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AVENUE (View Large)


1/125 sec f11ISO 200Aperture Priority Focal Length 125 mmTripod

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This has to be the most frustrating upload of my PN experience so far : - )

I can see the colour rendered perfectly on my desktop, and the very same image looking totally different on PN. I haven't solved the mystery yet, but narrowed it down to browser / image profile problem.

Sincere thanks for your thougtful observations and invaluable feedback, very much appreciated!

Cheers Holger & Best Regards



Many Thanks for your interest and posiitve comments. I did upload the second version of this 3 - 4 times in an attempt to get the colour looking right, but didn't quite manage it, so it's entirely possible it was during one of these excercises I managed to crash your connection Oppps sorry about that ! I very much like your "Tolkien" analogy, that has to be a great compliment, I'm really pleased you liked the image Dave.

Best Regards



I generally try to allow a larger view and optimise the image at the larger size, so it generally has a bit more impact when seen larger.

I wondered exactly that same thing as you have "what will it look like in the fall"? I can't wait to find out, I'm imagining it will look spectacular with a carpet of fallen leaves. As for the structure, well I can't disagree with your observations, maybe next time I will try and hide it, move it or disguise it somehow.

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards



It's ok Christal I'm doing enough complaining for everyone : - ) The colour issue is seriously annoying, but I will overcome the problem........I just haven't figured out how yet!

 The late afternoon sun did light up those tree trunks with a golden light, but not to the extent that I can see on PN. I am however heartened by your positive comments and thoughtful observations, and thank you sincerely for taking time to share them.

Cheers Christal



The fairytale surreal look wasn't what I was aiming for when I posted this, but as it's turned out this way because of the colour profile / browser problem, I'm going to take all the positives I can get : - )

Cheers Jeff



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Lovely subdued lighting with breaks of sunlight. I like the tangled effect of the branches in contrast with the sturdy trunks of the trees. There is a very similar avenue at Tatton.

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Hi Alf, a very interesting photograph indeed, it seems to always be tricky to get a good balance between the canopy and foreground as they tend to compete with each other, but I think you've done a wonderful job here, I think the canopy gives it a realistic effect because the foreground is not so busy, it just works. This image as extremely nice detail to it. I also tend to see over saturation when I upload to any website, I see the difference when I convert from RGB to sRGB, I'm guessing it's just compression. But nevertheless I think you've struck a very nice balance here it just seems to work well. A very well structured image Alf, most impressive. regards Grant

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WOW. The colors are magnificent and the reflection of the light is very impressive giving an spectacular image. Excellent photo. 

My best regards. Cosmin

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I wodered if I should even post a comment on this one there were so many comments posted already, mine might get lost.  I had to though it is truly  a remarkable place and the light and shadows are superb. One can get lost in the depth of the image. A place of contemplation to be sure.  Great job and thank you for your recent comments, rek

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Many Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

Best Regards



Glad you liked it!

Best Regards



You have the location spot on. This is indeed located at Tatton. Another great place to visit not too far away is Dunham Massey, some lovely Deer there. Thanks for taking time to provide invaluable feedback, much appreciated.

Best Regards



Many Thanks for your observations and thoughtful feedback, much appreciated. It was one of the more challenging images from a composition viewpoint, so Its very gratifying to read that you think it works.  I think you could be right about the compression. I have recently uploaded a new version of Lightroom and I think the colour settings might be RGB I'm going to experiment to see if I can get the optimum upload combination so hopefully that the images on line represent what I have processed.

Cheers Grant!



Thank you so much, I'm really pleased you liked it.

Kind Regards



The colours are a bit more intense than I intended but I'm glad you liked the overall effect.

Sincere Thanks and Best Regards



I'm really pleased that you did leave a comment. I find it helpful to get as wide a view point as possible, the thoughts and observations people make often influence my work.  This is a great loaction I'll be coming back when the trees are in leaf and then back in the fall too hopefully.

Many Thanks & Kind Regards



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Your picture is surely inviting, the colors, regardless of their level of saturation have an other-world quality that adds mystery and a sense of adventure. If you de-saturate the shot or even go with it to BW it will be a bit dull.

