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Software: Adobe Photoshop CS4 Macintosh;

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I am just an admirer of photography with no knowledge about it. I always thought it's the amount of light & rich colours that bring about a good photograph. But a photo could be so well balanced and powerful without enough light & dull colours, well...That's an eye opener. Thanks Marina.

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We were treated to a stunning landscape photograph this week (and I could write a paragraph describing why I find Marina's photo so compelling). The comments were nearly unanimous, and I can't recall when a POW has received so many "congratulations" for the photographer. What I can learn from Marina's photograph will have to come from my looking at the image closely. Unlike previous POWs, I've gotten very little from insightful comments and different points of view, because there essentially weren't any. No possible flaws, suggested crops, or different interpretations that in the past have led the POW to be a learning experience. Instead, we have had a showcase, a visual treat for those who like landscape photographs. For the first time that I can remember, the POW has probably lived up to its name in the sense that it was really, really good, so good that comments didn't vary much from "stunning" and "congratulations." So for the intimacy in the foreground contrasted with the grandeur of the background and an essence of Africa that I find so beautifully photographed, my congratulations to Maria.

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I would love English was my mother tongue. So I could answer every single comment and speak deeply about my thoughts with regards to this image, or about photography. This is my fourth POW and this picture is very special because means a lot to me, my first time in Kenya and my passion wildlife. About the Richard Zbinden questions, I'll answer them tomorrow. I'm overwhelmed with the warm feedback and want to say thanks to you all, you make me see my image like a symbol. the beauty of Africa and the wish to be there. Just can say thanks

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Marina, This has to be the most remarkable image I have ever seen. It's so perfect (if such a thing exists), and I almost didn't comment because there is nothing left to say after all the glowing comments you've already received. But this image moves me on many different levels, and I just wanted you to know that. And how lucky we are here on PN that you manage to stay in touch and submit your work here. We not only learn from you but are inspired by your marvelous work. Congratulations on this honor, and I'm sure it won't be the last time this happens for you. :-) By the way, don't worry about your English. It's excellent and you always get your thoughts and sentiment across just fine. :-)

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Marina, This has to be the most remarkable image I have ever seen. It's so perfect (if such a thing exists), and I almost didn't comment because there is nothing left to say after all the glowing comments you've already received. But this image moves me on many different levels, and I just wanted you to know that. And how lucky we are here on PN that you manage to stay in touch and submit your work here. We not only learn from you but are inspired by your marvelous work. Congratulations on this honor, and I'm sure it won't be the last time this happens for you. :-) By the way, don't worry about your English. It's excellent and you always get your thoughts and sentiment across just fine. :-)

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Stephen, it is actually too bad this image wasn't discussed more rather than just the accolades. In fact, my guess is that if this thread had been moderated in the spirit of the rules more than half of the comments would have been easily deleted as being nothing more than the simple "great photo" comment which are not supposed to be here and those left after that would have been marginally more. That is certainly no criticism of the photo or of anyone other than the fact that when we discuss an image we learn something, which I think was want here as you suggested. Even why an image works beyond "we like it" is helpful. Such discussions often transcend just the image at hand and can stimulate creative thought into our own work which is want when nothing of substance is discussed.

Maybe just a missed opportunity.

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I agree John and Stephen but I said what I think makes the image successful. It is objectively so. One can not discuss a great moment, great place and great technique because these are just objective facts. This is what I meant when I said nothing is forced and the technique of photography is emphasized. I also think the absence of obvious manipulation made a difference here. This is an excellent application of photographic technique with nothing in the way to distract us from that. And so since we are looking at technique here much more than let's say artistic style, there is not much to "discuss". It's pretty senseless to discuss the idea that 2+2=4! Best, JJ

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Absolutely Stunning! Congratulations on a superb image that has it all, Marina. Love the colors (right on with intensity, subtlety, and matching combination). I wish the magazine was square format, so it could do the image justice. Would love to know the technical details. Axel

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It is the beautiful moment and excellent photo but I am afraid a little over a top because the nature is danse macabre with hyena as a hell's messenger

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Technical details:
Canon EOS-1D Mark IV
Speed: 1/160 seg
F-Stop: f/9
Focal: 100mm
ISO: 1250
Patience, luck, photoshop and a lot of passion

This image is not my favourite from my trip to Kenya. Actually is far from be perfect, but it works because of the light and the own environment. The Kilimanjaro is the most important thing for me in this picture, and I wonder if it'd be so interesting without the elephant in it. Just thinking out loud. Again I want to say thanks for your comments in this image.


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Perhaps Marina could tell us what about this very beautiful picture she thinks is less than perfect (to use her own words). That might spark some critical discussion (although it is kind of late in the day).

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John, I agree -- I think we just missed the opportunity. Like Jeremy, I do have specific reasons why I like this photo, and although I mentioned them (the intimate foreground contrasted with the grand background), I didn't turn this into a slightly longer discussion. That was my missed opportunity. It's interesting that Marina herself is wondering if the photograph would be as interesting without the elephant. Wow, that's a great topic for discussion, as least from my point of view because I think the elephant is central to the photograph. Another missed opportunity. I disagree with Jeremy in that I think this photo is about technique (to which he responded and with which I agree) as well as artistic style (the question of the presence of the elephant is a good example). It's just easier to talk about an aspect of a photograph that we think ought to be different than it is to talk about why we think a photograph is very good.

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Stephen, I should have been more clear. I think that what is forefront here is the technique of photography. I say "technique" very generally. We all know that patience, for instance, is learned for many of us. We have to figure out that patience, determination, motivation, passion, etc., all matter and must be cultivated. This is part of the technique of making images. So when I said...this person is a photographer, I was trying to say that Marina obviously has learned all of the things needed to make great nature images.

It's not that there is no art at all. There is in the composition, the association of subject matter with light and moment, etc. It's just that the statement seems to me to be much more about photography than art. Best, JJ

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yes an amazing image. Personally I'd crop the very top section of bright sky, to pull the viewer further into the picture and improve the overall composition (not that it really needs much improving!!)

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Hello Maria,

I am a HUGE fan of yours and I love Africa as you do.  This is my favorite of all your photos and one of my all-time favorites period.

Of course it is a 7.  Of course it is going in my Favorites Folder.  I can only wonder who would rate it other than a 7.

I'm sure it is Kili but is it in Amboseli as well ?

Sincere congrats on your cover and success.


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