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May Sunset #1


Removed some flare. Minor adjustments to match the slide.

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The spots of snow takes some attention, but enought to disturb the

overall composition?? Any ideas on this or other aspects? Feedback

appreciated as always. Thanks!

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I don't think the snow in the foreground is overly distracting; I think it adds needed context to the scene. Beautiful lighting and composition; very well done.
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Beautiful and serene...as always! I do like the snow right there and the green shadows of the hill. How about cropping one third of the left? Just guessing... ;O)
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Thanks for the inputs! .. Mauricio yes i tried your suggestion and it works very well. I will probably upload a version based on your suggestion later. Thanks!
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Beautiful photo! I agree that cropping the left might really be helpful. Brings more attention to the beautiful lighting. Great job!
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Perhaps a little hot around the sun but overall very nice Atle. The snow looks fine to me too. I'm not so sure about a crop since in this version I like both the ratio of the sizes of the two patches of snow as well as the elegant S-curve on the far shore in the left third of the image, but maybe I'll wait to see you repost. BTW, I'm curious to know which of the filters in the tech details you used here? All the best.
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Richard, I used both my GND filters and the coral.

normally Both GND's would indicate 5 stop, but the Lee's are big and has a very soft transtition line

In my experience, both together at maximum gives around(or a bit over) 3 "effective" stops. I often use both even with less than 3 stop difference, and Used with caution that sometimes has produced very good results. Best Regards!!

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Atle, I feel this shot is very nice and much better than your other May sunset photo. It has a full range of tones and good coloration. The composition is better also. The other shot is taken in such extreme lighting that IMO no amount of ND filtering can make it work well. It had both large blown out and almost black areas. The only way to do it would be to use 2 exposures perhaps 3-4 fstops apart and blend them as overlapping layers in Photoshop.
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Thanks for your input, Miles. As i commented on the other one, i made a print where i cropped a bit of the side, and even if its still dark it worked quite well, with more graduate transition in to the dark area than the web version. Regarding this one, it works, but consider a crop suggestion from Mauricio, to take away some left area, it might add to the comp. Regards!
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Atle, I think your instinct that the snow in the foreground is distracting is right. I think of the two May sunsets, this one has better balanced exposure, but I like the way that you composed the road out of the shot in the other one (but that may just be my anti-road bias speaking :-) )



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