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© Ghinita Leontin

A2E - 10

Decay of wood (Family - Anobiidae) In Central and Eastern Europe about 76 species occurring in this family are typical of wood pests. Larvae, which are called "wood woms" in the abdominal area are narrow and have three pairs of legs in the chest, have a well differentiated head, dark, the oral device is inserted for mastic and broke with powerful mandibles.


© Ghinita Leontin

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Decay of wood (Family - Anobiidae)

In Central and Eastern Europe about 76 species occurring in

this family are typical of wood pests.

Larvae, which are called "wood woms" in the abdominal area

are narrow and have three pairs of legs in the chest, have a well

differentiated head, dark, the oral device is inserted for mastic and broke

with powerful mandibles.

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