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2 secs @ f22 ISO 20014 mm Aperture priorityTripod

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Yes, I know its those groynes again. But they do look different every

time and I visit this location, and as the sky looked quite dynamic, I

thought I'd try to get the water to match by timing the waves. Your

thoughts and comments are always appreciated. Thank You.

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I am impressed, this is so beautiful and so pleasant image to view, the lighting here is superb and the effect of the slow shutter is so creative, the tone along with the clouded moving sky makes this image a very unique one and of very powerful composition.


Thank you for sharing it and wishing you all of the best.

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A superbly composed, and well named, image Alf! Love the long lines of cloud nicely complimented by the action of the water. A superb minmalist trending image with many strong points! Superb work my friend!

All the best,

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Impressive capture of clouds on the foreground water, creating a visual wading/ being sucked  to the calm depths.  The wood on the side  is a comforting border like a swimming area, extending that illusion.  Amazing centered capture of sunshine with a reflection parallel to the wood.  Symmetrical, clever, fun,  and laden with interesting textures, including that of the stones.  Awesome transmission of what it must feel like to be there at that time

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WOW! That was the first word that came in my mind when I saw this image.  Superb play with light and shades of blue. 

Great, great work.

Kind regards


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Amazing . . .  such a simple subject turned into an artwork.  It gives me the feeling of going into a tunnel!. Best regards.

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Touching the minimalism...

I like the capture although the horizon line is maybe too much balanced for my own taste; on the other hand,I like several things:The blue palette and it nearly  monotone,the clouds perspective,it likes to  stretch  the image to the corners  doing a similar panoramic effect and this visual effect is nice for me.

PD. I would like to suggest you to avoid  this large size as a precautionary measure versus "pirates".

I was thinking about the possibility to edit a b&w edition,although maybe won't work as better as this colour edition due to in all of it exist a similar tone...Best regards

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no barriers here! i like everything about it, especially the asymetrical and careful placement of objects, beautifully "leading" us to the horizon line.

now, if liverpool could only find their form again, and grace can pop a few into the net at the kop end, all will be well again.

it looks to me like king kenny can see arsene in the rear-view mirror.....look out!

it's a beauty, alf. 

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Alf, it certainly does feel as though one is gliding or skimming on the surface. Very nice variety in the limited palette. I like the interest of the rocks in the lower right corner and the descending line of posts, echoing the line of the clouds and their reflections. 

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Many Thanks for your interest and kind words. The clouds took on the dynamic shape very gradually and when I noticed I tried to emlulate the pattern with the receding waves using about a 2 second exposure, I used an aperture of f22 in order to slow down the exposure, as I still haven't found a solution for filters to fit the 14 - 24mm lens, but I'm working on it : - )  

Best Regards



Many thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, very much appreciated!

Kind Regards



Sincere thanks for your encouraging words and positive feedback, much appreciated. It's one of those images, I didn't go there with any real hope of getting much at all, but we had been out looking for some decent autumnal colour, only to find most of our trees still looking very green.(probably due to the very wet autumn) so we stopped at Llandulas beach on the way home and the clouds made some interesting patterns .... I just took full advantage : - )

Cheers Neil!



Many thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback, much appreciated! I did experiment with the exposure compensation control at almost every shot to get the optimum timing for the waves, to get it right I had to use an aperture of f22 and a exposure compensation of + 3, this resulted in a 2 sec exposure, quite bright in the original RAW format but fortunately no blown highlights.

Best Regards



Sincere thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback, very much appreciated!  As described above, it took a few experimental shots to get the timing right. I'm really pleased that you connected with this one, if you get a good insight into what it was like to be there at that time, then I feel I must have succeeded in my aim.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your interest and kind words. I was at first using a filter on a slightly narowwer lens (Nikkor 24 - 70 mm f2.8) but the exposure was too slow, and I needed something wider to take advantage of the cloud shape, so I used the 14 - 24mm and the 2 second exposure seemed just about right.

Best Regards



Sincere Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and positive feedback, much appreciated! I'm really pleased you like this. I did change the white balance very slightly to allow the cooler blue colours to dominate.

Best Regards



Thank you so much for your thoughts and feedback, very much appreciated. The "tunnel" effect was what I was looking to achieve here, so it's good to know you got that impression.

Best Regards



Sincere thanks for your thoughts and in depth analysis, very much appreciated!

I know a central horizon can be a bit boring, but I felt there was enough offset interest in the poles to address that.  Yes, I know what you mean about the extremeties of the image to the very corners, this was something I aimed for in the composition and kept in mind during processing.

I know what you mean about illegal copies, but I'm keen that people can enjoy viewing the image at a relatively decent size. I have actually reduced the size recently as I have had similar suggestions form PN viewers.

I think a B & W version, is a good suggestion could work, though I think I would need to pay more attention to the contrast in order to make it more efffective.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your interest and kind words, I'm really pleased you like it!

Best Regards



No Barriers this time........I was running out of things to say about "barriers" : - )

I was smiling to myself recently when reading a comment from another PN member about another image (Softly) when a viewer commented "should be hung in a psychiatrists office" and I immediately thought of your images : - )

I'm really pleased you like this one, it took a while to get the timing right, but worth the effort I think.

King Kenny was a bit frustrated along with half of Liverpool, if there were any prizes for hitting the wooden bits we would have won hands down! But of course I want to see the gunners on the way up, then we can have a proper battle : - ) I think Grace might  get a red card, she's got no discipline at all when in possesion of a football!

Cheers Dror & Take Care!



Sincere thanks for sharing your thoughts and encouraging feedback. Ahhh Now theres an alternative title I didn't consider "passage to heaven" I'm really pleased you like it Trisha!

Best Regards



Sincere Thanks, I'm really pleased you like it. Suffice to say, your opinion means a lot to me.




Many thanks for your interest and positive feedback. I was originally toying with the idea of cropping out the foreground stones, but I'm glad I didn't, they do kind of anchor the image to some degree. The rest of the image come together after a few experimental shots.

Cheers Tony!






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Hi Alf,

While I not an advocate of using small f-stops with excellent lens, it is effective for this artistic presentation.

Best Regards,  Mike


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The simplicity of the elements is balanced by the radial explosion of the clouds and the receding waves in the water in this wonderful , cool seascape.

Very attractive image, Alf. Best regards!


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THIS IS AWSOME! Impressive landscape shot, worked masterfully on and with very amazing composition, light and color set. No flaws or points to be better. A real 7. Bravo.


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Dear Alf, The word awesome has already been used several times and I totally agree. From the very wide angle POV to the excellent composition(the poles in the water make this work for me). Take care.



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This "zoomed in" effect look is a real eye-catcher. It sweeps us through this beautiful blue scene....great impact shot Alf!

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