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On Thin Ice


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I am grateful for any constructive suggestions regarding composition,

post processing etc. as well as any general feelings or

impressions..... thanks.

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This is superb.  The relative plainness of the stark landscape is appealing by itself, but then the layer of dense clouds with a very interesting geometric pattern covering it all really completes the image.  I like your placement of the horizon line, and the reeds in the foreground really add to the composition.  Very nicely done.

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Tell you what,beautiful landscape,finely composed of a very fine view,BUT what I have liked is something els,I liked every single white pixel in this image ,and do not care to anything else.
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Hi Steven,

Landscape photography is not my forte although I am giving it more of a go as of late. Given your expertise in landscape photography I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts.  The file I uploaded here is a blending of 3 bracketed raw files of the same scene shot using a tripod and blended using layers and masks. I was initially concerned that I had flattened the contrast too much. The version I used to print this image had the contrast bumped up a touch.


 Thanks for your visit and your thoughts. I will confess to being somewhat confused by some elements of your comment. Perhaps the translation between your own language and mine has taken a toll.

I would like to think that the second half of your statement falls somewhere between a joke and a denigration because I maintain that at PN a sense of humour is often in short supply.
Having read your bio, I wonder if this statement found within is illuminating as regards your comment above ?  ",and if the photo tells you nothing,then it is a blank one." Perhaps the photo does not speak to you and is thus " a blank one"

Or maybe since you have a cup beside your name and I have been know to slag more than a couple or potw selections over the years that has some relevance , or maybe, you, at face value, only like the white pixels...... or maybe none of the above.  I could go on all day speculating as I like a good mystery as much as the next guy. If I have failed to accurately comprehended your statement  please feel free to elaborate.

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Gordon, I agree with Steve. This really works. That sky is a knockout and the FG reeds are good too. The middle ground is a bit mundane but I don't think that it is an issue. I'm not sure that much is needed there. Perhaps it would have been better without the house, perhaps not. The colour is probably what is needed and the detail less so.

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I had been driving down the highway watching that wonderful herring-bone pattern in the sky looking for a composition when I drove over a bridge and saw this half frozen river. I got off of the highway and found my way back to the river bank via side-roads and walked out on the ice and set up my tripod.  I agree that the cottage out on the island is not the most compelling of subjects. Summer homes perched on small rock islands are ubiquitous and somewhat iconic in this neck of the woods.



I love the stillness and calm of the winter landscape it does make a person feel far away from the usual urban angst.



It took blending three exposures to match up the tonality of the sky with the ice.. glad you like it.



Thanks for the visit. The detail comes out much better when this is printed large. In particular the reeds  flattened and trapped under the frozen river seem to get lost at this smaller size.

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Hi ,

you have gone a long way in your assumption ,even in relations to my bio interpretation,as if you are predetermined that I am accusing your image of being blank or etc,.....

And as I always accuse the language barrier for misinterpretation either from my side or from the other side I will write my comment again with my hidden words that I thought wrongly (I am sorry for that) it is understandable from your side.


(Tell you what,beautiful landscape,finely composed of a very fine view ) this is very well says that the image is a landscape and I will no go further for the image to tell me something behinds and I will look just for its beauty and its technical aspects,I very clearly admit that it is a good image and even more.


(BUT what I have liked is something els,) apart from those beautiful,composition,and the fine view in the image I liked more something in the image .


(I liked every single white pixel in this image) it is clear that I liked how you caught the color white,because all the white pixels whether in the ice or in the sky are NOT BLOWN ,and all are showing details ,images like this white ice and cloud even some good photographers shot them with some blown details.I want to say your exposure is perfect regrading the white colors,


(and do not care to anything else) for the grass or the house or the green colors to be saturated or not ,or in good colors or not or for the reflections to be seen or not .


The other talks from your side as you said is a speculations from your own side ,and with the cup story,both are totally irrelevant to the subject of my comment to your image.


I hope that will satisfy you Gordon.


Saad Salem.

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Thank you very much for your follow up which is a big help for me in understanding your original comment.  I did not mean to assume anything and if my reply seems to say this I am sorry to have added further confusion. I was genuinely perplexed by your comment and was taking random speculations of what you may have meant to communicate. I went to your home page to read you bio in the hopes of further understanding and I had thought that perhaps I had grasped something in your words there which would help me to understand. I was at best guessing and as I now understand guessing incorrectly. In hindsight I would have been much wiser to simply avoid any speculation and write only that I did not understand your comment.

I have often read your comments in the potw forum and have noted that you are a keen observer. Your comments are usually concise and insightful so I will take full responsibility for my lack of comprehension. Again thanks for the clarification and best wishes.

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Gordon: I love the subject, the palette and the treatment. My only nit to pick is that I would move the horizon a bit. A slightly lower camera viewpoint and lower horizon, or alternatively a much higher horizon with less sky. I think sometimes as photographers we get seduced by a scene into thinking it is one image instead of two or three. It is kind of like not wanting to leave any dessert on the plate. I think that maybe there are two great images here. One that emphasizes the foreground with less sky and the other way around. In your image the very interesting foreground competes with the very interesting sky and a the far shore gets lost in the tussle.

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What make this one for me is the unusual calm( "soundless" ) earth and form of " music"in the sky. It is very unusual and a real beauty. I like as well the subdued color palette.An observing eye!

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