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98 & Still Farming


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Beautiful capture Frank. The building in the background goes well with the age of the man and provides that extra bit of 'atmosphere' for this shot. When I see a man of this age, with this posture, and who seems to be deep  in thought, I often wonder what he is thinking about. We fill our thoughts with the 'offerings of the day', our busy-ness. While he has such a 'LIBRARY' to choose from.

I hope he had a good life, experienced love, and was able to love back, had some great buddies, and still has a few. And despite how he knows how much slower he is, how much less he can see, and hear....I hope he knows he 'counted' in some way or another.

I have some aunts and an uncle who have reached their 90's and are so important to me. I do not see them enough, but as the family dwindles, I learn to respect them more.

Nice work, excelent presentation. BR and thankyou for sharing, this is a worthwhile composition, not a meaningless 'dash of flash' that seems so popular these days!!

Kind regards, Gail

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Gail has summed up this image so well it's difficult to add more. But I do like the fact yoiu have thought about your subject, and shown him great respect. This is a  very thought provoking image as well as a moving and emotive one . I have met men and indeed women like this, they are made of steel! We think we know about hard work, but this earlier generation would leave us standing just carrying out thier daily tasks. I like the  pose, the man deep in reflective thought and contemplation, I love to engage older people in conversation, thier wealth of knowledge is staggering, history books are ok, but if you want a first hand account of recent history, talk to the people that matter. Thank you for sharing this one Frank and very well done!

Best Regards


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