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What happened to my forest?

Anabela Sequeira

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My sorrow goes out to the orangutans of Borneo and Sumatra who are being victims of genocide and merciless destruction of their rainforests due to the growing demand for palm oil plantations.


Thank you!

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A composition that is an excellent dialogue as to just where our planet is heading. Sad but may be all too true. Very fine editing and concept.

Kind regards, Gail

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Very vivid photo expressing feeling of sorrow and sadness, as well as nice suit b/w conversion. Composition is also awesome. Bravo.


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Dramatic mood fitting exactly the caption and the aesthetic concept! A masterpiece! Congratulations Anabela!

Best regards!


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Agree Gail opinion,is a reality that we know and no visible changes to corect this on our planet,is a dramatic mood here did with an excellent work from you,all my best Anabela.


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Very strong saying and photo It is not only there, it is in so many places on the glob, where animals habitat is changed for oil and poitical causes.

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In part as a wildlife biologist, I share your sentiments.  I had a different sense when I viewed the photograph.  I saw a single living creature, off to the side on on the highest knob, observing the inorganic aspects and forces of nature.  The clouds imparted a sense of "creation," that of a living creature arising from these inorganic elements.  That's what I initially saw in your photograph.

I think if I were to create a sense of a lost forest, I'd need to first provide enough space for a forest to have existed.  That would come from a wider landscape orientation.  Imagine this primate just as pictured here but with the rolling, barren hills extending into the distance to the right as well as away from the viewer.  It's the space that I think would make a difference.

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Thank you all for your thoughts on this image. I greatly appreciate them!

Stephen, thank you very much for your in depth appreciation of this image. I agree with you on the lack of space. Very helpful comment indeed! Much appreciated!

Again, thank you to all of you! Anabela

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The sentiments cannot be disputed and the dramatic light serves to create the right mood and atmosphere of impending doom. There is a starkness to the surroundings that go some way to creating an impression of a world without vegetation, but perhaps as Stephen suggests perhaps a wider view of a deserted barren landscape might have conveyed that feeling with greater strength.  As always, imaginative, creative and thought provoking work!

Best Regards


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Great (yet sad) image with an 'explosive' message.  I like the b&w here, because it makes the image even more dramatic.

Great work as always.

Kind regards


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An excellent and thought provoking production which should be sent to all governments who continue to burn and destroy our natural habitat ....!!!

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This is an image to give me chills, because I have been through two situations with trees, the last one three days ago, I told a friend that I was contributing to deforestation and my heart was aching! However It came to me that the process of dying and letting go is constant, and we all have to go some times including animals and trees. The company that came to cut it down, mark it with a pink ribbon, which is the color of love. And I understood that I have to released it with love. The tree was planted too close to the house and the association decided to removed it. It was a Black olive tree. I am requesting a Live Oak tree to be planted in my area closer to the street. This image has help me continue processing the fact that every thing passes. And it was time for the tree to reincarnate in an animal! warm regards my friend.
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