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The Salmon was Delicious


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:-D Nice shot!

A tipical cat's situation :-)

Just a little suggestion: you can crop the carafe on the left, so that there's just 1 "subject". The carafe has the focus just as the cat's head so it's distracting.

Cropping the carafe (and only it) the cat's head will be the only subject and it could be not in the center of the photo, so giving space to see the rest of the body (not focused).

Ciao!   Mic


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Maurizio, thank you.

Michele, you are right about the crop, this does look better. My thinking was that it worked because it was balanced and white, but I can see now that it does pull the eye away from the cat’s face. Thank you so much for pointing this out, and taking the time to show me. I always appreciate helpful criticism.

Best wishes, Linda

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Yes I agree on the crop, yet the vase added a little charm to the picture in a way. More importantly you've captured that feeling of feline contentment after a meal, so the title is great as well. Nicely done Linda. Take care.



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Cat's life of course! Linda, I presume this picture was meant to show the life of ease with comfort and even luxury all around, so the cropping would make it senseless! That's my opinion!

Warm regards!


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Thank you both for commenting.

Holger, this is my son’s cat, I am babysitting him. He makes me laugh when he uses the dining room table to groom and sun himself. This is his spot when not watching birds at the window.

Pierre, you are right, I did intend to show this cat’s life of ease. He had a bad start in life as an orphaned stray kitten, but he has adapted to his life of leisure and seems to luxuriate in it. So, maybe the vase is better left in. I appreciate your input.

Best wishes,


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Perhaps it's the way women think and work. My husband can only do ONE JOB AT A TIME....meanwhile, if I couldn't do at least 3 I'd never get anything accomplished, and I don't even have a job outside of the home!!!  But I tend to like both crops. I don't know if it is a milk jug, vase or (?), I feel the phtoto is balanced. I can take in the whoe image and am not distracted by the white (jug)? at all. Its lovely both ways....love cat and his (hers) white booties!!

Warmest regards, Gail


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I guess that he deserved salmon for a supper! No broken china, still spotlessly clean white tablecloth. A well behaved feline! And sharp whiskers. Nice photo.
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Gail, thanks! You noticed the little white boots. I think they are so cute, they match his white whiskers and his grey and white tuxedo.

Brano, thank you. He may look well behaved. He is a feral cat, he is polite most of the time, but he has a wild streak. He will bite you if you don’t do what he wants.

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Personally, I like the inclusion of a carafe.  It conveys a sense of feline entitlement.  An opulent world where fancy treats suddenly appear.  I believe that most cats imagine themselves to be independently wealthy slipcovered benefactors, allowing their servants (us) to come and go as they please as long as the world stops momentarily to meet each and every demand.

I've had cats.  I now have a dog.  I'm considering a goldfish.

By the way, the elements I like most are the whiskers (crisply captured), those little mitten feet, and that wonderfully luminous, sandpaper tongue doing its business deliciously.

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Another vote for the vase. I think it will stay. Thanks. I like your description of the cat’s self perception. They do have a high opinion of themselves. They are all individuals, much more so than dogs. When my sister and I were growing we played with cats instead of dolls. We dressed them up, wrapped them in blankets, put them in our doll carriage, gave them little baby doll bottles of milk and they never complained. They loved it. They were cuddly and affectionate. This guy would rip your arm of if you tried to dress him up in a baby outfit.

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Guest Guest


And yet another vote for the vase. It nicely offsets the cat and adds a bit of classic-ness to the photo. The still life against the living. I'm probably a little "girly" so I'm with Gail on not being so easily distracted by another element, which is not another subject, but (at least to me) a sort of sub-plot or foil. I actually want my eye to stray from the cat's dreaming face as my imagination gets to wander. My eye is led naturally to wander by the fact that you've included the rest of the cat's body in a blurred wrap to the left of the photo. It's also beautifully lit back there, with the warmth of orange having much effect. It's like my eye is led into the cat's sleep or satisfaction of the moment to a recess. The vase, being so connected to the distant part of the cat's body, seems an integral player here. And it's another curve, on a purely compositional basis, also acts as a bit of a framing device.

Cats always seem keen on what's in their periphery. I'm sure he's well aware of the vase and he'll show you if you dare startle him, by leaping to his feet and knocking it right on its side if it gets in his way!

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Linda, I like both versions.  The cropped version is a cat portrait.  In the original image with the vase, I can imagine the cat thinking "This is really MY house and I'll lounge where ever I please".

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Linda, it's a beautiful composition.  Besides catching the feline in such a familiar pose -- graceful, grooming, nails retracted, ears at attention -- the textures of whiskers, hard lamp, fresh sheets with delicate details, soft fur, and the suggestion of rough tongue works.  Lovely

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It is a very nice composition ,the vase gives it balance and a place where the cat is seating. The details are great with the wiskers and especialy the red  tongue.veryseet scene.

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Linda, I like both versions because they offer different feelings. I prefer however, the original because to me it suggests a carafe filled with milk and the kitty licking clean her paws is only befitting to that suggestion. Lovely focus and light...and what a sweet kitty! Very well done! I hope I will see more cat shots from you! Thank you for sharing. :)

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Fred, thank you for your wonderful, descriptive remarks. I'm honored by your beautiful words and thrilled that you like it. You made my day. Sometimes I suspect that when he knocks something over, he does it on purpose. It gets my attention, and then he can persuade me to something for him; like open the window so see he can get a better view of the bird feeder. He loves the birds soooo much.

Kathy,  thank you so much. I'm so happy you like it. You are right, that is what he thinks. You should see the looks I get if we have the nerve to ask him to move so we can sit down and have dinner.

Birte, thank you. They do make wonderful subjects. They are so elegant and graceful.

Donna, thank you so much for your beautiful words. BTW, that is a tablecloth not a sheet. He has chosen the dining room table for his recluse's retreat in the afternoon where he likes to meditate and nap.

Pnina, I am so glad that you enjoyed this.

Trisha Jean-Angela, I appreciate your input very much.

Warm wishes,


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