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The Prisoner Of His Mind

Pierre Dumas

The shot of the monkey was taken with some of my Canon A series film cameras most likely

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Hello Pierre:

My best wishes and regards for this 2012. Thank you sincerely for looking and commenting on my photos.

This one is disturbing but, as all of your work, imaginative and very creative. The cyanotype lends an additional element to this complex image.

Best regards.


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I have been chewing on this image for more than a week. It is a powerful image that sends a variety of messages depending on the viewer. For me it communicates the inhumanity that we show our fellow "residents" of the planet earth. And ultimately by behaving this way we are dooming ourselves to the same fate that they currently endure.

Not that you need to hear it from me Pierre but excellent work.

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Pierre, remarkable skill that is not wasted on creating an irrelevant pixel games. This is truly a very sad image of what we all are becoming: monkey does what monkey sees. Now, if we all could have your PS skills and that much imagination, we could paste our favorite animal look-alikes onto their original templates...

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I must be back to this image. It is an excellent representation of todays office workers. I experienced the transition of an open friendly almost family type of environment to a caged, depressed, small cage.  Staring to a monitor blanked out mind, or playing games, and production slow down, and isolation from each others  getting so bad, almost  become, an environment,  where everybody stranger, no collegial friendship, getting out  after work, together, sometime for a drink or in the weekend to a disco, and  starting monday happily, and productive. No work to take home. Not  like today, where people work like slaves, in a cage, forced to take home,  work, and never  know, when they going to be replaced with a cheeper worker. And I can go on and on like this. This  image all reflecting  this depressing working situation to day. Don't be  surprised if  some of them losing mind and do a crazy acting, in  a crazy environment. Retired long time,(forced by cancer) I keep hearing complaint of my ex colleges.

One  more time, hats off to yuo, Pierre.


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This takes on special significance to me because of a news story I saw on TV yesterday.  A baby fell into a gorilla pit, and everyone was panicking for fear that the gorillas would harm the baby.   One of the gorillas picked up the child and was very tender and nurturing of it, keeping it out of harm's way.  The child was not injured, and the sensitivity by the ape was truly remarkable.  I think apes and humans may be more alike than different.  ?  This is a thought-provoking and extremely well done image.

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Woow. The expression is so human that I´m not sure that a human can to be so human. Amazing concept.

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What a creative piece of art, my friend! It truly conveys the concept of fate. For no fault of ours we are the prisoners of our circumstances. Some resign to it while others struggle and come out of it. The choice of blue color is quite clever! Wonderful idea, Pierre. 7/7.

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Monkey is caged for our own amusement, officials say its to learn. So just like in product testing, we sacrifice a few animals so we can wear eye liner or go to a zoo.

That's ok, these guys normally piss on me when I approch, f em....


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But, this is a story of a human, Tony, not monkey! It is supposed to say, as in the caption explicitly reads that something is wrong with the freedom and liberty of our minds!


Thank you for your visit and comment





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