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Quebec City street scene


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I echo what David said above. Awesome result! (Although I perceive that maybe a more elongated, rectangular format might work as well for this... Emphasizing more the perspective and frames & height of the structures on either side of the photograph...?)

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Again! it needs a vision and artistic aproach to choose the camera point and produce a unique  photo like this, of a street scene. I think that the square format works nicely for me here, as it concentrates the scene. Really special!

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I've been messing around with this camera motion idea for a long time now and I am still, on occasion, surprised by what a photo can end up looking like. Thanks for dropping by..... always a pleasure.


When I originally worked up this file I did so full frame with only a slight crop for levelling.  It works nicely with that aspect ratio  and as you mention the scene does support a taller crop due to the linearity of those side buildings and the street.

I used a 1:1 ratio for this web jpeg because it was part of a group of images which I wanted to present to a prospective client for a specific purpose which required the square format.  I was initially quite certain that I would print this at its native aspect ratio, however I have begun to grow fond of the square format. This photo was taken last week and worked up a few days ago. Sometimes I need to spend some time with an image before a final crop feels comfortable.  Thanks for taking the time to offer your opinion and help me with that decision.


I would like to take credit for an artistic vision but honestly i think it goes more to persistence that  anything else. I just keep shooting and the law of averages rewards me once in awhile :-)

As I mentioned to Marjolein above, I am undecided about the crop however I am increasingly fond of the square format.  Thanks for your opinion which you know I hold in high esteem.

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I love the square.  It gives the scene a compactness that you'd lose with a rectangular format.

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Funny, I tend to like the square format more and more myself as well, of late. However I think it is a tricky format  to compose, and, yes, it tends to feel "compact", or compressed at times (either in a good, or bad sense - depending on the image). Here, I think that it definitely  can work in the square format. By questioning the format, I might possibly have been influenced by looking at  impressionistic street scenes. ( & Yes, using the 'painterly' term again :-)  In the end, it might boil down to one's personal taste in that regard, I guess...

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 Gord, I just came back to look at it again and  add it to my favorite collection....;-))

Marjolein, sometimes the square is concentrating the message, and imo this is one of them.  We are  usually prefering the  rectangular format,... but sometimes....;-))

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I like how the people sort of float through the central walkway, relatively unanchored compared to the rest of the scene.  Teetering on rapturous. 

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This could easily illustrate the rapture. I see Jeff alludes to that as well. Very creative, and beautifully executed.

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normally this works best with a single subject but somehow you made it work in surroundings like these. I like that.

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I love it - a beautiful rendition. I think i know the spot from which you took this image. Thanks for identifying the wild flower for me.

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I don't know how you managed this but the effect works beautifully. Nice to see a few new pictures from you. Haven't posted much myself lately.
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I love this...a lot. Gordon this has watercolor written all over it..very nice.  This fits in fine art in my opinion.  Very well done. ~j

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Thankyou for your recent comment, will learn a lot from your advice, and appreciate you taking the time to explain fully.

This composition is quite beautiful Gordon. I've never tried any thing like this and will probably not venture that far for a bit, but I admire your editing and sense of composition.

I know I have a lot to learn but think I have enough sense to know a piece that has been edited well and the final result is so pleasing to the eye. This is one that I think could hang in a gallery and do quite well. Beautiful feel of motion and not overdone. I love how you very delicately 'layer' and blend color and light.

I'll come back and visit your work more, I know I could learn much by just observing your editing skills.

My deepest appreciation again for your interest and advice. Most sincerely, Gail

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Thanks to everyone for taking the time to comment. The summer is short and I've been away from home quite a bit so have not been active here at PN. I nonetheless do appreciate the suggestions comments and thoughts , best regards Gord

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