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Jessica @ 2 years & 3 days!


Original colour shot converted to B&W in PhotoShop via Channel Mixer. Canon A540 P&S, Aperture priority, Auto ISO (100?) 1\80 @ f5.5, 23.2mm (140mm FF equiv.) Open shade.

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I will not change my previous comment , when she was 2 years old....;-)) She is a beauty .What I do think is that this one is too bright, and her beauty is nearly" swallowed"in the BG. I tryed to add a bit of contrast and a tiny bit of  level. What do you think?

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Yes, your version works well.  It's a bit darker than I was aiming for as I was trying to lean towards a higher key, to better reflect the mood she puts me in when she is around.  Apparently, for the artist in you, I was a bit too enthusiastic.  The original file was closer to your example.  It was a bit flat due to the open shadow location  & too low in contrast for my liking.  I'm including the unaltered, except for resizing, version for you to contemplate.  Others will likely put their spin on it.  Let's sit back & see what develops.  (old film pun)  :-)  Best, LM.

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I like the conversion to B/W and the crop on the LHS you did, brings her better to the viewer and more classic. On my monitor, I think high Key is less flattering her beauty. I keep the rights of your- grandsweet- to look her best....;-))So nice to "deal " with you grandpa Len!.

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I appreciate that the ancient ( veteran ) photographers often loving the monochrome image * memories of beautiful dreams *. But for me, if I could get such beautiful colored photo to my granddaughter who has now one month, I will leave it untouched except the crop you have did.

In terms of composition, it is unmatchable.

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The beauty of a colour original is that one still has the option to produce a colour print or web file.  Granddaughters are beautiful no matter your decision to print colour or B&W.  Yours is only one month?  Then get busy!  She'll never be one month old again.  Best wishes in your quest for photos of her and thanks for your most welcome visit.   LM.

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Good to have another opinion.  Consensus seems to be building in favour of the darker version.  Perhaps I was too heavy handed when I adjusted the levels here.  I'll ponder your thoughts for a while.  One aspect I do agree on is her expression.  It's touching, natural, and beautiful.  Best, LM.

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I quite like the idea of the "High Key" original submission, but I don't think the original allows for a uniform high key image. I express myself poorly when it comes to camera technicalities, but what I mean is .......the exposure gradation from right to left is quite pronounced and I think a high key image would work better with a more uniformly exposed original. If that makes any sense. All that being said, the photograph is a beauty and of course so is the sunject, very natural and uncontrived, but Pnina's version is perhaps the best B & W choice for me too.

Cheers Len


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Yes, Pnina! Ignore her advice at your peril!  :-)  While I may have been a bit heavy handed with my high key treatment here I think this one has a lot of wiggle room for it's application in some measure.  I prefer it a bit lighter than the original but it's a long way from the original colour  file to the B&W one I posted.  Also true that the subject matter is of premium quality and it's really her expression which prevails; her essence if you will.  That's what got all this started.  Thanks for your most valued appraisal.  Always a pleasure.  Best, LM.

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I like the all three versions...I like the expression that it is importrant  here...congrats.regards

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Good of you to stop by.  I agree, ultimately her expression is the most important element in the photo.  Everything else is subjective.  Best, LM.

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I smiled reading your answer to Alf....;-))and I too think that what is important is the fact that you can enjoy this sweet child whenever you want ! Warm greetings.

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Its a very nice high key shot with perfect capture of the child's expression. In fact I like the version you posted for critique the most out of three.

Sincere regards.

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Thanks for the validation.  It restores my confidence in my original post.  Not to say I haven't benefited from the views of the others who haven't shared my enthusiasm for it.  On the contrary, the other critiques have at least opened my mind to the possibility of other options in presenting this candid portrait.  Best, LM.

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I think it's a lovely portrait and you should be very proud of your beautiful granddaughter, but I'm going to dissent and say that I actually like the color version, even though I'm usually a BW person, because I love how the color in her cheeks and lips is set off by the color of her shirt, and contrasts with her light hair.  Plus that lovely natural pink cheek color is something that only the little ladies get, us old ladies have to paint it on,  and I feel like it's a shame that it's gone in the BW.   But in any case your crop is fantastic, and as others have said it's a great shot because of her expression. Great job!

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Thanks for your thoughts.  Colour or B&W, something for everyone.  High key or lower key, the choice is very subjective.  Knock yourselves out! :-)    The tight square crop just seemed a no-brainer for me, a 6x6 guy from way back in the 50's.  Best, LM.

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It all works for me, but I find your  hk version more `lively`in keeping with her age and smile but the image itself gets my attention before  any of the treatments cause me to pause.  Lovely girl.

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Thanks for the validation on the high key version.  I thought it reflected her personality better than the original.  Regardless, she does have a winning smile.  Best, LM.

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Apparently there is something here for everyone.  Win - win!  Doesn't happen too often.  Thanks for your visit.  Best, LM.

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