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The wind and rough sea seemed to gouge these contours and left the

pools between, as the last of the clouds moved away the sun appeared

and illuminated the beach. Your thoughts and comments are always

appreciated. Thank You.

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This is simply gorgeous, the light, the composition, the colors. You really caught lightning, or, eh, lighting, in a bottle. Fine work, mate.

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Beautiful!  The pools are like stepping stones leading to the lighthouse. Compliments! ~~~~~L

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Guest Guest


Out of the three new entries this caught my attention more,the light is excellent,but what is even better is the composition,as said above the small dunes leading the eye to the sun and the lighthouse ,what we might call the perfect triangle ,very nicely done Alf,my compliments

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It was indeed a peaceful scene to behold, but the light changed rapidly, the tide receded ever more, and the pools slowly emptied, suffice to say, everything changes, .........but the photograph won't :- )

Many thanks for your kind words Patsy, much appreciated.

Best Regards



Sincere thanks for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated. The lighting is always much kinder after a storm and there are clouds to diffuse it..........wish I could bottle it for future use as and when required : - )




Many thanks for your visit and sharing your thoughts, I quite like that "stepping stones" analogy :- )

Best Wishes



Thank you most sincerely for your feedback, much appreciated. I don't normally post three images at once but this was a kind of experiment to see which one attracted most attention. I usually try to get a relfection of the lighthouse in the pools, but the storm had changed the layout of the sand and didn't  leave the usual pool nearby (Just as a matter of interest, ou do get a glimpse of this lighthouse on the last part of the Dulux TV advert as the dog runs past it) Glad you liked it!

Cheers harry.



Many Thanks for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated!

Best Regards



Sincere thanks, I'm very pleased you liked it.


I hope you are keeping well. Thank you for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated.



Many thanks for stopping by, I appreciate your interest and kind words.

Best Regards



Its really good to know you enjoyed viewing it, thank you for your interest.

Best Regards


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This image is so wonderful that it leaves me almost speechless and that is hard to do. For me it is not one that requires investigating a section at a time because it blends together into one magnificent vision. Thank you for sharing. Take care, Deanna
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Great work Alf, this is my favorite of the three you uploaded. The golden hues of the sky and their reflection in the pools are wonderful. The blue sky also reflecting in the foreground and behind the lighthouse give some color accents to this otherwise nearly monochromatic image. Excellent composition.  I can feel the peacefulness of the moment you captured.  This makes you wish for a romantic companion to share it with.   Regards always - michel

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This is another of your wonderful images.  The light is perfect, and the pools and contours that you describe make the image.  Seeing the lighthouse as a distant element in a larger interesting scene makes this really effective.  And, you captured just the right light.  My only suggestion, which may not have been possible, would have been to capture the light shining in the lighthouse if it was at all functional. Thanks for sharing this one.   Best regards.  Larry

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I like a lot your series with the lighthouse. This shot especially has a neat composition with a lot of depth.

Regards, Tibi

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Guest Guest


beautiful hues and layers here.. stunning capture... take care sam
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Of the three, I find this the most stirring, perhaps because of the remarkable colors.  The lighthouse looks like it has shut off in awe and deference to a greater light.

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Sincere thanks for your very flattering and generous comments, I'm really pleased you enjoyed viewing it.

Best Regards



Its really interesting to get an insight into what images pleases different people, I suspected the dramatic sky of this one and "The Alien Observer" would get most of the attention, and I wasn't too far wrong. I'm not sure about the romantic companion though......my experience of them in situations like this, is listening to them complain about the cold, or the sand flies, or the "why couldn't we go to a restaurent like normal couples" type of remark : - ) Sincere thanks for your thoughts and valued comments, much appreciated.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated.

Best Regards



Sincere thanks for your visit and thoughtful feedback, very much appreciated! The lighthouse was built in year 1819, and has seen a variety of uses, including a lookout post in World War 2 and more recently a Holiday Home. It hasn't functioned in over 60 years so unfortunately, I couldn't capture it's light as per your excellent suggestion. One thing I did manage on a previous occaision was to get a glowing colour appearing through the upper windows (were the light would appear if it was functioning) but what I'd really love to capture, is a beam of crepuscular light from that same source, now that would be something.........maybe one day.

Cheers Larry!



Thank you! I'm really pleased you like it.

Best Regards



Many thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback, very much appreciated,  its interesting to find what particular aspects of the three images appeal, or stand out.

Best Regards



Sincere thanks, I'm very pleased you enojoyed viewing it.

Best Regards



I quite like that notion, that the lighthouse has shut off in the presence of a greater power, but the reality is, it was shut off years ago, over 60 years ago in fact, but when I'm telling the tale to my grandchildren I'll defnately adopt some poetic licence and use your anaolgy  : - ) Many Thanks Jeff.




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Spellbinding and visually stunning.  You captured this scene gloriously with beauty and precision.  You mention that the lighthouse has been unoccupied for some time and one senses that by looking at the erosion of the paint on its structure.  The predominance of brown and blue tones throughout the composition is very engaging and this pattern is reflected on the ground as well as in the sky. 

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Sincere thanks for your interest and thoroughly uplifting comments. The lighthouse hasn't been operational in over 60 years, and probably not used at all in over 30 years.......In fact I can't remember it ever being occupied. It's a brilliant subject though, a beacon in the sense that it draws people through its very magnetic presence. Perhaps the most difficult things to get right are: -  Composiing the shot and correcting the leaning to one side of the structure, and co-ordinating the setting sun with the outgoing tide. The sunset choice combines two things......beautiful light, and minimal people activity, the tide would have been 1 hour later if I had got this exactly right, but you have to work with what nature provides.

Cheers Adan & Best Regards



Many thanks for your kind little big comment : - )

Much appreciated!

Best Regards



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I have looked at this for a couple of minutes - enjoying your craft and the scene. I wondered what I could add here except to say that IMHO it is perfect. My mind did waver briefly on the blue sky at the upper right side and whether it could be a bit lighter and then i thought that it would be like a type of vignetting to keep your eyes more centrally located so best to leave 'as is'.

Thank you for our recent dialogue on one of my images and many other photographers are probably thanking you for the same thing which you regularly contribute to this site. Bravo!


I have now read all of the other reviews and I heartily identify with their comments.


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Sincere Thanks for your interest and posiitve feedback, I always appreciate your open and honest views.

You might have a point actually, in relation to the sky, upper right side, it could possibly be a shade lighter. The cloud formations were quite kind to me and covered the brightest parts of the sun, but left enough light to illuminate the foreground.

Cheers Tony!


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