautiful

resting under this Palm tree. Thanks for looking.

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My bird books don't show this one either........ obviously a type of duck??

Such peaceful surrounds............ well done


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Hi Linda,

Looks like a domestic duck called a Muscovy Duck.  I use a website called whatbird.com when I don't know an ID.  They have a bird ID forum.  In fact I took a picture of a similar bird and sent it in to them and Muscovy Duck was the ID.  Domestic birds aren't shown in most bird books.  That's a beautiful setting for the shot.

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Thanks so much everyone for stopping and commenting.

Phil, I will try looking this one up on whatbird.com. Thanks for that. All my bird books identify North American Birds, so I wasn't surprised when  I didn't see it.

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I can't help out much with the duck Linda, but have to say what a picturesque spot this is. Lovely reflections in the water, very lush habitat. I'm sure the Palms were a great shade from the hot sun.  I love Palm trees, and always miss them once I've returned home.

Very nice capture.

Sincere regards, Gail

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The duck princess looks very regal sitting there surveying her estate from the cool shade of the palm tree. Lovely light and shadow play and I like the reflections too.

Best Regards


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Guest Guest


A nice, idyllic scene, full of lushness and well captured, composed, and exposed by you. I like the long shadows of the leaves on the ground. That's quite dynamic. Great perspective, reflections in the pond. I do wonder about the focus on our feathered friend. The environment is so overwhelming, he's getting a little lost in it, which was perhaps your intent. I think the surroundings are strong enough that they could be toned back a bit, helping the duck's presence a little more. I'm not suggesting you would necessarily want to do this. It just occurred to me as another way of seeing the scene.

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What a beautiful green world! I like a lot the composition with  the white bird (and the touch of red face)  as the main live subject...., it  has every detail sharp, and still has the poetic touch! Great light, shadows DOF  and reflection. Really well executed!

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I really do appreciate when people take time to look and comment on my photos, Thank you all so much.

Gail, the Palm trees inKauaiwere incredible, many species I had never seen before. I did have a Palm tree in my dining room but sadly the cats shredded it.

Alf, thanks. I am glad you like it.

Fred, it is nice to hear from you. I am not used to Tropical Paradise, I almost drove off the road when I saw this scene. For me the attraction was the curve of the water cutting into the green grass, the reflection, the different shades of green throughout, the light and shadows, then the white bird. I thought it was a swan at first which would have been too much. I saw it as part of the whole scene. I think it is good to hear and see what others would do with an image. I always enjoy hearing suggetions because it stretches the imagination, so often someone will notice something or have a different perspective that I missed completely. Knowing your skill and photographic awareness I always appreciate your comments on my photos.

 Pnina, thanks so much. It is good to hear your thoughts.

Wishing you all the best,


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Such an idyllic setting!  I can see the appeal!  And the bird has found the perfect spot!  :-)  I know Phil thought it was a Muscovy Duck, but here's another idea.  I wonder if it's related in some way to Hawaii's state bird, the Nene Goose.  It looks like it could be in the goose family, but I've never heard of a white Nene.  You might ask someone at one of the universities in Hawaii.   I did that once for a flower identification.  If you find out what it is, please let us know.

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A very good image and i love the patches of light and shadow. (6). It certainly makes me want to be there.

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