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Thank You Very Much!



Many Thanks for your interest and kind words. Lighthouses are one of my favourite subjects too, and I'm very pleased you liked this one.

Best Regards



Thank you for sharing your thoughts, much appreciated. Its suprising how much shadows can play a vital part in photography, even landscapes.

Kind Regards



Sincere thanks for your thoughtful analogy.  I did visualise this one, but it didn't turn out quite how I wanted it. My idea was to capture it with the sunlight streaming through upper glass, and the rest as you see it. But combinations of cloud and sun movement prevented it happenng.  You are quite right about living close to places, and having multiple opportunity to photograph them,  there is a definate advantage. With this particular location, the sand patterns and pools change with every tide, so there is that to add to the list of changeable criteria that you already mentioned. I'm very fortunate, there are hundreds of great photo locations within an hours drive of home.

Cheers Len




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very dramatic light. what i find unusual in this is the long shadow in the foreground as well as the shadow of the stairs separately giving two lines. this in my opnion has made this beautiful scene more realistic. love it. compliments -koushik

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Hi Alf, All comments and appreciation already documented here, but could not hold back to say "Just Class".



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Many thanks for your interest and kind words.

Kind Regards



Sincere Thanks for your encouraging and thoughtful feedback. I agree the shadows play an essential part in the composition of this one.

Best Regards



Thank you for your visit and very positive feedback, much appreciated!

Best Regards




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A beautiful comp at the right time of day Alf. You've got a great sky. The backlight on the lighthouse really creates the image, It give a good diffusion & also creates the nice long shadow in the foreground. That shadow has a good one point perspective leading the eye right to the subject

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The lens is swiftly becoming a favourite of mine also. I was inspired to purchase it after seeing excellent results from PN member Michael Mancils images on a huge variety of subjects.

Sincere thanks for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated.

Best Regards



Taking the "sting" out of the sun and avoiding blown highlights is a constant battle, and I adopted this technique when photographing some wind turbines, it has the added benefit of creating that shadow that you mentioned.

Many thanks for your visit and for sharing your thoughts, much appreciated.

Kind Regards



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Wow! What else to say? Light and shadows, composition, colours, details, ... everything is perfect. Very well done!

Best regards,


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First I like a lot lighthouses! This is a beauty of nature very well composed and timed, well I repeat the whole crowd here....;-))I like the human figure seen at the top, I think that it adds the uniquness to this frame.Very well created.

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Many Thanks!



I'm very honoured that you would consider this a favourite.



I'm very pleased to read you share my passion for lighthouses, they are like a magnet to me, and seem to represent the all  the best characteristics of mankind. Powerful, strong unwavering guiding lights that have saved countless lives. The human figure in this case wasn't quite human, I think he may have been constructed from stainless steel, but that in itself added a surreal touch that as you indicated added a unique element to the scene.

Sincere thanks for your interest and positive feedback Pnina, very much appreciated.




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This photo of a lighthouse definitely belongs to the best of its kind / genre I've ever seen so far. Excellent compo, Alf. Gorgeous contrasts of colors and shades and lights. Very inspirational.

Bw, Volker

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Wow! thats quite a compliment, thank you!. I think I got lucky to some degree with the angle of the sun, but the main purpose of the shot was to use the lighthouse to diffuse the harshest rays of the sun whilst at the same time using the shadow as a leading line.

Cheers Volker!


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Simply fantastic and a sure winner!  Wonderful use of light and shadows.

Kind regards,


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Many thanks for your interest and positive feedback, I'm really pleased you liked it.

Warm Regards



Thank you for your vote of confidence,much appreciated.

Best Regards


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Stunning use of light ,and a light house to do it with .


Your caption reminded me of a joke I heard that seems kinda humorous , hope you like it ...


A caption of a ship called to the approaching light to move over to let him pass or there was going to be a collision , the vessel that seemed to heading straight for the ship said no you move aside  , the Caption in arrogance said you move  aside  I am the largest aircraft carrier in the world or you may be fish bait  afterwards ! 

The other vessel said Im not impressed , I am a Lighthouse !  




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Many thanks for your visit and positive feedback, much appreciated!

Yeah I like that one, it did raise a smile : - ) Puts me in mind of another tongue in cheek pessimistic observation : -

"Just when you think you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, you realise its a train heading straight for you"  : - )

Cheers Robert!


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This is the last of the three in the series for me to visit.  Really excellent !!

Love the shadows.  They not only are an integral part of the composition but are great leading lines to the lighthouse. 

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I'm really pleased you liked it. It's something I tried with a wind turbine a while back, theres a photo of it on here somewhere. It has a two advantages though, it shields the camera from the brightest part of the sun, and the resulting shadow makes for an interesting composition. Best to wait for the sun to be low though in the first place. Worth a try if you come acros any tall objects or buildings.  Many Thanks Jerry

Best Regards


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