For me the canopy is about right as what I see in this shot is an alley that wants to pull you into a magic world that surely has to be intricate.

Best Regards,


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What a fantastic image. I love the mood and lighting of it a lot. I have not read all the other post but you said about the overhead canopy could be a bit busy. Looking at I think you could be right. Although it does not bother me at all I can see how the top enhance the overall image. I think this would me even more dramatic as a wide/pano image. maybe cropping the top and perhaps stretching the canvas a bit. I guess it's worth a try.

Congrats on such powerful image.


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Many Thanks for your thoughtful comments and positive feedback, much appreciated!

I take on board your comments about the image would look dull if it were substantially less saturated or B & W, and I agree. I did in fact try a B & W version and it just didn't work at all. My real concern wasn't so much the level of saturation, but that it didn't reflect the image accurately as uploaded, the difference was very noticeable to me, though probably wouldn't be as obvious to anyone else.

But I think I have solved the mystery of the exaggerated colours, it was a colour profile problem, I uploaded a new version of Lightroom andf didn't change the settings to sRGB. I have now made chages to the settings and since uploaded a new photograph and that seems accurate.

I'm glad you get that sense of "mystery & magical" it seems that the image does communicate this quite strongly.

Cheers Tibi



Sincere Thanks for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated. My first impression of the image when I processed it was that the bare overhead canopy of branches did look a bit messy. After reading the comments though it would seem that the general consensus is that it works. I suppose the clear view below the canopy kind of offsets the tangle above to some degree. I quite like the idea of a pano version though I might give that a try, and thank you for the suggestion.

Best Regards




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A very nice one again, Alf. I for one like the slight 'fairytalish' colors & mood coming through. No, the canopy isn't too busy at all for my liking; it kind of has an intriguing effect, I think... Now, one thing I seem to clash with you about often is the format...:-)  Anyway, I'm just saying what I (immediately) felt when I looked at this (lovely) take: = that I would like to see a bit more ground (stage so to speak) of those interesting shadowy areas in the FG... It feels  a tiny bit truncated... As you can see, I'm not thinking very horizontal here... I think that it may possibly enhance the particular mood  & counter-balance the canopy even more... Another thought I had was a complete vertical take, to enhance the depth of the perspective (with an extra dose of canopy branches & FG shadows) However, now I seem to be talking about a picture that never was & I might be really scaring you, Alf...... :-)  But remember, I think it's already a very nice photo..! Gr, M

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Sincere Thanks for your thoughtful feedback and observations, much appreciated! 

I did struggle with the colour saturation on this particular image, I have since solved the problem, it turned out to be a colour profile issue. But people seem to like the slightly surreal colours, I suspect because they go hand in hand with the "fairytailish" interpretations. As for format ..............well we do agree to disagree a lot of the time : - ) but generally I do believe that landscapes should be in landscape orientation, I think we see landscapes this way and if there was any doubt at all, millions of computers monitors can't be wrong they are all in landscape orientation : -) 

Ok not all and I do concede there are exceptions : - ) 

I did take this shot first with a 14 - 22 mm lens, but what ittended to do was open out the near trees and it lost the tunnel effect totally. I then tried the 70 - 300 mm from distance (125 mm) and it worked. I do admit to cropping the foreground, there didn't seem to be a lot going on, I thought it looked a bit bare, but I take your point, it would have made an interesting aspect of the image if for instance it was in the fall and there was a leaf carpet. Marjolein.....your not scaring me at all......well only a bit : - ) Now the vertical aspect was one that I didn't consider mostly for the afore mentioned reasons, but also because bits of sky were visible further up and I was trying to avoid that, but its worthy of consideration when I visit again in the autumn.  I'm glad you liked the image overall though, and thanks again for providing invaluable feedback!

Best Regards 



Many Thanks for your input, much appreciated, the late afternoon shadows did most of the work for me.

Best Regards 


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Definately an "Avenue" I'd like to travel every day!

