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sun bathers

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Nice typical beach scene. Looks hot. Good idea shooting through the grass. Very well captured.

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grazie, Sid... i'm just stealing from traditional 19th and 20th century seaside paintings here... grazie for feeling the pleasure and the sunlight ;-} dp

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Donna, I really like the way you shot this through the blades of grass and that they go above the horizon line. They almost acts as a translucent curtain through which we are peering. 

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What a wonderful, colorful slice of life image!

I love how it makes me feel as if I'm sitting away from the beach crowd and just watching as their day unfolds.  The grasses go well with the standing people as well as providing a sense of separation from them.

I really enjoy viewing this images and it's going into my favorites folder.


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Sam, Tony... yah, and intended peep show ;-}; El, intended natural colors, realism, yah; deb, you're always the truest gauge of a picture's emotional effectiveness... grazie much my friends ;-} dp

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Hi Jennifer! so glad you visited. also, glad the natural colors work for you here. i usually prefer bold and vibrant, but opted to compensate a few notches for the exposure on this, to make pastel. actually, i'm kinda thrilled it exposed this way. grazie the ole Nikon. and i luv the naturalism in your wedding pictures; you're so beyond the stock stuff ;-} dp

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Nice clear and colorful image; love your viewpoint here, peeking through the grasses. Lovely work; I would love to be there right now as it is HOT here! Thank you for sharing. :)

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grazie your appreciation Trish; it's Naples Florida... and i appreciate the word "clear" from you, because visuals in the sun on the Gulf just feel clear to me.  your comment brought me to your lovely work; i must study your "interiors pictures", which are unique and gorgeous! ;-} dp

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Really enjoyed this one, Donna.  The colors are great--so bright and summery without being overdone; you've managed some beautiful pastel tones that are rich and not at all washed out in the bright sun.  I especially like the repeating element of upright forms in this one:  not only the people, but also the posts (with pelicans I think?) and even the grasses.  This is another one of your images where I found much more to look at and appreciate than was apparent on first glance.  

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 "...the repeating element of upright forms"... your observance is awesome, elisabeth... looking for meaning is what photography is all about, imho.... and you notice here that everything in the scene is reaching for the sun! thank you ;-} dp

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