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AVENUE (View Large)


1/125 sec f11ISO 200Aperture Priority Focal Length 125 mmTripod

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Many thanks for your interest and kind words, the late afternoon sun did make the lighting interesting.

Best Regards



Thank you for stopping by and sharing  your thoughts, much appreciated.

Best Regards



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Alf, the photo looks downright spooky to me! I love it! BTW, I just got my Nikon D800, I have had it two days and don`t think I have put it down yet. It is everything I hoped it would be.

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Many Thanks, I'm really pleased you liked this one.

I have just turned as green as one of those tree's : - )

The D800 looks like a dream of a camera, I can't wait to see the results via your images, keep me posted Jim

Best Regards



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Stunning, Alf, I would like to see a Black and white version, If you look in my folio you will see a scene that is based on the same theme, I did it in B&W and there is also the comparative colour image there. I found the B&W worked better. Cheers Alf Great work.

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Many thanks for your visit and thoughtful observations. I did take a look at your B & W trees and yes, I do believe there is a possibility of doing something similar with this one, good suggestion!

Best Regards


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Great work!  Well balanced.  Nice green color standing out of the dark color.  The sharp details.  Thanks for your encouragement.  Best Regards,

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A superb scene you've found here Alf! Love the old moss covered trees, and that amazing canopy. The telephoto compression works well here I think! Excellent work!

All the best,

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Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful comments. much appreciated! The colour was a bit overcooked, but not purposely, I had some issues with colour profiles and this was the result, Ihave since rectified the problem.

Best Regards



It was a great find, I can't wait to see how it looks with a full leaf canopy, particularly in the autumn.  The compressed look you mentioned was a result of some experimentation, which will hopefully save some time on my next visit. Thank you for your interest and thoughtful observations Neil.

Best Regards


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I had started my comment on this comp last week Alf, and was unable to finish, my apologies.

I think it is a beauitiful image. Being early Spring and no leaves on the trees, of course there are bare braanches, but that is what 'you saw' before you. This laneway is Unique in every way, and I think JeffsL said it perfectly. the lighting is amazing when you consider the density of the 'arch' above.

I have been on a similar road, but the trees are much smaller and denser that line the roadway, then beyond them is Swamp. I have been down the road I mention during the day and at night. At night it is just 'magical' as I can imagine this one would be.

I find that my eye waunders down the 'Avenue', invited to explore 'what I cannot see'. Very intriguing with definite 'magical elements'.

I'm so glad you chose to post this image. I have been thinking about it all week. Warmest regards to you Alf,


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I have searched for a location like this for some time, the nearest I found was in Ireland, which mean't a flight or a boat trip to see it.  Then I discovered this one quite by chance which is about 20 miles from where I live. It is part of a 1,000 acre estate owned by The National Trust (I just recently obtained membership) and there are lakes and trees, lots of Deer, historic houses etc, but the best part for me was these avenues of trees (there are 2) that run parallel to the Grand Entrance roadway.

The lighting was coming from the side as the sun was low in the late afternoon and I was lucky that the place was devoid of people. I'd love to see it at night as you describe, it sounds wonderful, but alas the park is closed at night....but who knows I might be able to persuade the powers that be to let me photograph it at night. I'm really glad you enoyed this one Gail and that the "magical" elements come alive for you : - )

Sincere Thanks for your thoughtful observations and invaluable feedback!

Warm Regards


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Compliments on a nice image.  I don't find the branches too busy at all. The only thing I could suggest is that I think this spot could make for an even better picture if you could make it there while there is still a morning mist/fog. I think the interplay between the light shining through it and the way it would make the background fade could make for an even better atmosphere for an excellent location.

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Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful comments. I agree, a misty or foggy morning would make this location exceptional in terms of mood and atmosphere. I also wished for a couple walking hand in hand in the distance, or perhaps a lone Stag to walk across the scene, and then maybe some autumnal colour too for the overhead canopy, but I will no doubt visit this location again in the autumn and hopefully catch one or more of the wished for conditions. 

Best Regards 


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to me this is a National Geographic image. the quality is superb including clarity, texture and color range. The many outstanding comments it attracted are a lesson in advance composition and presentation! This is a beautiful photograph, congratulations my friend.

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Sincere Thanks for your most generous comments, very much appreciated! I think this place has tremendous potential and I do intend to return in the autumn when hoepfully the leaf canopy will be at its most colourful.


Best Regards



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Love the angle and the color....even if it seems a bit over done, sometimes nature is so vibrant that it does look surreal. So many possibilities for this magical place! I would likely spend the day shooting here trying to capture something special. I would be a bit frightened if the fog came in but also intrigued so I would have to stay!

As always Alf your work is very inspiring.


Take care, Pamela

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Great to hear from you! I do hope you are keeping well! 

You are quite correct about the colour looking overdone. At the time of uploading I was going frantic trying to work out what had gone wrong. I eventually found out it was a colour profile issue due to a change I had made in my processing software, and have since made the necesssary adjustments.  This is a great place, the avenue of trees are going to look even more spectacular in autumn, and maybe some fog .....a couple walking hand in hand, or a lone stag ( there are lots of deer wandering around here) would complete the scene.  I'm very pleased you liked this one Pamela.

Sincere Thanks & Warm Regards




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Hi Alf-So the tree trunks are green,who cares! You have captured a visually stunning image on a level of it"s own.The large size is very strong, have been sitting here just letting the image soak in for five minutes & at times it looks a little scary,what is round the bend.Would like for once to see an image judged only on it"s artistic merits.This is the way I feel,but what do I know. In my book you have a gem. Very Best regards-Ross
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This is one of the places that I mean to go back to, but as yet haven't found a spare day. 

Its a great place for photographs having a few of these wonderful tree lined avenues, and an abundance of free roaming deer too.


I will make a note to go back in the autumn, and try and get these trees with a bed of leaves on the ground.


I did try to reply again to your image taken from your cabin with those lovely clouds.  But for some reason the "contribute a critique" tab was not visible.

But in any case it looks like a little bit of heaven right there! The wonderful sunsets and dawns that you must witness, its looks a very beautiful place, and I can't think of a better way of spending some time.


Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback Ross, its always good to hear from you! 


Best Regards 



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Many Thanks! 


I do intend to return to this spot in the coming weeks to try and capture the autumn colours! 


Best Regards 



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Alf, I am wondering if you returned to this spot for a fall color shot. Hope you did. Would love to see the resultant image.

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Not yet, but I do intend to visit this place within the next few days, and hopefully it won't be raining! 

Many Thanks for your interest Dave! 


Best Regards 



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