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2 secs @ f22 ISO 20014 mm Aperture priorityTripod

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Alf...  Fantastic!  I can't add much to what has been said but this is extremely well done.  I like the touch of realism that the foreground mini-boulders add and the posts lead us into the frame along with the waves and clouds.  Great title... Mike

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I fully agree with your sentiments regarding the small aperture, however I couldn't find another way of slowing the exposure time, without of course over - exposing the image.  I usually prefer to use filters to enable this manouvre, but as yet I haven't found a satiisfactory solution to the Nikkor 14 - 24 mm filter dilema ......Of course I'd welcome any suggestions you have regarding this. Many Thanks for your interest and feedback Mike.

Best Regards



Sincere thanks for your thoughts and feedback. It is really gratifying to get such a positive response from someone that excels at this type of shot.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your generous and very encouraging feedback, very much appreciated, and I'm pleased you like it.

Best Regards



Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, your feedback is invaluable to me. I do have a couple of shots without the poles, but I thought they added something to the image. The diminishing size of them kind of fitted in well with the rest of the scene, being drawn to the centre, so its good to know you like them too.

Best Regards



You say all the nicest things! And Oz is my second dream destination (after Canada), It looks a brilliant place, so diverse and so big! I'd love to see it. Many Thanks for stopping by Birte and for your very encouraging words.

Best Regards



It took a few experimental shots to get ithe timing right, but fortunately the clouds hung around in this formation for me until I nailed it.  Sincere Thanks Jeff

Best Regards



Many Thanks for your interest and kind words, I knew you would be a "sucker" for this : - )




Sincere thanks, it took a while to get the timing right, I have 20 other shots prior to this that didn't quite make it! But a few more after that did too : - )

Cheers Keith



I know......I don't know how much more of this burden I can take, I'm swiftly becoming a veritable martyr for the cause : - )

Sincere Thanks Jamie!



Many Thanks for your interest and encouraging words, much appreciated! It was just one of those moments when everything come together. I was taking a few long exposures of the posts when I noticed a change in the cloud formation, I saw the possibilities and changed to the wide angle lens, and it worked!  I think the title was arrived at with more difficulty than the photo : - )

Best Regards





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I am simply blown away by this one - stunning. The little patch of rocks at the bottom right simply adds fuel to the passion. Congrats and I don't see how this could be improved.

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  Wow...breathtaking image that seem's to pull you to it.  Amazing colors, composition & lighting.  Thanks for sharing this beautiful scene.  Take care, Patsy

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The light here helps to establish a wonderful mood and adds "feel" to your composition. Great blue tones all over...Beautifully done, Alf! Kind regards.

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Hola Alf.

Excelente imagen, la luz y el color es fantástico. Te felicito. 

Un cordial saludo, Joaquín..

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Many thank for your interest and kind words

Best Regards



Thank you I'm very pleased you like it.

Best Regards



Sincere thanks for your thoughts and kind comments. I did manage to take a couple with no visible stones at all, but somehow I think their presence add a tiny patch of reality from which the image emerges.

Cheers Tony!



Many thanks for your interest and kind words. To answer your question :-  I'm just pleased you think I am getting better. But I must admit, it gets harder to improve, and sometimes the limited time I get leaves me frustrated, typically Monday - Friday we wil have glorious sunshine and and wonderful skys and come the weekend when I reach for my camera we get non stop rain.  No Miracle Pills though I'm afraid, just a fool with a camera who won't give up : - )

Take Care mate!



Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I'm really pleased you like it. Sometimes nature provides a gift that is too good to ignore, I think perhaps the sky would fall into that category

Best Regards



Sincere thanks for your visit and kind words, much appreciated. The light and cloud formation were the motivating factors that led me to timing the receding waves in order to mimic the sky.

Kind Regards



Many Thanks for your interest and kind words. The motion blurring was a result of experiments with different apertures and exposure comepensation, due mostly to the fact that the 14 - 24mm Nikkor won't take filters, but I got there in the end.

