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© (c) Jeff Grant - MFK Pty Ltd





© (c) Jeff Grant - MFK Pty Ltd

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No nits on this one, my friend!  This is stunning from top to bottom.  Very much reminds me of the technical and artistic perfection of Charlie Waite--even better that it is a 'Jeff Grant' original!  This has significant interest--what with all of the layers, and the subtle differences in the lighting conditions--and the square format is killer!  Jeff, I have to say that this is an image that I would very much be honored to hang on my wall.  Well done!  Cheers!  Chris

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I like this one, too, Jeff. The thin layers of clouds give a special atmosphere. They exaggerrate the size of the mountain that is reaching the sky through them. What about B/W ? I attach a suggestion. Best regards. Peter

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Chris and Peter, thank you both. It's funny that you should do a B&W variant, Peter. I often try it but find that the NZ landscape is quite monochromatic and doesn't lend itself to B&W. It works well in this image though.

I do scratch my head at what is on the top rated pages these days. It seems that HDR is the new overcooked Velvia. As Steve Penland says ' Just because you can, doesn't mean that you should'.


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Very nicely done Jeff and evocative of the NZ landscape I remember.  Perfectly exposed throughout. 

I could tell immediately though that this would not find favour with the landscape crowd here at PN despite the appeal of this multi-layered image.  Because it looks so real and natural, it can't possibly make the top of the gallery.  You should try reposting after boosting the saturation 50% and see what happens ;-)

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Thanks Dave. Fortunately, there are enough people around who comment on my stuff that I can skip the saturation boost. Unfortunately, ratings are a way of getting noticed so I don't expect to get much new attention any more.

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I know the feeling, my friend; but you've got quite a devoted group of followers here already.  Most of us have a real good sense of the quality of your work; and speaking strictly for me, when I see your name 'pop' up on my list of posters, I always zip over to see what you've graced us with, and I'm never disappointed, Jeff.  Your photography is top-notch--always.  As I said above, I'd be delighted to hang this rascal in my house.  Cheers!  Chris

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Thanks Chris. I truly appreciate hearing that. It is that group of regular commenters who keep me coming back to PN. I think that it is quite unique on the web.


BTW, if you ever do want a print, it's yours.

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Jeff, glad to see some of the fruits of your trip. This (as that other generation might say) soooo New Zealand. But I especially like your first posting of the autumn leaves. A very nice way to start. Looking forward to seeing more. Regards, Adrienne
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Thanks Adrienne, it certainly is classic NZ. This is just down the road from Edoras. We hadn't been there before but were delighted that we did. It is an NZ microcosm.

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You've got an eye for the squares Jeff and this one works well for my eye. I think it's the band of cloud right across the middle and the layers that strike me most.

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