Nice fine details when viewed larger, . . . yes, possibly a bit oversaturated appearance in the yellows & greens, but not distracting or bad at all. With the afternoon shadows, I think it actually adds "desirability" to the photograph and helps add "depth" as ones eye travels the distance.

Very peaceful!

Regards always,

Jim j.


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Hi Alf, I am late to the party again thanks to my vacation but this is an excellent scene.

It may be oversaturated in your eyes but in my eyes it looks excellent as the colors are pleasant looking. In this instance I am not looking for a natural history photograph but rather something artistic. I actually am enjoying the saturation in this one.

Even if the canopy is too busy it actually serves to keep my eye and attention on the path and the trees flanking it. In other words, I look up in the photo, see branches, and my eye decides to look down again and enjoy the path and trees. I find it focuses my attention.

A wonderful scene, nicely exposed and well composed.


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Many Thanks for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated. 

 The saturation levels were more of a concern because I didn't understand how they become so different in the uploaded version from the version that was sitting on my desktop ( the same image). I finally worked out (with some advice from PN friends) that it was a colour profile issue.

It is a lovely location, there two avenues like this running parallel with a road  in the middle. I can't wait to revisit this location in autumn.

Cheers Jim!



Sincere thanks for your observations and thoughtful explanations, much appreciated.

As I said above Joe it wasn't so much the levels of saturation that bothered me, but more because I didn't understand how they got like that. The saturation isn't that different from the original, but it is noticable to me.

I'm glad yourself and Jim above have gone to the lengths of explaining why this image works, it is feedback like this that clarifies the perspective of the viewers eye. The comment relating to the inpeneterable mass of overhead branches and the clear view of the path below is particularly interesting.

I hope you had a great vacation Joe and of course, I can't wait to see the photo's : - )

Best Regards



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Fantastic image, beautifully executed.  It does have a feel of serenity and peace and quiet about it, but off course I've seen too many horror movies and I can almost "see" a vampire lurking behind the trees...

Beautiful work.  I will be adding this to my fav's folder. 

Kind regards


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I have been busy over the last 11 days and I am late to the party. A wonderful shot and I see that you have solved the color profile problem. There was mention of the lavender colored path which was found to be appealing and I also like that color.

If, however, you are striving for accuracy of color, keeping in mind that I was not there, I am guided by the length of the shadows and the warmer colors that are associated with that time of day - morning or afternoon. I downloaded the image, brought up Photoshop levels command, took the middle (gray) eyedropper and clicked in the lit area of the lavender colored path which adjusted it to a neutral gray and adjusted the rest of the image. I then added +7 yellow and plus 7 red to warm it slightly. For what it is worth!

All the best and I hope to get back to Photo.net in a few days.


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Many Thanks for your enthusiastic feedback and observations, much appreciated!

I quite like the Vampire idea, if I'd thought of it myself I would have made the scene a bit darker and foreboding perhaps, but maybe theres room for another version.  I'm very honored you consider it a favourite, thanks again!

Kind Regards



Yes, the colour profile has been solved, but your email confirmed everything I had learned and its always good to get a second opinion that concurs.

The process you described using the neutral grey dropper from photoshop and adding the yellow and reds @ + 7 actually is very close to the original photo as it sits on my desktop (after initial editing)

The lastest image (LATER) uploaded with no change to the saturation or colour after making the adjustment from RGB to sRGB ccolour profile.

Sincere Thanks for your help and invaluable information.

Best Regards




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I admit it does look like too much processing a fact that really annoyed me, particularly as the image on my screen didn't look anything like the one that appeared after uploading to PN. If you read the comments above (laborious I know) you will find that it was a colour profile problem, and nothing to do with over processing as such, and the reality was that the orginal didn't have much in the way of processing at all.  I have identified the problem with a bit of advice from PN friends and all seems well with current uploads. I'm not sure what you mean by "Hazy" .......blurred? Unclear? ....it seems sharp enough to me, particularly in the larger view, but I suspect it is the colour that might give the wrong impression.

Cheers Jamie!


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Very nice and green capture with nice lighting...Thnx for taking and sharing!...Best regards(Bobby).
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