Cheer Ben!



Muchas gracias por su ineters y sus palabras amables, muy apreciado mejor, se refiere a


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You always seeking for an element in your picture, like the final touch of a painter, to highlight the whole composition even more.  That shows creativity and a photographic "lust" for perfection.  I really respect a lot that.  This time are the groynes...Very well seen, composed and presented.  Take care!


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Hi Alf. Excellent again! That wide expanse of sky just pulls you in. Love the movement in this and the beautiful soft tones of blue. The wooden posts provide extra interest and make it a strong composition. This has certainly been a wonderful series of work!

Warm regards. Sarah.

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Love the colors and tones. The water and sky naturally lead your eyes right to the center of the image. Very pleasing composition.
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts and observations very much appreciated. You are right, I do try and seek an element within the image which will accentuate the composition, though I must say it doesn't always work. On this occasion I was fortunate with the sky, the rest was a matter of trial and error which eventually come right I think.

Best Regards



Sincere thanks for your encouraging words and positive feedback, very much appreciated. The 14 - 24 mm lens used at 14mm really does a give a great impression of wide view and I'm really pleased you liked it.

Warmest Regards



Thank you so much, I really like your analogy, a sense of flying is a good one.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your visit and interest, I'm really pleased you liked it.

Best Regards



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It never fails. Every time I see one of your images you got a wow from me and this for sure is not the exception. I love the image as a whole, from the colors composition and mimicking the sky was a brilliant idea.


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Sincere Thanks for your interest and very generous comments, much appreciated. The hardest past was slowing down the shutter speed sufficiently without the ability to use a filter, but the small aperture and fading natural light eventually brought success.

Kind Regards


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Coming a little late to this one; wow it truly deserves the long list of positive comments that it has received. The converging lines really draw the viewer into the depths of your image, the viewer is then rewarded with a wonderful range of heavenly blue tones.



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Sincere thanks for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated! I was particularly pleased with myself about this one, I had the vision in my head of how I wanted it to look, before I took the photograph, and it was most gratifying that it all come together as I'd hoped.

Best Regards


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Hi Alf,

Yes, of course, these groynes again...!! ;) :)) Who else could return once again to this wonderful spot AND manage to capture and show us another precious moment in time there rather than yourself? :)

I know this kind of, say, somehow mysterious desire very well, that is, to come back / re-visit certain spots and observe nature around them and capture them once again because every day / or night is another different day or night resp. and might be very challenging to or overwhelming the (photographer's) eyes... A sheer joy to watch and feel and be happy...

Your work proves this once again and I entirely agree to you that we have to return to certain spots...

Here, especially the blue is awesome, moreover, a wonderful perspective and beautiful minimalist elements are embracing my eyes. These superb lines and textures regarding the clouds and the waves (generated by a longer exposure) actually make my day! Hats off.

Best wishes,



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Sincere Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback. I agree, we return to these favourite places, not to get the same shots, because we know that there is always the potential for new ones. New in the sense that there will be different light, different clouds and even things like the rocks and sand can appear different having been moved, altered and weathered by the elements. The clouds in this image were the "different" element, but these were not immediately apparent, they formed as I was taking 30 sec exposures, but once I realised that the shape had potential I changed lenses and shutter speed and this was the result. I took quite  a few as you can imagine, and maybe I will post some others at a later date. I'm really pleased you connected with this one Volker, Thanks again!

Best Regards


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A very lovely photo indeed, Alf & I can only echo the above compliments on this, as I'm rather late to the party here... I too like the converging lines & streaks in the sky, and their water reflection leading towards the horizon and beyond. I particularly like the perceived imbalance of the poles on the R, as well as the partial inclusion of the stones in the Lower R foreground -- it breaks up the 'abundance of surreality' somewhat, and provides just enough of a small anchor point to add further interest to the overall composition.  Best regards to you, Marjolein

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