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Early morning on Cape Cod.


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you really need to come back to Cape Cod in the summertime, it really is a lot nicer than this... -kidding, I love the weather in massachusetts all year round, especially foggy autumn mornings, freak that I am. I realize the fog was probably crazy thick but I think that if there were a tiny bit more detail, shadow, silhouette (whatever you want to call what the fog's doing to the treeline) it might work a bit better. One question, though. What is the dark line running across the top of the photo?

Take it easy,


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Thanks for commenting! I revised the reply twice, but I have to learn to take it! The dark band, I thought was clouds but it can't be. better to crop it out?





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Referring to the above, there is possibly too much sky anyway, so without taking another picture try cropping the top of the frame a little and notice the difference. If it looks better reload it. All the best.
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Pascal, I see our comments arrived at the same time on the screen. Did not mean to insult anyone's intelligence about thinking of cropping. Obviously you thought of it.
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First off, I was not disturbed by the dark line at the top. I assumed that you were on a high point looking down at a body of water, an inlet or river, and that the dark area was the distant shore. It is always interesting when photographers photograph people very close to them. It is a difficult thing to do well. You have done a great job with this photograph. It tells us three things about you wife, other than the fact that she is a very attractive woman. She is comfortable with herself, she trusts you implicitly, she shares your interest in photography. The camera is a give away, but how can I tell she trusts you and that she is self trusting? Only a woman with those admirable qualities could face straight into the cameras lens on a foggy morning, and have such a wonderful smile and liveliness in her eyes when I am dead certain she was well aware what the moisture in the air was doing to her hair. Believe me, youve either got her popping uppers or she is one secure lady! I have a theory on why you were not aware of the dark line at the top until it was mentioned earlier. Your wifes face is almost bullseye dead center in the composition as though you were saying that here is the center of my focus here is what is important to me. Although there is considerable area surrounding the figure there is nothing else in the photo which comes even close to competing with the dark figure for the center of attention. Interesting and well done photograph. Personally I would not crop out the dark line. I would frame it, hang it, and look at it every day to remind myself what a treasure she is.
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